1-29-16 - Donuts and Morning Stars

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. I've been awake since 5:00 so I went outside and looked for the stars (planets or whatever) Kt has been trying to educate us about. Ha ha, I'm a lost cause but I am interested. So I saw the bright one low in the east, and another bright one west of the moon, which is very bright at this hour.

Have a good day, everyone.
Good morning. Still too cloudy here to see any stars.

I have a very full house. A family of 6 arrived last night. Their mother/grandmother died, and they brought her here to bury her next to her husband [who died last summer]. They had been on the road for 9 hours, so they were exhausted when they got here. I'll get some time to visit with them today.

Wishing you all a good day.
Another nice day here. The weekend is going to nice too. I wish
I had someone to share it with.

I went outside a couple of times last night. I saw a lot of stars. I'm
not sure if anything was Jupiter. I got up after 10:30. This is when the
moon rose. It was really bright.

I hope everyone has the best day possible.
Good Morning Everyone,

Lilo - how wonderful of you to open your home to those in need. Bless you.

OC- glad you were able to enjoy the stars.

Kat - enjoy the nice weather.

We are supposed to have a nice weekend weather wise only to be blasted with 12-19 inches of snow next week. Yippee skippy. :sarcasm: I love winter, but I'm really over all the snow.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
Morning all. Another sunny morning with rain on the forecast for Monday. That's okay, as long as it's not the weekend!!

Lil0, that is a house full. Good luck keeping up with the laundry and snacks.

I spoke with my dad last night. He forgot to take his computer to the shop, so could I do that this weekend? Ahh, sorry no. I've got other things to do. Maybe I can get over during the week. If the man had EVER given two cents about me when I was growing up, I might care, but he didn't. He had wonderful, hurtful names for me. And now I'm supposed to drop everything because he needs his computer to forward hateful email to me? Ahh, yea, no. I'll get to it in a couple of weeks.

Have a great weekend stay safe driving on icy snowy roads.
Hello, folks. My day started out good with a clear sky for early morning stargazing. We had a good frost, but the temperature was 37-38*. I didn't think too much about it except to bundle up a bit while outside. I waited until daylight to go to the store (for dog food, etc.), then I took a pitcher of water out to clear the windows on my car. That didn't pan out for me. I didn't realize there was ice on the ramp going out the front porch. Yep, my feet shot out from under me and I fell flat on my back, ouch. I also bit my tongue and, to add insult to injury, spilled the whole pitcher of water all over myself. I used the back steps after that, once I got myself together, lol.

So I saw the bright one low in the east, and another bright one west of the moon, which is very bright at this hour.

The one you saw rising in the east was Venus. The bright one west of the moon was Jupiter. I was watching with you around the same time, lol. I wish I could be there to point out some things for you.

Take care!
Good morning everyone. We're having beautiful lazy snowflakes coming down with the temps in the mid 20's. It won't last long since we're to have higher temps and rain for the weekend. :( Not much on the agenda today except cleaning and cooking. I need to decide what type of soup to make.

OC - I'm glad you got to see some things in the early morning sky. No planet or star watching for me with all of the clouds here.

Lil0 - You sure do have a crowd at your house with the nine of you including the new baby.

kat - I hope you have a good day, too.

Amanda - I'll take some of your snow. We have less than an inch of the white stuff here when we should have about 18 inches of it on the ground.

robinsnest - Good luck with your dad. I wouldn't go out of my way to do it, either. Didn't you offer to have his computer taken care of before, but he said no?

kt - Oh no! I hope you didn't injure your back when you fell.
Good Friday all.

This is a crazy busy Friday & I am exhausted at lunchtime. Take care everyone. I read your posts at break and hope to post more later tonight. That is if I can stay awake that long. No star gazing for me tonight.
Thanks RS. I just got a message from someone on FB. I don't know what to do to turn it off, so I posted a message on my FB wall letting people know to just delete those requests. I got one a day or so from another friend. It was clearly a scam so I just deleted it.
Do you know if there is anything else one can do?
LiLO: this has happened 3 times to me. Per Facebook my account was hacked. They refuse to close the bogus accounts. Here is what I did:

Log out of every page
Change your password on original page & log back in with the new password.

Good luck!
Good afternoon. Annabelle got second place in her grade in the science fair! :) I'm super proud of her. We're still dealing with really bad internet service and I hope our internet company gets it straightened out soon. Nothing much on our agenda this weekend other than hoping Hubby can make a lot of progress on our bathroom. I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Lilo - how kind of you to open your house up in time of need! Enjoy the company

Robinsnest - I wouldn't go out of my way either! You reap what you sow! It was just the other day you offered to get it fixed and he blew you off, didn't he?? It would be hard for me to answer the phone when he called!

RS - Hope you don't get all the rain there predicting -- maybe it will be snow instead!!

No star gazing for me - dark black clouds here. We hope to go to the boat show this weekend - if nothing else, to just get out. However, the swine flu has really been attacking everyone here so maybe it would be better to stay home!

LiLO: this has happened 3 times to me. Per Facebook my account was hacked. They refuse to close the bogus accounts.

I was hacked a few years ago by someone in the Middle East. I deactivated my account, decided to try again last year, but I just don't like or get Facebook. My account is gone again, lol.

My back is hurting, but not in the way it has been aching. Maybe I got an adjustment when I fell, lol.
Good afternoon everyone.

Hope you are having a nice almost end of work day and beginning of your weekend! Nothing much happening around here and I'm glad for the quiet!

I would be star watching too if I could see through the clouds. We are having a lot of rain for the weekend into next week.

I need a nap!!

Hugs to you all,