Austin and Billie's names

I don't think that the names were chose to to perpetuate stupidity on the part of southerns. It was more the writers' thoughts on what would portray what THEY consider to be a southern name. LOL. Remember Petticoat Junction with Betty Jo, Bobby Jo, and Billy Jo? Lil Abner with Daisy Mae?
I don't think anyone considers Oliver North or Oliver Hardy to be either southern or stupid. Same goes for Peggy Sue, in the movie "Peggy Sue Got Married". In my state, we have a U.S. Senator by the name of Tammy Baldwin. Definitely not southern, or stupid.

Perhaps the writers need a better education. :)

I agree with your last line, but every time small town southerners are portrayed, they are written to be hayseeds. HeeHaww types.
Oh, wow, fabulous acting, both actors. !!!! :clap: Thank you, Jason. :)

I think Kate would have been written very differently, if Deborah Adair (former Kate) had stayed in the role.

edited to add actress' last name and character name....please remember that not everyone knows the real names of the actors who play (or played) the various characters....JS
The only mention of their real names was when Austin told Kate she was his and Billie's mother and Kate said that wasn't her kids names. I remember when that happened.

@JasonDíSpeech, That was neat to see that again after all these years, I think with Jordan and Ben, we will be seeing a rerun of who killed Curtis with who killed Clyde?