Actress returns

I'll add part of my hate to Sami is even when she returned for the funeral of her son she couldn't stop chasing after EJ. It was sickening.

That said, re-Ron did seem to permanently separate them, so let's keep down that path.

Another problem I have with this is stories should be focused on Claire, Ciara, Sarah/Xander, Allie, Tripp, Joey, Haley, Wendy, Li, Noah, Parker, Tate, Holly, Sydney, JT, and other teens, twenties, and thirties. Jada, Shawn-D and Belle, Melissa or Nathan, Will, Sonny, JJ, Chad, Gabi, Victor II and Joseph, (a likable or at least better actor) Alex, Andrew, Paul, Brady, Chloe, Philip, etc.

Sami's a grandmother whose granddaughter can practically drive a car. We know the actress isn't planning on sticking around long. 22 years of The Sami Show was more than enough. Yearly appearances and plots tailored to suit her flighty schedule cheapened the brand.

She's the right "generation" if there is such a thing in Salem, above Tate/Claire/Allie/Will/Sonny/Tripp and aligned with Brady/Melissa/Alex (?)/Andrew etc., but she has had plenty of story for plenty of years. (See also: Hope Williams Brady Brady Jennings.) People in her generation should get more story, with the focus starting to shift to the younger generation (but again, SORAS makes that somewhat difficult, although Will and Sonny are approximately the correct ages).

**end rant**
For me, it was the Sami show for too long and too much hype every time she returns.

Personally, I'd love to see some more Hortons and Bradys, minus Sami, back on the show. Throw in Justin's other kids and the new family that seems to have tapered off.
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All interviews say the same thing, Alison Sweeney (Sami) is excited to come back, was afraid she couldn't do all the lines required for a day, it felt like old home week, and she can't talk about the story that brought her back but it's a good one.

Good like Body and Soul? Or good like who killed Deimos? Or good like Bobby/Everett??? Or a really good story?
She finds Holly's old dollhouse and we finally get to see how Holly arranged the furniture before she was SORAS'd into the bratty druggie teen. :rotfl:

OR, she finds out that Jude was really created in some DiMera Frankenlab using Marlena's eggs and Roman's sperm, so that he's really their child. Sami rejoices to find out her parents have another child together, and we get to see Marlena and Roman struggling to co-parent an infant in their golden years. And we also get to see Eric mope again because his son turned out to be his baby brother. :sarcasm: :rolleyes:
I know I am in the minority but, I love the actress and I'm happy to see her come back. It sounds like it is after Doug's funeral. Other than Gabi, we don't have any other female villains with Nicole gone. Kate no longer has the spunk. I do not count the quirky Connie, she is not a villain, she needs Doc and some time in Bayview and then can join Clyde in solitary so he has company. :rotfl:
Sami was o.k. .........until Days became the "Sami" show. Other good characters went to the back burner, while Sami stayed in the spotlight. After a long while, got boring, folks wanted to see other in story, not just the same person continually.

And that would be the same for any single character who was continually in a front burner storyline. Days has an ensemble cast, they are a terrific team.

And whatever there is should be spread out for all to participate and enjoy.
They really did overkill with Sami returns for ratings and it was always just to bring some drama. I do like Alison Sweeney (Sami) and I'm glad to see her in Hallmark movies to get a different side of her.

I had hoped her last visit would be it unless she returned for the ending of the show. I was into her last return when I thought they were really going to have he get back with Lucas and then they wrecked him. All we got was her officially ending it with EJ and I hope that sticks. I wonder if she returns for some Eric drama?
All these years I thought it was Samantha JEAN and just looked up that she was named after Marlena's aunt Samantha Evans and her best friend Eugene Bradford, so it really is Gene. The Instagram post above had me thinking they made the mistake but apparently I'm the one who was clueless! (To be fair, I didn't start watching til the early 90s and by then Sami was a pre-teen).
To follow up, later writers (at different times) apparently didn't know the correct spelling of her middle name either, because they had Roman calling her "Sami J". She also once carried a purse monogramed with "SJB" and I remember seeing an envelope addressed to Samantha J. Brady. So I can see why people would be confused as to the correct spelling of Gene.

I used to have a set of Days of Our Lives trivia cards and the one question was about the names of Roman and Marlena's twins. The answer on the card was "Eric Roman and Samantha Jean".

By the way, Eric was named after Pop Shawn Brady's brother, Eric. Later it came out that he was a pedophile who had molested Kimberly when she was young.
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