Austin and Billie's names

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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We recently found out Jordan and Ben's real names are Tammy Sue and Ollie.

I'd like to know what Austin and Billie's real names were. You'd think they had different names (as children) since Kate met them as adults and had no clue they were her presumed dead children.

If their real names had been Austin and Billie, you'd think Kate would've said something about her dead children having those same unusual names.
Yes, Curtis changed their names so Kate would never find them, and told her they had been killed in an auto accident. Whatever their original names were, it was never said on the show. But evidently their last name had been Brown???? (This was evidently said on air sometime in 92/93.
Oh man - I'm just not quick witted enough to think of that!! Maybe that's Clyde's real name (or maybe Jeremiah); could be Curtis' brother to keep it all in the family. Love me some Jim Croce:)
I always had the impression that Brown was not Curtis' real last name; that it was a subsequent change after he married Kate, and he just happened to have been fingerprinted under it at some point. And Billie & Austin were not their names, in fact, I can clearly recall Deborah Adair as Kate saying that those weren't her kids names, because she originally didn't want to believe they were her kids.

This is funny. I was just thinking the other day how odd it was that Kate never mentioned what she named the kids. (Probably because of Tammy Sue & Ollie.) Another missed opportunity. (I realise she's busy taking over DiMera Enterprises and stalking Jordan, but would it really be that hard for her to call her kids every now and then, especially given the situation with Clyde!?!)

I think their original names were Matthew and Elizabeth. I have no basis for that other than they sound like Kate-like names that Curtis wouldn't object to.
That whole year (1993-1994) was amazing. Vivian/Carly buried alive, Lucas is Bill's son, romance of Bo & Billie, Carrie & Austin, Jen & Peter, Laura comes out of her catatonia, Tony/Kristen/John/Marlena/Roman, Belle's kidnapping, Tom's final illness and recovery and funeral...this is the era of Days that will keep me watching no matter what happens, more or less. :love:
I don't think that the names were chose to to perpetuate stupidity on the part of southerns. It was more the writers' thoughts on what would portray what THEY consider to be a southern name. LOL. Remember Petticoat Junction with Betty Jo, Bobby Jo, and Billy Jo? Lil Abner with Daisy Mae?
I don't think anyone considers Oliver North or Oliver Hardy to be either southern or stupid. Same goes for Peggy Sue, in the movie "Peggy Sue Got Married". In my state, we have a U.S. Senator by the name of Tammy Baldwin. Definitely not southern, or stupid.

Perhaps the writers need a better education. :)
I'm surprised Sami didn't rename Sydney when they found out she was her baby. Since she hated Nicole so much, I figured she would've changed Sydney's name (especially since Sydney was so young).

Kind of like when Bo and Hope changed Isaac's name to Zack.