Actress returns

Well swell, I can hardly contain my excitement. Yippee.

But this was interesting from the article:

“It does feel like a time capsule in some ways,” Sweeney muses. “The dressing rooms, the photos in the hallway, the make-up room is essentially the same as when I started in 1993."

Even after all the money from the move to Peacock, which it appears wasn't much, they haven't updated anything. In addition to no new sets, they haven't even painted the walls or replaced pictures in 31 years.
Even after all the money from the move to Peacock, which it appears wasn't much, they haven't updated anything. In addition to no new sets, they haven't even painted the walls or replaced pictures in 31 years.
To be fair, they've had their budget cut, cut, cut and cut again over the years. I can see why they wouldn't put money into upgrading the makeup rooms, hallways, etc. They don't even have the money to tape scenes out in the studio parking lot, but CBS apparently puts enough money into the B&B budget that they can still send their cast and crew to other countries to tape episodes. At the moment, B&B is airing scenes they taped in Monte Carlo a few weeks ago.
Is she coming for the tribute to Bill Hayes (Doug)??? Or is there some new story/plot line where she is in perhaps 3 or 4 episodes?
yeah, I know, but she already has filmed whatever scenes she will be in. Still could be just 3 or 4 episodes......And who knows........Days films lots out of order. Switches things. What about Lucas? And would be surprising if she doesn't show for a few minutes for the Bill Hayes (Doug) stuff.
Her returning for Doug wouldn't make a lot of sense. He's connected to Hortons, she's a Brady who had no real connection to him.

That said, I'd rather that than whatever baloney they've cooked up. If it's filmed already, re-Ron wrote it, and it will stink like the catfish we caught last week.
Citizens of Salem might be just as underwhelmed by Sami’s return as the viewers.

Already beset with problems, EJ hides under his bed.

A recovering Rafe goes back into his coma at the sight of Sami.

Chad fears that the sight of Sami will endanger Abigail’s recovery from death.

Holly rips into Sami after she calls Nicole a babyswitcher once too often.

Embarrassed by Sami, Johnny tries to keep her away from Chanel.

Kate pelts Sami with freshly shucked clams after she mocks Body & Soul.

Mayor Price asks Jada if Sami can be arrested for vagrancy.

Leo wins new popularity after he mocks Sami in his column.

The possible return of Sami has Doc Evans seeking psychiatric help.
I like Sami and also hate her. If she were coming back to reunite finally with Lucas I'd be for it. And extra points if she lit up EJ for raping her. Unfortunately they only bring her back to give her a story that makes me dislike her.
Everyone here seems to hate Sami.

For many, the writers permanently destroyed the character of Sami when she had the hate boink with EJ, then she spent the next several years chasing him as her "one true love", her ever-lovin' smoochy-moochy. They had her totally disregard that he raped her, twice. Once by himself, once by proxy with Fake Rafe (while he listened on the phone, then laughed about it with Stefano). And the show promoted them as the "golden couple" and shoved them down our throats until most of us (not all) were fully disgusted by the character and were glad to see her leave Salem.

As noted above, if she returned to Salem with her head screwed on correctly, reunited with Lucas once and for all, and wanted EJ strung up in Horton Town Square for raping her, I might be happy to see her. But every return she's made to Salem has been a gag-a-thon.
It was shame that the character of Sami wasn't written better, thus when the actress decided to leave, stretch her wings, apparently she wasn't missed as much as was expected. But it also meant losing Lucas as well, and he was quite the fav among viewers.

Am happy for Alison Sweeney (Sami) that she is getting to do what she has always wanted, write and direct. But it probably means she won't be in Salem all that long. Yes, could definitely be wrong. I have enjoyed her in different personality on I do seeing actors from other various network programs when they show up on Hallmark ..........or elsewhere!

Just hope Lucas is returning as well, sure have missed him!
Sami was my favorite character, warts and all, until the hate boink. She was at her best when they matured her to be with Lucas (around 2004) and later with Rafe. But then when they had her chasing down her rapist as her "true love", and Alison Sweeney (Sami) seemed to lean into how great the pairing was, it made me hate the character. I suppose the actress was just toeing the line with the company brass about the storylines with Sami and EJ being the "golden couple" but it was really disappointing.

Even when EJ cheated with Abby, Sami sought revenge for a hot minute, but eventually admitted he was her one and only and reunited with him. :sick: The writers seem determined to keep using the character as toilet paper, and that's a shame.