
That is why several of us have speculated that perhaps Abigail was pregnant last year and Stefano stole the embryo. They could easily justify this by saying he didn't want the baby raised by Sami and Ben. By having Abby and Chad together, he ensures that his grandchild is raised by another Dimera in EJ's absence.

It could still be Jack related but unless he has a disease that requires Abigail's blood or whatnot, why would Stefano single out Abigail and not JJ and Jen too? Or even Steve and Adrienne?

All I know is the reasoning better be good!
Who knows with Stefano? With Theresa having Clint steal blood from both Theresa & Brady, in order to test it, that kind of info could be available to Stefano (for Jack - or some other reason) If he has a baby sequestered somewhere, he does not need Abigail to raise it.
He had no use for Sami, once she delivered a DiMera child, and did not like EJ's fixation on Sami at all. But, he made the best of it.
Stefano's children have all been raised by others, but he made sure his influence was felt. That is what he felt about Johnny & Sydney. Heck, how long was Sydney being loved, cherished and raised by Nicole?
No, he does not need Abigail to raise a baby, if indeed there still is one.
Here's the thing. If not to do with a potential embryo, it could very well have to do with Jack. There was no funeral in Salem. No morgue scenes with Jennifer and the kids (that I remember, and I know JJ wasn't back yet also). Once that elevator crashed, did we see Jack again? Stefano could very well have him somewhere, on the brink of death, in need of something to bring him back. Abigail is just the easiest way to get it, as she's the one with DiMera ties.
I'm with you, Harley. When that elevator crashed, Cameron was the one who went to I.D. the body. Not any family member. (Many long suspected that Cameron might have been working for Stefano, especially when Nicole lost her baby, Daniel Rafael). Then, Jack was supposedly cremated with Jen & Abby going, for some stupid reason, to the Pacific coast, Big Sur, to spread his ashes in the surf. ??? None of it made sense. That elevator door closed, trapping Jack inside, with everyone tending poor, poor Abby, ignoring the fact that Jack was not out. Made no sense then, none of it did.
I could forgive the writers a bit if that's where they're headed. It's also possible that they knew they were on their way out, and they set this up for the new writers as an "in" for something they dropped.

Could it be that these scenes are added/edited, since only isolated Stefano has ever held the envelope? And this is the new writers' work?
Poirot said:
Made no sense then, none of it did.
It makes as much sense as Jack's other "deaths" and miracle resurrections. It got tiresome long ago. If I were in Matthew Ashford's (ex-Jack) place, the next time someone at DOOL asked me to come back, I'd tell them where to go.
Oh, I agree with you, but there are other actors who I feel should do the same thing. But then, the viewers love a character, are so very loyal to them, long after, and perhaps that is what gets them to agree to come back. Several actors (in MY opinion) were truly treated horribly, and when written out, just were there one day, and not there the next. Or they truly were given terrible story, with awful dialogue, etc. etc. Kayla, Steve, Jack, Bo, Lucas, Mickey (original one) Rolf, Bart, Tony, Philip...etc.
I just am grateful for those who have agreed to return, even signing contracts.

And I honestly blame Corday, who apparently just doesn't keep his hands on the helm of his ship and his eye on the compass. When his mother retired, at least Al Rabin was there to keep things going in the right direction. He was a wonderful producer/director. After he passed away, it is as if Corday just let it all flounder around, leaving everything in the hands of first this one, then that one, occasionally getting lucky. But this last go round has shown how badly he ignores what is going on. If he isn't paying attention to scripts, filming 3, then 4, then 5 months in advance. By the time any of it hit the air, the feedback from viewers should have alerted him. He just let it go,ignored it, shrugged, oh, well, they will settle in, and it will get better. But it didn't, and his actors began leaving, one after the other. Again, this is just my opinion.

Back to Abby......I do think the vibes are better between her & Chad, in comparison to her & Ben, but that girl really seems to always be unable to make up her mind.
But I think Chad & Abby are (so far) more rootable. The rape and various other crimes that EJ committed against Sami (and vice versa, to a lesser degree) just made them unrealistic and many fans despised the coupling. Even James Scott (ex-EJ) later said in an interview that they never really shared a love story, and that it was poorly-written and didn't make sense.
As for Chad and Abby, they have always had a history with each other and have been spending a lot of time together lately.