Another wardrobe thread

People all over the country are shivering in their boots, shoveling snow, staying in because of freezing temps, icy roads, rain, sleet, snow, and yet Salemites are going bare legged, light jackets, never buttoned, no boots, no gloves, no one catches a cold, no one even mentions getting their car stuck, seeing drifts, and the every hardy Salem women still are mini skirted, sleeveless, etc.
I swear, that Salem has to be located in a cocoon. All nice, snuggly, toasty warm. LOL
It's really too bad that Salem doesn't have realistic winter weather. If it did, it would be an effective way of getting rid of Days characters that many viewers want gone. Imagine somebody like Eric, Clyde, Eve, etc. suffering the fate of the Jack Nicholson character at the end of The Shining.

Frozen Jack.jpg
This could be you, Eric.
I have a couple of kin (Idaho) that always wear those plaid Western shirts (Tractor Supply?). The only problem is that those shirts are taper-cut...
Oh, I forgot, so they buy one, then cut off material to make another???Thus too short skirts, dresses; no sleeves, back, etc.??? Jackets too small, thus left open.

Yes, they get a large dress, take the sleeves and make a skirt, cut the dress shorter for a halter top, then take it in for Will's hideous shirts. It's recycling on an amazing degree; it is a green show, just remember that green wedding. :wink:
All women on TV wear clothes, at least one size too small. They pull across the bust and hips--and a lot of them are way too short. I don't know how they get them on, much less sit down and cross their legs!
Some actress was on Ellen last week and talked about her gown for one of the awards shows. She talked about how it was fitted and gorgeous. But when she put it on the night of the event, she found she couldn't sit in it because it was so tight. She said it never occurred to her to sit and cross her legs in it while being fitted at the designer's studio.
I wanna see this guy in collect some souls...
Lucas had a great suit and wonderful topcoat on the other day. Very appropriate for "winter". I live in north Florida. The weather today requires long pants, warm tops and definitely a jacket. Even the college students are bundled up....hear that Salem U students!
I would wager "no." I had been wondering if one of the "Days" actresses was pregnant, though. But enough time has now passed to conclude that she is not.

With the latest exposure trend on the show, I'm expecting to hear, "Hey, my eyes are up here!"