1/17/2025 - Donuts and why can't things be simple?


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Yesterday was one of many tasks and phone calls that should be simple but were not. The insurance company for the house, that I've had as my insurance company since I first purchased a car is now going to cancel the home policy because I don't live there, and they say it's "rental" property and I've lied to them. The house is in a trust and a member of the trust lives in the house so per my attorney agent person the house is not a rental as long as a member of the trust, me or one of the boys lives in it. Still working on that one.

issue 2 i went to pick up my meds they were free all last year, thank you Joe Biden for changing Medicare for this help, but this time they were full price. I changed Medicare prescription coverage, and the pharmacy didn't update my records. I had been their once Dec. 30th and again January 3 on non pharmacy related business but checked in to see if they wanted my new card information but naw, it would come automatically. Surprise it didn't. It was worked out and again they were free but lots of paper work and a new label needed to be printed for them?? weird.

issue 3 car needs an oil change lights are on they are scheduling in February. normally I have to change oil by date never mileage but a trip to California and back a mere 1400 miles each way will put 2800 miles on real quick..... so appointment made....

issue 3 HB shoveled his side of the driveway, yes, the man that is to sit with foot elevated till they find out why it's black and blue shoved his side of the drive way to my side so I have to climb a mountain of ice to get in ... but the Subaru has all wheel drive so it can do it while the van has front wheel drive and gets stuck... whatever...

Happy Friday.... storm should arrive later today the clouds are already rolling in....
Good morning. It's going to get into the 70s* here today, before things take a downward plunge tomorrow. I have lots to do inside so probably won't be outside that much until feeding cows tomorrow. I'm nursing a sore mouth today, as my dental work yesterday turned out to be more complicated than expected. The dentist, who is also an oral surgeon, was surprised at the situation, and said repeatedly that he'd never seen anything like it. He spent over an hour working on it, doing, as he put it, "oral surgery and a little bit of everything else." (But thank goodness, no root canal, which as he pointed out in showing me the pictures, was narrowly avoided). I ended up with a temporary crown and will go back for the permanent one in two weeks after my gums have had time to heal. The strange but wonderful thing is that I'd never had one bit of pain in this tooth at all. Even now it doesn't hurt much but is understandably sore.

I got up at 7:30 this morning but am still slow moving. Need to get some things done before my son's family arrives on Sunday. Wishing a good day for all of you.
Up to 37 sunny degrees now, but a bit of snow due on Sunday. Nothing to worry about, maybe two inches.

Robin: I can feel your frustration dealing with all these issues, and you are so right. Life can be too complicated sometimes, a lot of fuss and muss. You are not alone feeling this way.

OC: I am sorry you are experiencing dental pain. Gargling with warm salt water will help. Nice about your son's family coming for a visit.

Everyone have a great Friday and long weekend for those who are off on Monday for MLK Day.

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It was in the 30s this morning at walk time. There was sun this morning, but now it's cloudy. It's
close to 60, but there's wind. Rain may happen this afternoon.

Busy morning going to the other side of town. I went to Dollar Tree and got some things I needed.
Their prices may go up soon. I went to the Walmart on that side of town and found an item the
other store doesn't sell. That made my day.

The smart phone I have without a sim card got a bulge in during the past few days. I found a place
to fix it. I thought since it fell on the floor the side come undone. No. It was the battery. The woman
told me it becomes a bomb. That freaked me out. The price seemed high, but it would cost the same
to get a used phone. Since I use for reminders, I had battery replaced.

Now it's time to study.

robin, I can't believe HB did that. That would cause a big problem if someone did that to me.

OC, I hope your mouth feels better when your visitors come.

Wilde Woman, stay safe when the cold temps come your way.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.
Sun was out for a very short time. Am with Robin on things that should be simple turn out not to be. Lucky for me, my son came this a.m. (he actually arrived last night). We went to the bank to get his signature on my account.....last winter when I landed in the hospital, was a while before something were taken care of, just figure better safe than sorry. And then, I had changed my health ins. plan, same company, but reduced the premium a lot. However, the company took both premiums out (automatic) this month, so my son got on the phone and after getting transferred a couple times, managed to get it fixed. We won't be able to tell until next month, but.....they will be sending me a check for the extra premium they had taken.

Also got my credit card situation straightened out. Supposedly I can use the one card, the other is supposedly in the mail. Still don't understand why a company would issue new cards and not inform their clients that old ones are being cancelled and new ones on the way.

Had a really bad night's sleep, or should I say, lack of sleep. Went to bed around 11, fell asleep finally midnight, woke at 3 a.m. and.....still awake. Unable to get back to sleep again.

Tis cloudy, overcast, but is 36!!!! aND tomorrow......the high is to be 8, with temps then going to the below zero range. Sheesh!

Do you & hb share your driveway? Which is why hb did not shovel "his side" the other way, rather to yours??
When my grandmother passed her daughters, my mom and aunt had all sort of issues with her accounts, no will split time with daughters and all it's a blur but the week after my grandmother funeral my mom made me come with her to the bank and she put me on all of her accounts and safe deposit box. I've got my son on my accounts, no safe deposit box, but he is on checking and all savings accounts......

I need to get out to get some peppers.... I'll have to go alone as the only place with them via web search and calling around is Wal-Mart and HB won't even drive in their parking lot let alone shop there.... I'd go elsewhere but they are on a nice day within walking distance on a cold day too but who wants to slip and slide on ice today?? not me....

HB has his appointment for his sonogram/ultrasound thingy.... so Monday afternoon's taken.... and it will be an amazing 20 that day.... I'll leave the BEAST home it will be too cold for him to wait in the car......

Off to climb icy Mt Hunny Bunny.... with the Subaru....
My mom put my brother on her bank account because my last name different. It didn't take long for
him to clean it out after my mom died, but there was other money. My son is on everything.

Poirot, I'm glad your son was able to get things straightened out for now.

robin, good luck climbing Mt HB.
Kat, Am really sorry your brother didn't prove as trustworthy as your mom thought. My children all live far away, but my son is the closest in distance, and in keeping in touch. Tis so nice when family all lives in same area. Think I mentioned how one time,in August, for whatever unusual reason my daughters were both here at same time, so my son drove in and I made this huge "holiday" dinner, which shocked the daughters......but I said that with everyone living so far away now, and their own families, probably will be the last time we'd all be together (it was) as it was too hard for Thanksgiving, Cristmas, and winter hits here early so roads might not be good. One never knows. Heck, it snowed today, and tho we have temps in 30s........they will be taking a huge nosedive tomorrow. Just hoping it doesn't do a heavy snow. My son WAS going to leave Monday, but now says he going Sunday. Fingers crossed weather cooperates.
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Poirot, I'm so, so glad your son came and helped you with some things. It's good that he seems to have your best interest at heart. I nearly always have a thing or two for my son to get worked out for me when he comes. I did the "name on bank accounts" thing with him about a year ago.

Kat, how sad that your brother misused your mother's account. That same thing happened with my son-in-law's grandmother when she put one of her granddaughters on her account. It's not easy to get old and have to put oneself into vulnerable positions.

Robin, I hope your Subaru was up for the task. We took our son home from the hospital (when he was born) in a Subaru and later brought it (the Subaru and the son too) from Pennsylvania to Texas when we moved here. It was a good car. I was reluctant to get rid of it because of the memories.

Sexton, I hope you're prepared for the cold weather.

Poirot, it's too bad your son has to leave early but it is probably a wise decision. I hope the driving conditions won't be too bad.

It seemed strange to be in the low 70s* today. Sun came out for a while too. The wind was gusting to 35 mph and had dust/sand in it because the wind came out of the west. It's in the process of turning from south to north.
I left out (and corrected) my brother took the money after my mom died. Did any checks any bounce?

Poirot, I'm sorry your son has to leave early. It's better he leaves before the roads get bad.

OC, take care and enjoy your visit with your family.
You know, OC.....It's been a while, but I had told my son that when My time comes, he should go to the bank and withdraw MOST of the money. Leave some, not much, but just get it out of the account. LOL.
My older son was in the military, and I know if anything happened to him, the govt. would swoop in and take it all back, every cent in the account. O.K. I just don't trust the banks. Years ago, had a dispute with state of Wisc. over unemployment compensation. They were wrong, but before that was decided, they had gone to my bank and confiscated the money in my checking account. The bank admitted they were wrong, as did the state of Wisc. (had no right to do so) but the money never was returned to me. It was quite the hassle at the time.
Oh Kat I’m sorry about your brother and the money. I figure my brother will be the same.

Healthcare stuff is so aggravating sometimes Robin - im sorry you had to deal with it.

It was in the 50’s today - 90% of our snow is gone. Finally got Siege’s car out of the yard so she could return Bella’s to her. It’s rained a little this evening and we are expecting arctic air temps here next week with what could be negative windchills - we will see. Hopefully no more snow though