4/13/24 - Donuts & the Beach

ShaunP(not ShawnD!)

Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 1969
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Good morning all. I’m currently with my students on our annual music tour. We have over 325 with students, staff, and chaperones in 10 groups of band, choir and orchestra members. We got to spend some time at Virginia Beach yesterday before a full afternoon/evening of competition performances. Today, we head to Busch Gardens for a day of fun and the awards ceremony after the marching band does their parade competition. Will be totally exhausted by the time we get home tomorrow night, but happy to be able to help create this awesome memories for the kids. Hope you all are having a more relaxing weekend!
ShaunP, what a fun event for you and your students! Hard work but making good memories. Thanks for taking time to start this thread and for sharing with us.

It's warm and sunny here today but......wait for it......WINDY. Possible storms coming in on Monday so I guess the wind is practicing for carrying them in this direction from out west.
Good morning.... it is a lovely warmish day currently with sustained winds of 11 mph....... with the gusts in the 30's......

ShaunP you are a brave soul.... I went on a mountain retreat with the 6th grade class, hiking mountain trails, tide pools.... no musical instruments however and while I did enjoy seeing the kids experience new things..... I deeply missed a quiet moment..... We had two medically fragile students along and they were my responsibility they were only allowed to go because I agreed to go to and take care of them..... they had a blast and I had fewer long hikes...... I hope the rides are thrilling and fun and the band out performs everyone else in their class......

Good Saturday to all...
Just returned home from errands. VERY windy, making 52 degrees feel like 42. Temps to rise into 60s and 70s starting tomorrow, but temps at night will be in the 40s and 50s.

ShaunP: Wishing you and your students a wonderful time.

OC: We are both dealing with wind today. I hope you don't get intense storms.

Wishing all a great day, hopefully without wind:)

It's sunny and in the 80s this afternoon. I'm glad there was some wind.

I spent two hours this afternoon outside weeding. It's going to take awhile to get it done
since rain and cooler temps coming this week. Mrs. Finch wasn't happy I was outside. I
think it's time to have more babies.

ShaunP, I hope your school does well with the rewards. Safe travels home.

I hope everyone is having a nice afternoon.
lovely day here, sunshine and 70! Got a surprise this a.m., just as I was about to jump in the shower, in comes my son......SURPRISE! So we chatted for a while, had some coffee and coffee cake.....And I realize tomorrow is his birthday. But I did not know he was coming to town. He left around 10:30, a.m. laughing that I can now take my shower. I just have been feeling bad, he is leaving tomorrow, early a.m. Called him a while ago wanting to know if perhaps he might want to go have breakfast......but I guess he is leaving early. (he did not want to drive back into town for dinner, he said this a.m. And I do not drive when it gets dark, especially on a Saturday when so many have been drinking. Just feel bad he is here, it's his birthday, (he arrive Friday evening so saw his friends & clinked a few glasses with them, I guess). Don't get to be with my kids for holidays or birthdays, so I just feel really sad that we could not do something.
You know, several years ago, my 2 daughters were able to come up this way at same time. One was accompanying her husband who wanted to see his mom in S. Dakota. So they drove up as far as Minneapolis, got a car rental for him, she came here. So other daughter decided to fly up from Houston, then youngest son came up from central Illinois.......and the family was together for first time in ages. And I made "Thankgiving dinner", the kids were wondering why I made such a huge dinner in August. LOL. Told them it was Thanksgiving, we are unable to be together ever in November and it will probably be our last one (it was). Never regretted it. And trust me, those who live in the south NEVER want to travel to the far north in the colder months with the snow, ice, bad roads, sudden snow squalls. (my girls live in southern Texas and southern Georgia. Yep, near the Gulf. :)
ShaunP, big CONGRATULATIONS! Those young ladies do look pleased!

Poirot, it hurts when you don't get to spend time with your kids. I'm glad you got to see your son for a little bit anyway. Sure wish it could have been more. Also, what a good idea you had that time, to make the Thanksgiving Dinner when you had three of them there! Any of our kids can never realize how much it means to mothers to have them together.
Oh, ShaunP............You have to be bursting buttons.....that is just super.........what an accomplishment! Congrats BIG TIME! And how exciting for all the kids. They will never ever forget this time in their young lives. So happy for you all!