5/2/2024 - Donuts and National Teacher Day

Good morning. I slept until 8:00. Was shocked it was so late when I looked at the clock. It's cloudy, heavy and wet here so I thought it was earlier. I got 0.7" inch of rain and didn't even know it had rained, though there was lightning/thunder when I went to sleep at 11:30 last night.

Squirrel, I hope your lagging county gets its report in soon. Sorry you have more rain on the way.

A good day to you, Sexton. I do thank the good teachers out there, my daughter included. They have a difficult task in today's atmosphere.

Robin, thinking of you and hoping you are feeling better.
I'm a confused squirrel again.... is today the 2nd ?

OC, As my doc says...your body must've needed the sleep.

With working in so many school buildings, I see everything that goes on. The majority of teachers deserve a special place in heaven when it is their time. A slim minority should never ever be allowed in a classroom or near students.
LOL, went to bed same time, O.C. I did wake up around 6 but fell back asleep and 8:20 was my wake up. Tis same here, grey skies and raining. That is what happens when you procrastinate.....was supposed to go to store yesterday, but...kept putting it off, oh, will go tomorrow, and of course, now it is all chilly, damp, wet, raining......Boo, hiss. Barely any wind so far, am sure it will suddenly show up. Take care everyone, sure hope Robin is feeling at least a bit better. Slow but sure on the way back up to par.
Actually, it is Tuesday, May 7th. !!!

NATIONAL TEACHER APPRECIATION DAY. May 7, 2024 - National Day Calendar.

National Teachers' Day is observed on the first Tuesday of the first full week of May (May 7) and we're more than ready to show our appreciation to those who have taught us. Everyone has had that favorite teacher that has helped inspire them. This day meant to honor them was actually made by a teacher.
Good morning.... I think I'm on the upswing side of this whatever it was...... at least I don't hurt as much and I don't need to sleep as much.... on the other hand I have no energy and no stamina......I fear I've passed it to HB, but it's hard to say he sleeps most mornings anyway and claims he feels fine when asked. We have unsettled weather til this afternoon when it could become problematic weather.....
my only job for today is to shower....

Good Thursday to all.....
I had a topic title and rf beat me to it "Donuts and early planting". I didn't realize date was wrong earlier since
I was in a hurry. I always look at my computer to make sure what the date is. My problem is what day of the
week it is.

I planned to plant flowers before going to the library this morning. I woke up and forecast said rain around 8, then 7.
So I went out before 6:30 and planted two flowers. I took my walk since forecast wrong. I planted two more flowers
after walk. On the way home, it was sprinkling. I hurried inside and put Miracle Grow on flowers. Then took Fenix
outside. False alarm. There's off and on rain until 1. If no more rain today, I can be in flowerbed tomorrow afternoon.

robin, I'm glad you're feeling better.

OC, I'm glad you had a good night's sleep. How are your water tanks? Do they water to last awhile?

Poirot, sounds like you had a good night's sleep too. Good luck getting to the store.

I hope everyone has a lovely rest of the day.

Today is National Day of Prayer.
It popped up inmy fqcebo9k memories...I guess the day varies
Yeah, evidently it is the first Tuesday of a FULL week in May......
rained all day, off for 1/2 hr, then back on, repeat again, still raining.........and chilly as well, but no wind. so far, TV not good anything (for me). I tried organizing closet.........still too early to get out warmer weather clothes....bored. My son is comin up tonite for a week....he will be out at the lake (fishing opener is Saturday) but lousy forecast...rain and more rain. Sunday should be nice....we will see.o P

My oldest daughter was a teacher in Lake Jackson...then again in Houston.So glad there is a day to Honor those..
been in many schools when I was testing vision & hearing.......agree with RS...some teachers deserve medals, a few...let's just say teaching was really not the career they should have chosen.

can't believe it is still raining!...think I will get into PJs, will be ready when the bed calls, lol