Am I bad... or alone... in this?


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2008
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Location Valley
I'm thinking the best thing that could happen to Brady right now would be an overdose or some sort of adverse reaction to the cocaine because it was out of his system for so long.

Am I bad (or alone) in thinking this? I mean, it would be a wake up call for him. And maybe one for Theresa, since clearly the first OD we saw didn't serve as a good enough warning.
The odd thing is .....he did stop the cocaine on his own, for several months. The other odd thing is, Theresa never seems to act "high", whereas Brady does.
I would agree Brady needs a very rude awakening, and if he doesn't end up hurting someone while he is high....then I have no idea what might get him to wake up and see what he is doing to himself, and to those who love him.
Victor seemed to have the right idea with the forced intervention a while back..... wonder why he doesn't seem to think it's a good idea now.... OH sorry for a minute I forgot.... DA PLOT..... and it would require Victor to be on screen at least once... and well Maggie would be tearful.... never mind terrible idea..... besides Dr Dan Tan would be his doctor...... so he could save yet another Salemite.... as I type this it is getting worse and worse..... But no you aren't alone in feeling this story is going nowhere and not many care at this point.... waste of a good looking actor....
I think Eric Martsolf (Brady) is better at acting high. In an interview I read recently, regarding the tape he chose for Emmy nomination, he watched a show or something on you tube of people high on cocaine and used a lot of their actions, reactions in his portrayal of Brady high on cocaine.

I also think we may have a ways to go before he wakes up to what he is doing to himself, he is still in such denial that he has a problem. Much less working to resolve what the "problem" actually is.
meldrel I think you mean Brady...:)

Personally I believe it's a TRAGEDY that Victor is not utilised more in shaking up Brady. I mean, his shareholders might worry that he had two men marry at his house, but NOT that a COKEHEAD is running the company? Seriously....

Line up to slap me if you must, but I really think Brady should OD one last time. Very, very tired of this character. And his passing would really shake things up in Salem.
Good point. It's surprising that one morning Victor doesn't pick up his copy of the Wall Street Journal and see a story saying that shareholders are so apprehensive about a hard-drinking, coke-loving lout running Titan that they are dumping their stock, driving its price down to pennies a share. He'd be so upset that he'd be unable to get off any one-liners and even warm milk and home-baked cookies wouldn't be able to soothe him. That said, if Brady were to make his final exit through the OD route, the writers should hold off for a while. The viewers have just been through Julie's antics over the shooting death of Tricky Nicky and Hope's relentless dragnet that scooped up half of Salem. There should be some interlude before viewers see Maggie loudly blaming everyone in sight for Brady's demise, and Hope trying to figure out a way to charge somebody with something.
I actually agree with my grandma on this one-Brady will probably drink and drive and either hurt or kill someone, which will be a wake up call. Remember a few episodes ago when Brady almost drove while drunk, but Theresa stopped him? I bet a similar scenario will happen.

Impossible! Everything in Salem is within a 5 minute walking radius. :sarcasm: