All My Exes

If these two are ready to commit to a lifetime of marriage, then they need to talk about subjects just as this. If they can get through this without fighting, then they could get through anything!

Bring back LUCAS!!!
I hope they work thru the conversation and come out ok at the end. I really love Philip and Chloe being together because of their history. I cheered for them when they were in high school and I'm cheering for them now. Too bad TPTB can't write a love story like this one. Thanks Kpatch for bringing us the romance that the show is lacking. :)
Lol thanks for another great chapter kpatch!!

I think it's a great idea for Philip to
Bring this to chilies attention so they can talk about it. She has done it so many times in the past. Chloe and Philip are end game and I am sure they will work it out, even if she gets upset at him bringing it up!!
Of course he has to ask now; Philip cannot stand to fail and if he cannot make this family work out, it will devastate him. I think he's smart enogh to realize that Chloe's cheating was because of HER insecurity and I think he just wants to make sure he IS the one who can make her happy in a permanent way. I'm glad they are going to have this conversation. Better now than down the road. Good chapter, kpatch.
I have just gotten caught up on this wonderful story. Can't believe all that has happened since I was last here! Kpatch - you are doing an amazing job with all the characters.
Thank you kpatch,
Your story just keeps getting better and better. I had a lot of reading to do to catch up and it was all great!!! Love the love stories and all the one liners. You have a wonderful imagination. Can't wait for the next chapters.
Chapter 33


Chloe: Are you seriously saying you’re worried that I might on cheat on you?
Philip: I don’t think I could handle it if you did. I think I’d go postal.
Chloe: That goes both ways, you know.
Philip: Of course. I don’t take this commitment lightly.
Chloe: Well neither do I.
Her eyes well up with tears.
Chloe: I wish there was some way to make you believe there will never be anyone else for me but you. I wish there was something I could say ...
Philip: I still bear the scars from when you threw me over for Brady.
Chloe: I’m not proud of the way I treated you in the past. Or that I cheated on Lucas and Daniel. In fact, sometimes I think I should be alone. I think, Chloe, you don’t deserve Philip.
Philip: Chloe, don’t say that. I’m no prize. And I know I hurt you too.
Chloe: Up to now, I think I’ve always subconsciously been looking for something else. Someone else. I’m not trying to make excuses, but I think it has something to do with the fact I didn’t have a father when I was growing up.
Philip: I’m not sure I follow.
Chloe: I didn’t know Craig was my father until I was a teenager, and from the time I was a little girl growing up in foster homes, I always wished I had a strong man to take care of me. Like Brady. And Lucas. And Daniel. They were all father figures. They wanted to take care of me, but I now know that wasn’t really what I wanted in a husband.
Philip: And what you want is ...
Chloe: Someone strong, yes. But someone who lets me be me. An equal. A partner. Someone who I can love, not just someone to love me. That’s you, Philip.
Philip: I haven’t always been that guy.
Chloe: Stop putting yourself down. You were the guy in high school I had such a big crush on, and somewhere along the way, you became my best friend. Philip, you’re the man I was always searching for. Even though you were always right there. ... I was really an idiot not to realize that what I wanted was staring me in the face all along.
Philip takes her hand and kisses it.
Philip: In retrospect, I realize that we were too immature and it wouldn’t have worked out for us before.
Chloe: But it will now. We’ve seen each other at our best and our worst, and through it all, we never stopped caring about each other.
Philip: That’s true.
Chloe: You make me feel safe. And loved...
Philip: And I always will.
Chloe: ... Like on the plane ride back from Ireland.
Philip: That’s a weird analogy.
Chloe: You’re right. That did sound weird. But ... remember when the plane was about to crash and we were running out of oxygen? You held my hand the whole time, just like you’re doing now. You kept telling me to just keep looking at you, and you kept saying “don’t be afraid, Chloe, we’re going to make it.”
Philip: I remember.
Chloe: When I looked into your eyes, I believed you. When I was running out of air, you became my oxygen. And when you held my hand, I felt safe. She puts her arms around him and holds him tight. Philip, I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone. And it’s so much more than fireworks and starry eyes. It’s real and it’s strong and it’s lasting. And it keeps drawing us back together no matter what. You’re my home base, Philip.
Philip pulls away to look at her.
Philip: But what about the future?
Chloe: I know enough to know that there are no guarantees in life. But I promise you I will never, ever do anything to hurt you or give you any reason not to trust me ever again. You believe me, don’t you?
Philip: I want to believe you. I may need a little proof though.
Chloe: What kind of proof?
Philip: The kind that lasts a lifetime.
Chloe [smiling]: I’ll be more than happy to spend my life proving you’re the only man for me ... starting now.
Chloe pulls Philip toward her and they kiss. He rolls on top of her and kisses her deeply. Chloe responds in kind, as she knows that kiss means they are about to make love.

To be continued ...
"You became my oxygen..."


Thank goodness the two of them finally see what we did all along. You are the absolute best kpatch, for putting all the good stuff in here. :highfive:
Yowza!! So wonderful and romantic!! It's nice to know we have you to give us this romance.. The writers on DOOL have no clue.

kpatch's stories..... priceless!
Chapter 34


Chloe: I’m so happy for you, Nicole.
Nicole: I can hardly believe I got the job.
Chloe: Don’t think that moving across country lets you off the hook. You still have godparenting responsibilities.
Nicole: Believe me, that’s not something I want to get out of. I don’t think I told you how touched I am that you trust me with such an important responsibility.
Chloe: If anything were to happen to me and Philip, there’s no one I would trust more than you to raise our son.
Nicole: Thank you.
Nicole and Chloe hug.
Chloe: I’m really really going to miss you.
Nicole: I still don’t understand how I got this job without the required references.
Chloe: I’m sure Brady and Philip gave you good references.
Nicole: I don’t think Brady would give me a reference.
Chloe: Why not?
Nicole: Um, because I slapped him.
Chloe: Nicole! Why?
Nicole: He said some hideous things to me. You would have slapped him too.
Chloe: That doesn’t sound like Brady.
Nicole: In case you haven’t noticed, he hasn’t been himself lately.
Chloe: I wish there was something I could do. I mean, I still feel responsible for him becoming an addict in the first place.
Nicole: No one can force someone to take drugs. Or to drink. Or to stop.
Chloe: Maybe I can ask Philip if he can do something about Brady.
Nicole: You talk about Philip like he has some magical powers.
Chloe: Well, he’s made everything right in my world.
Nicole: Hmmm.
Chloe: What?
Nicole: I figured you just agreed to marry Philip for the sake of the baby ... so Parker would be raised by both his parents. All this time, I thought you were both in love with the baby, but it sounds like you’re in love with each other.
Chloe: Why are you so surprised?
Nicole: Well ... First Brady was the love of your life. Then it was Lucas. Then it was Daniel who was really really really the love of your life. And now Philip?
Chloe: Philip says I’m passionate. He says, when I love someone, I do it with my whole heart and soul. And by the way, you had that order a little wrong.
Nicole: Huh? What are you talking about?
Chloe: Before there was Daniel, and before there was Lucas, and before there was Brady ... there was Philip. And after Brady, and after Lucas, and after Daniel, there was Philip. He’s “The One,” Nicole. I am so in love with him that I can hardly think about anything else. I just wish I could find the right words to make him feel more secure about us.
Nicole: Wow. That’s so weird. I mean, I’ve only known you two as friends. Or friends with benefits.
Chloe: That’s the best part. With Philip, it’s not only about sex. I mean we really are friends. We talk about everything. And we listen to each other. It’s very adult. And that mental connection? [whispering] It makes the sex even better.
Nicole: I’m so jealous. I wonder ...
Chloe: About what?
Nicole: If I’ll ever find that kind of happiness.

To be continued. Tune in Monday through Wednesday for the final three chapters of All My Exes.