Another wardrobe thread


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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Oh that grey sweater dress of Melanie's needs to be burned, as do all of her off the shoulder items that look like they are about to fall off. Not only does the grey number look like it's gonna fall off it is too dang short. I'm sure if she raised her arms above her head her you would see her underwear.
I think the producers are planning a crossover with Fashion Police and we'll soon see Kathy Griffin berating Melanie, Anne, Jen-Jen, and Dr McScruffy for their terrible wardrobe choices. :wink:

Nicole usually dresses wonderfully, with the exception of that bizarre feather jacket, and the usual seasonal complaints. I don't know why the other characters look so ridiculous.
I agree. It would be fine with black leggings and nice boots.

And all of Serena's dresses are way too tight!

I said this last week but I think the wardrobe department is getting to be as one note as the writing. Anne always in wrap dresses, Hope always in print pants with a non-matching print sweater, Will's hideous shirts, etc.
Ah, but you have to "get" there. to the area where the domes cover the streets. And I don't think that dome covers the entire city. LOL. Heck, the dome covered ball park in Minneapolis had it collapse from the weight of snow. Salemites talk of parking their cars, needing car keys, "seeing your car out front", so....they do have to face the weather at times.
Then again, maybe their town got covered with a huge high in the sky dome, like in that TV series. (Under the Dome). :wink:
Yep it's winter. Melanie and Brady go rushing out the door. Melanie was wearing a maroon oversized shirt dress made out of lightweight men's dress shirt fabric. Her legs were bare. In heels. Jacket (not coat) in hand; not on. All so they can have her slip on the ice and get her clothes wet. Stupid, stupid stupid. She could have been in pants and got them wet.
Want to know how much it bugs me to see characters knocking on doors NOT WEARING A winter coat/jacket. In fact, none in sight. I keep wondering if there is a coat check station in the apartment bldgs. when you enter. And yes, grabbing a jacket as they dash out a door, without putting it on first! Grrrrrrr.
Dashing out the door with coat in hand would not normally bother me if it hadn't been established that it had been snowing. That could mean it's well below 34 degrees. Heck when I went to the hospital to have our youngest it was 7 degrees. You bet I had my coat on. And my legs certainly weren't bare.
I live in southeast Virginia and it snowed here yesterday but in Salem which is supposed in the Mid West no one wears a coat, gloves, or properly wrapped scarf. Can I get that weather?

The inappropriate for the weather clothing bothers me more than the ugly out of fashion clothes. If the clothes have to be ugly they can at least be ugly and weather appropriate.
SarahBeth, I agree with you on the wardrobe choices for Melanie. My thoughts are this: she looked in her closet and couldn't find a decent thing to wear so she raided Victors sweater drawer, cinched it with a belt and totally turned her back to the mirror. Between the rats-nest hair style and the 29 sizes to big attire from the good will short and wide rack, this girl looks like a hot mess.

As far as JenJen's frocks, some are skin tight and others not age approach, other than that I like most of the things she wears because they're different. Nicole and Kate are the fashionistas for sure. They're dead-on 97% of the time. Marlena looks good, but a bit dowdy and matronly sometimes. She could use some sprucing up, a tweak here and there.
Actually my brother lives about 30 miles north of Chicago and he never wears a coat unless he is going to be outside shoveling or something. The rest of the time in the winter when he is going places he leaves his coat in the car and never puts it on. His 20 year old daughter has taken up that habit too. I think they are crazy, but they aren't the only ones I've seen doing that.
When I went out on Sunday, the weather was in the teens but I still wore a short sleeved dress. I do have an coat in the car if I need it. It all depends on the person, and what they can or are willing to tolerate. People are always asking me, "Where's your coat?" I always respond with, "Which one?" I just don't see this as such a big deal.
I commend those who are able to tolerate wind and cold weather, and don't freeze, who can go barelegged and high heels on ice and snow. That truly is an accomplishment. Especially if one has to push a fully loaded shopping cart across a snowy, icy, rut filled parking lot to unload in one's car.Or change a tire on the road. or perhaps have to walk to the nearest gas station because of running out of gas.
I will confess that I just don't see people in the offices I may have to the doctor, hospital, accountant, courthouse (tax time), or the salespeople in shops.....dressed sleeveless, backless, off the shoulder, mini skirted, open shirted, etc.

LOL, I just had to go about 30 ft, from hse to garage for only a minute, and you better believe I had a winter jacket on. My hands were so cold when I returned. 5 above. I guess, though, Salem is very lucky, it seems to be in a spot that is relatively unaffected by winter weather. Did you see Clyde today, 2/17? Open leather jacket, with a shirt open at the neck. No sign of a t shirt under that, either. Amazing!
Actually my brother lives about 30 miles north of Chicago and he never wears a coat unless he is going to be outside shoveling or something. The rest of the time in the winter when he is going places he leaves his coat in the car and never puts it on. His 20 year old daughter has taken up that habit too. I think they are crazy, but they aren't the only ones I've seen doing that.

It's not uncommon in colder areas to see people wearing shorts and winter coats or fleece jackets as soon as the temperature hits 40 degrees. I went to school in upstate NY and saw this a lot.

What bothers me is the women not wearing coats or wearing them over their shoulders. Marlena did that today. Kate has been notorious for doing this as well, especially when she used to wear that fur coat.