Am I bad... or alone... in this?

There are plenty of coke addicts (I'm thinking of someone I know well, a crack addict) who go in and out of rehab, regress, and rarely ever get clean for very long. It's a hard addiction to overcome. Certainly Brady COULD have a story that drags on, showing how, realistically, his addiction can tear apart families. If he had kids, he'd lose his rights to see them.

Addicts often can't cope with whatever demons ail them. When problems arise (many actually as a result of the addiction...such as breaking and entering, jailtime, being thrown out of family home, stealing from family, dividing family loyalties, difficulty with employment...especially with many misdemeanors and felonies on their record)...many addicts go back to whatever can make them feel better and stay in hiding from their progressive misery.

This story WOULD show Victor booting Brady out of the company and out of the house. It might show him as a homeless bum. It could be a VERY long story. I would not want to see the stereotypical "saved by the love of a good woman" story. Yes, Victor could afford to pay for fancy Lindsey Lohan type of rehab. Brady needs to be hospitalized, at this point, and against his will. He and Theresa are both at risk for harming themselves or others. Prayer and kindness isn't enough. They lie without even knowing it or remembering their own deceptions the next day. He needs big time help.

No whizgidget, you are neither bad nor alone.
What a fantastic thread Whizgidget!!!! :) It is great to hear what all of you think about this particular storyline!!!! :clap: I for one do not want to see Brady pass away from his addiction...:cry: He is my favorite character and I think there is still a lot of story left to tell. I have the exact same idea as some of you as to what will happen to Brady when his downfall finally does come. I think he will be drunk and high after an evening with Theresa. He will unintentionally hurt someone he loves and this person will be John. This is what will be needed to scare Brady out of his mind and get him back on track.
Why thank you for the compliment, EricMSweetie! I don't want Brady to die either because I think he's a great character, lots of demons in his closet, lots of angst with his family situation. And that gorgeous killer boy next door sexy smile - we can't lose that, it's the best smile on the show.

I don't know how he'd feel if he managed to hurt John. He might feel more regret hurting Marlena than hurting John. But what would really scare him? How about he does something dumb and hurts a kid - maybe one of Sami's, but Ciara gets my vote. He'd have the entire Brady clan after him, with Hope holding both a pitchfork and torch.
Maybe it is time for him to have a visit from his mother's ghost / angel again to talk some sense into him. Didn't they have Staci Greason (Isabella, Brady's mom) back for a few episodes several (or maybe more....) years ago when Brady's character was going through a trying time? I cannot remember now what the circumstances were, but I think it made a strong impact on him. If they could figure out how he could get a smack from the supernatural while she is there, that might be a good option, too! I really enjoyed her character back in the day, and it would be nice to see her again. To me, the Brady storyline of today is just plain repulsive without a reasonable purpose or readily identifiable means to an end.
I too have been lobbying for an Izzy B return (I loved her, she is one of my favourite characters of all-time!). The last time she appeared to him was when he chucked "that Old Lady" Vivian in a box. Isabella vowed never to appear to him again...which is why I think it would be ground-shaking to him if she appeared again. One can hope, right?
Brady hurting John, while it could be a good story, is so predictable. I would rather spething else happen that is shocking. Perhaps Brady gets into a car accident and injures himself, and Jordan can be his physical therapist, leading to a love story between them, and he can mend his relationship with Marlena by seeking her out for counseling. It is practically a repeat of her and Rafe's "love story"...but he is just a better match for her. Rafe has no chemsitry with Jordan and needs a more exciting leading lady. Brady can offer Jordan more protection against whoever she and Ben are hiding from, since he is a Kiriakis. I would take anything over the boring relationship between Jordan and Rafe.

I, too, think Nicole should take a job with Victor, preferably Kate's old position. It can bring back her and Kate's rivalry...maybe she and Sami can team up to bring down Kate. That way, Sami can have something else to do besides being around EJ. OR, this can happen once she has learned about the affair, thus, giving her something else to do.
One disappointing aspect of this storyline is Marlena's lack of involvement. We have been kead to believe that Marlena and Brady mended their relationhip and they had a mother-son type bond. Marlena has been Brady's stepmother almost his entire life. And she just gave up on her relationship with him already? It is VERY out of character. Plus she is a psychologist...she should be helping with his substance abuse issues.

As far as over doeses and substance abuse, unfortunately, it's not always the wake up call we nonaddicts always think it should be...I'm noy sure what Brady's "rock bottom" will be. I just hope it's soon. I do enjoy the Brady character but I'm not enjoying the addiction storyline.
I really don't enjoy this addiction storyline, and it doesn't help that Brady looks a lot like a close friend of mine who died of a crack overdose several years ago. His mannerisms are very similar too.

I agree that Brady needs a wakeup call FOLLOWED by a forced hospitalization to have any chance of anything. He appears to be a functional addict--he can hold off while on the job but goes right back to the alcohol or drugs as soon as he's free, which makes it even harder to treat because he can convince himself he doesn't really have a problem since he gets along just fine at work.

I like Nicole as an investigative reporter, if only they would show her actually investigating, so I don't see a need for her to change jobs as part of this s/l. I would much rather see her involved in it in some way than engaged in her own compulsive and self-destructive behavior though. Maybe she could do a story on drug problems in Salem and Brady thinks it's a ruse to get him to clean up his act but it actually isn't--until he puts the idea in her head that she can redeem herself by redeeming him (which sadly wouldn't work)

If Brady has to run someone over in order to have any kind of wakeup I'd much rather it be Jennifer, and not just because she irritates me. Despite everything, Brady is consistent in his loyalty to Jennifer and Daniel, cleaning up temporarily to help find out who drugged Daniel and not snapping at Jen the way he does at everyone else when she asks him about his drinking. He even convinced himself that throwing JJ under the bus was a way of helping Jen out by letting her know her son was in a bad area. So I would think hurting Jen would mean more to him than hurting John who's place in his life right now is adversarial.
One disappointing aspect of this storyline is Marlena's lack of involvement. We have been kead to believe that Marlena and Brady mended their relationhip and they had a mother-son type bond. Marlena has been Brady's stepmother almost his entire life. And she just gave up on her relationship with him already? It is VERY out of character. Plus she is a psychologist...she should be helping with his substance abuse issues.

As far as over doeses and substance abuse, unfortunately, it's not always the wake up call we nonaddicts always think it should be...I'm noy sure what Brady's "rock bottom" will be. I just hope it's soon. I do enjoy the Brady character but I'm not enjoying the addiction storyline.

I completely agree with you on both counts. This is way out of character for Marlena because for all intents and purposes, Brady is her son. Even when he was beaten up by Kristen's thugs, Marlena was there at the hospital as soon as she and John got the news.