A home for Clyde


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2006
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Poirot mentioned in today's summary that Clyde told Kate something about his buying a house in Salem and I commented, "So, Clyde will be buying a house in Salem. I wonder which current set will be tweaked to be his home? "

Then, I got the idea that we could all help TPTB find a place for Clyde to live that wouldn't break DOOL's budget.

It could be the back booth of the pub or just a front door with a bench like the home Lucas built for Chloe.

Let's put our creative heads together and come up with some ideas.

LOL, KathyLU,. when I read your comment in the other thread, first thing I thought of was the front door and porch of the house Lucas & Chloe had.

Well, actually, since they don't use it anymore, they could "re-do" Hope's front porch & cut the living room in half........voila! Take out the stairs, put in a door that leads to a room we never see. You know, like that door that leads to Arianna's bedroom, Gabi's and even Will & Sonny's, plus somewhere, a back door out of that apt. LOL.
I say redress Jennifer's house a bit, claim he's her neighbour, and start putting them in "humourous" situations like disputes over leaves, fences, errant garbage cans, and visiting hours!! (Heck, it would be better than watching Daniel & Jennifer fret over each other or Clyde smarming over Jordan/Kate!)
He should just do what everyone else on the show has done, and move into the DiMera manse!
Interesting idea. Kate could invite her "man" Clyde to move into the DiMansion. Imagine the reaction of "cook" when he/she is asked to prepare squirrel stew, instead of the gourmet fare that graced the table when Stefano was in residence. Creepy Clyde in the DiMansion would make it easy for Stefano's thugs to find him when the Phoenix finally somehow learns the details of the EJ shooting. (While she's at it, Kate could tell Jeremiah that he can pitch a tent or dig a burrow in the DiMansion garden.)
I like the idea of Clyde getting a home! It really annoys me that so many people in Salem take up residence at the Salem Inn, or some other hotel/motel. Staying at a hotel has got to be way more expensive than renting an apartment. No one has been living in that loft since Belle and Shawn took off for the seas. Or....Brandon Walker had a pretty neat apartment, if they happen to have the walls for that set still around. Clyde is definitely the new villain in town! Now he just needs a humorous side-kick.
I still laugh (well it's a sad kind of laugh, really) over the fact that while Kate was living in the DiMera mansion, her first-born son and his wife stayed in a hotel room, rather than one of its umpteen rooms or its guest house.

Note to writers: I don't need to SEE the house. You can just say she rented a cottage/house/condo/trailer/wigwam on Baker Drive, or Wilson Street, or Kalamazoo Boulevard, and have a line or two about it every now and then.
We used outhouses in Kentucky when I was growing up. We were the envy of the neighborhood when we got our first two-seater. Daddy even put hinged lids on them. The outhouse also contained two baskets of dried corn cobs: red and white. First, we used a red cob. Then, we used a white cob to see if we needed another red cob. We also used Sears catalogs. A person could sit for hours doing his thing and reading that catalog. Ah....those were the days.
A two-seater outhouse would be a perfect spot for Clyde to hold business meetings with Jeremiah -- much more secure than the always dangerous Salem Park where anyone could be lurking in the shrubbery. Of course, it does have its drawbacks. Kate would probably not be receptive to an invitation to see Clyde's outhouse. Worse, an angry Ben might tip it over while Clyde was inside or even move it back several feet on a moonless night. Then, an unsuspecting Clyde would fall in the hole and land in his natural environment.