10/6/2024 - Donuts and cinnamon rolls

Another sunny day close to 90.

I've been coughing a lot since last night. Hopefully, I'll feel better tomorrow. Tuesday is dentist day.
I walked later than usual this morning to get some sun.

robin, that sounds yummy.

I hope everyone has a restful day before the busy week.
Hi everybody.

I think I'm finally recovered from my crazy work week... 2 schools a day in my northern county then working our huge agency fundraiser after work Thursday.
I was on the serving line for our BBQ with over 750 people. When I was "tagged out", I got in line to get my dinner to go. I was at the point I couldn't stand the noise any longer. Got home just as it was getting dark.

Yum, cinnamon rolls sound good.

robinsnest, Mr Toad got big!

kat, is there ragweed by you? It is still really bad up here, and causiof coughing, coughing, sneezing, runny noses, and watery eyes.
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Wow! I’ve been off here for a long time! All of a sudden, I could no longer get in. Tried again and again and finally gave up! After months of missing you guys I tried again and got through. I WAS going by my sisters nickname for me, Nanahl. I am NOW Grondahl which is middle name. Hope all is well with ey!
Thanks for popping in, Grandahl.

Are you still watching the show?
Hi, Grondahl! Glad you finally got back in. Forgive me if I slip up and still call you Nana.

Verizon internet went out starting from Lake Erie and going south past my area. Verizon says it'll be about 48 hours to restore. (Sent most of their linemen south for hurricane relief.) A massive storm coming down from Canada along a cold front is hitting our unusually hot October weather. It picked up a lot of moisture crossing the Great Lake so reds and oranges on the weather map to hit here shortly. I already hear thunder to the north. You all know how I hate storms! I hope the electricity doesn't go out, too.
rs, please send the rain to me. I don't have itchy eyes so I know it's a cold.
Well I found Nanahl in the member list, no idea why she was unable to sign in.......unless she perhaps is not using the right password.......and I cannot help there. But there is an e-mail addy, says also last time here was a year ago. We can go to Wayne for a fix or way to get back if needed.
I got my planting done.... so now to see if they survive..... one of the transplants were snips from the "mother" plant from last weekend that had roots for days, they should look sad for a day or two and then take off.... for mother's day I got some philodendrons in a "birdhouse" planter they have outgrown their small pot so I've moved them to a bigger pot they should be fine, I have one a cutting from the plant that MAXIMUS had in the office and somehow, that became my job to water the plants, after I broke my ankle and was gone for a while they were very sad but I brought it back. I have one and a former co-worker has two cuttings... so I know they can take a beating and keep on growing...... then I finished up with the biggest challenge. I found a small pine tree and I moved it to a bigger pot. My hope/plan is to move it to the front yard, put lights and bows on it for the winter holiday, should it survive the transplanting....

Welcome back Grondahl.....
Grondahl, I'm so glad to see you back! But now I'm going to have to come up with a short version of your name. Hard for me to think of you as anything but "Nana."

Squirrel, you are quite the survivor but I'm going to be happy for you when you get out from under all that pressure. I'm guessing you'll find plenty to do when you retire though.

Kat, I'd been wondering the same thing as Squirrel--whether maybe you have allergies. The ragweed is awful here too. I almost won't take allergy pills anymore but I've had to take a few lately. Whatever the case, I do hope you'll feel much better soon.

Robin, I bet most of us have drooled today over your cinnamon rolls. I would eat a big one right now if I had it. For some reason I only want sweet things for my afternoon snack....or my morning snack.

My mower guy had told me he'd be here Friday or yesterday to mow but he didn't show up...
until 7:45 a.m. today! He's got some serious health issues so he's had trouble keeping up this year. I sure was happy to get it done though. It was getting pretty snaky at a time when snakes begin to be on the move.

Yesterday I had a bunch of turkeys show up in my backyard, first I'd had in a long time. The deer arrived at the same time as the turkeys. A nice scene while it lasted.
My niece called and we talked for a long time.
Robin you've been very busy! I can't imagine doing all that with plants. I really hope that pine tree in the yard works out. It would be so neat to get to see lights on it.

Squirrel, I'd take the rain but I sure don't want any of that tornado business. I had no idea you had so much bad weather in PA. Hope this goes away from you, or better yet, dissipates altogether. I guess you'll be able to go into your basement if a tornado approaches, won't you?

Looks like Florida is in for another round.
these rolls were standard rolls not the special Halloween rolls.....

I hope the pine tree works too......I had one that I picked up earlier in the year and the summer heat killed it.... or me being gone for all of July and having daughter in law take care of the yard.... she did a good job but 3 trees died.... they'd most likely have died under my watch too.....

Sounds like later in this week Florida is not going to be a place to visit..... be safe if you are there.....
sigghhhh............i know i am in a the minority, probably a very small one, but honestly, weekends for me are a big time BORE with all the sports, sports, sports on tv, no matter what channel. I actually did laundry.............on a SUNDAY!!! however did not take much time. unfortunately. so windy all day, and only 50°. yes, you are right.......downer mood for me today. Hope your day was a really good one!!!
I spoke with my stepmother she too hates the weekends. The independent living facilities have many activities during the week, but none on the weekend. She used to listen to college football but her great grandson graduated from the college so she sits and waits for my calls on Sunday.
I mail letters to the kids and grandkids on Saturdays then Sundays are spent watching a game with my son in Sacramento at the same time, we generally have the same game to watch and talk about via text.....And of course my hour long call to my stepmother.... because she has no one but a son, two grandsons, 6 greatgrands all living in the area who could visit or call but they are busy. I guess I'm not..... never have been....
I don't like weekends either. I do stuff Sat AM, but alone the rest of the time. I'm
outside when I can.

I listen to women who do sermons/talks on Sunday before church.
Robin, listening to the game together seems a super fun way for you to spend time with your son. It's sad that your stepmother's family doesn't pay any attention to her. Most younger people have no idea what it's like to be stuck away somewhere "out of sight, out of mind," (in special care facilities).

Kat, I also have a couple of Bible teachers that I like to listen to on tv. I record them and listen whenever I feel like it.
OC, the women I watch are on YouTube. I have my laptop by my couch and that's how I watch them.
Sometimes when I stream YouTube on TV, they ad commercials.