Bo and EJ


Active Member
Jan 23, 2015
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It has been a very long time since I have been on the Spectator so I can't wait to catch up with y'all. I have been on Facebook seeing rumors that they want to recast EJ and Bo is coming back and was wondering if anybody has heard anything, I am very sorry if this is old news but I havent seen it:)
Bo is supposedly working on something undercover, which is why he never returned to Salem (stupid excuse) John evidently saw him or was in touch when in Europe, and brought back a letter. Bo effectively abandoned his family, and put this "whatever " as more important than his wife and child/children.
EJ and the "needle" was just a way for the show to perhaps bring EJ back, should they decide to do so in the future. No different than the "needle" into Steve's IV, and later the coffin switch.....but it took umpteen YEARS for them to decide to bring Patch back
Yes, there is a lot of speculation, & speculation here as well. What if, Suppose, Maybe, etc.

So far, there is no concrete evidence, no proof, not even a rumbling or suggestion from a cast member, that either Bo or EJ is or will return.
There are a few other characters I'd rather see brought back before Bo or Elvis. My wish list? Shawn D, Belle, Claire, & a new-baby for them (the reason they return to Salem), Philip, Jack, Steve (Patch), Bill Horton (for Kate!!), Sheryl (I thought she & Lucas were HOTTT!!), and Tony & Anna. ALL of this is wishful thinking - I have no idea if any of these characters will ever return.
I'd like some newbie writers, ones that have watched the show for a bit, then a bunch of folks can find other places to move to: Jordan, Ben, Serena, Clint, Paige, Eve, well you get my drift. Then they can concentrate on the core family, bring some HAPPINESS to the town. Then they can think about bringing back Bo. EJ can remain "dead" for now. But until we get new writers there is no point to bring back legacy characters to watch their personality changes and pettiness.
Poirot, this would let the cat out of the bag too soon. Remember, trying to find an actor with the right, I say everything, to play EJ is a huge undertaking. ShaSha
I think I have mentioned in other threads that interviews have definitely led me to the same conclusion about the NBC suits dictating story/actors, etc. to shows. Writers have left prime time shows, even those who created the shows to begin with have left their own show because of the interference. Bill & Susan Hayes talked about the tendency in their book, but just a bit.

NBC thinks that focusing on that "hip, young" audience is the way to go, and the way their sponsors want to go. LOL.

Rumors about recasting Bo have been around a long time. But the show waited too long to explain his absence, and really, still have not. EJ is dead, but, even 6 mos ahead in filming, the show could not make up it's mind if they would recast, so wanted a way to leave the door open, "just in case".
To tell the truth, I would have rather seen a casket switch ala Patch Johnson, then another stupid & dumb injection. Sorry, but EJ was dead for hours. The body begins to deteriorate within a short time.
In my opinion, Stefano wanted EJ buried in his beloved Italy, in the family tomb, so yes, he faked the ashes, etc. for Samantha, and had EJ brought to where Stefano was for burial.