Days of Our Lives - Thursday, May 2, 2024


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2009
Reaction score
South Carolina
37 minutes

Peacock description "After an awkward start, Eric and Nicole start to get comfortable with each other."

Show opens with shot of office building, Nicole and Eric chat about working together. Eric checks on Jude who is asleep and asks Nicole to watch him for a minute, then leaves. Nicole's phone rings, it's EJ asking how her first day is going? She says she will be there late. EJ will be late too. Nicole tells him of her first assignment which is a "feature series on the unhoused of Salem." EJ thinks that sounds sketchy. He doesn't want her to be alone. Nicole tells him she won't be, she'll have the photographer with her. (She does not disclose who that photographer is.)

Eric returns and Nicole wants to know why he brought Jude with him and asks if everything is ok? Eric makes that weird face we all love to comment on. He later tells Nicole he's fine. Nicole says that he can talk to her! Eric spills the beans that he and Sloan are having troubles. They remember their breakup, Eric goes to apologize, and Nicole reminds him they are both moved on and maybe it's not a good idea they work together. Nicole thinks EJ wouldn't like it. Eric agrees Sloan probably wouldn't like it either.

Nicole says Sloan is a smart cookie and loves him. Eric says he needs this job. Nicole does too. Ok, so they will work together after all, let's get started. They both know just where to start. Nicole makes a remark that Chad knew what he was doing pairing them together. Eric smiles.

Kristen is working the scholarship in honor of Li Shin on her iPad. Stefan walks in wanting to know when Gabi will get out of prison? Kristen counters when she will get to be CEO? Stefan says that it turns out he knows a little secret. Stefan says that EJ's weakness is Nicole. She would be furious if she found out EJ could have prevented Holly's OD. Kristen suggests she should blackmail him. Stefan says EJ values his marriage to Nicole more than power. He'd do anything to keep Nicole from knowing.

Kristen tells Stefan about the scholarship. Stefan says they will have to convince the board that EJ has bitten off more than he can chew. He says when they get what they want, EJ will have nothing. Kristen laughs in a Wicked Witch of the West kind of way. Kristen worries when Gabi gets out of jail, she'll try to take the CEO position from her.

Stefan assures her he will tell Gabi to stand down. She needs to get her out of prison or their whole agreement is void. They discuss how their plan will work. Kristen points out that no one actually witnessed the stabbing, she will use that to get Gabi out. If that doesn't work, Kristen is sure she will figure it out.

Ava is getting coffee at the Brady Pub; she greets Roman and asks about her lease application. Roman says it was denied. He explains she is unemployed. Ava asks to work there and points out he is shorthanded. Roman reluctantly agrees she can start the next day.

Harris runs into Marlena, they small talk about how he's doing physically and mentally. So far so good. Marlena asks if he agrees that Bayview was a success? He does agree. He wants to know why all the questions? Marlena is just concerned and cares about him. Harris mentions John and asks if he is ok? Marlena says he will be. Ava walks out and says hello, Marlena excuses herself and goes into the Brady pub. Harris and Ava celebrate her new job at the pub. Ava says all is good so long as they don't get busted for breaking into the Bistro. Harris says not going to happen.

At the local bar, Leo is drinking heavily and asking for 4 extra extra dirty olives in his martini. Sloan walks in and says he looks terrible. He says she does as well. She wants to know what's wrong? He tells her his heart is shattered and tells her about the Dear John letter, that he was dumped. She says "God, no! Are you sure it was from him??" Leo confirms, yes, it was him. Sloan is sorry. Leo says this is all her fault. She asks how? He sarcastically laughs at her supposedly being the best lawyer. Because she couldn't get Dimitri out earlier, it's her fault he fell in love with some other convict. Leo complains about not having money anymore also. Leo suggests he should just go die.

Sloan tells him maybe fashion shouldn't have had priority over saving money and paying rent. His priorities are out of whack. He sees her point. He figures it serves him right since he got with Dimitri cheating on his best friend Gwennie. Leo takes another drink. Leo and Sloan argue about her cutting him off. She hopes he hasn't changed his mind about keeping the truth about Jude a secret. Leo is annoyed she wants him to keep a secret for free. He is a shell of his former self anyway, he is pitiful and loveless. He bangs his head drunkily onto the table.

Sloan suggests Leo should be thanking her. She could put him away for his crime of blackmailing her. It is in both of their best interest to just keep their mouths shut. Sloan takes a drink and leaves. Leo orders another martini.

Rita is leaving EJ's office and says she will see him in the morning. EJ says that actually he needs her to stay. Rita says her days of working until midnight ended a century ago. EJ says not to worry. She says he is just like his father. EJ tells her to order them dinner, he'll have the usual. Rita calls him a stuffed shirt, he makes a face, she says she means he wants stuffed shells. EJ laughs as she goes to order.

Rita returns and wants to know what in God's name is he up to, young man?! EJ sarcastically wishes she wouldn't talk to him like he is 12. Rita wishes she did know him when he was 12, she'd have taught him manners and maybe he would have turned out more reasonable. EJ agrees. Rita gives him advice and EJ says he is going after Titan. Rita and EJ chat about what he needs to start takeover of Titan. She reminds him this isn't her first rodeo; suggests he go after more while he's at it. EJ knows she is being sarcastic and just looking out for him. She misses the old goat. EJ appreciates her.

Harris and Ava are walking around the Bistro in the dark with flashlights. They talk about a plan to split up and find the book quickly. Nothing has turned up; they have searched everywhere. Stefan walks in and asks what they are doing? Stefan argues with Harris and Ava about why they are there. Ava stops him from calling the police by telling him about her conversation with Clyde and what he asked her to do. She tells Stefan they can't find this book he wants. Stefan asks what he can do to help.

They begin to search the chairs. They stop to discuss the search and Ava remembers there was a wine no one was allowed to touch. They go and grab it. It never even had dust on it. Harris points out it's lighter than the rest. Stefan holds the bottle and says that it's because it is empty. Ava takes the bottle and unscrews the bottom, pulls out a rolled-up book.

Marlena has taken her seat at the pub and Roman says hello. She says she is waiting for John and asks if everything is ok? He says it's the job of the bartender to listen to problems. Marlena says she is worried about Eric and Sloan. Roman is too. He says it seems more than that though.
Roman brings her a glass of wine and sits down, ready to listen. Marlena admits she is worried about more. She worries about John.

She talks about John claiming his life started the day they met at the hospital and their hands touched. There's so much of his past missing. Marlena regrets not being able to help him recover those memories. She gets a text and says the meeting is over, she has to go. She thanks Roman for listening. Roman assures her Eric will be ok, she should focus on helping John. Marlena thanks him again and leaves.

Kristen is drinking wine and talking to Alex on the phone about having more sexy time soon. She hangs up the phone as EJ walks in. He says he has heard that the Kiriakis man has found interest in her goodies. EJ wants to know if she plans to get a job? They go back and forth about her causing mischief. She tells him that she will always rise from the ashes like father did.

Sloan is walking through the square at night talking to Melinda on the phone and tells her that Dimitri broke up with Leo. She sees Eric and Nicole walking with Jude together and looks upset.

Leo is sitting alone trying to figure out how to make the money he needs to continue to live like he does. He talks to himself about various jobs he could do. He then decides he only promised he wouldn't tell Eric about Jude. He could tell EJ and blackmail him, then he leaves the bar.

Sloan is still watching Nicole and Eric as they fuss over Jude, who is crying.

EJ's doorbell is ringing. EJ storms towards it angrily and annoyed. He opens the door to find drunk Leo standing there. Leo wants to tell him a secret for a price. He also wants a very dirty martini with 4 olives. They go back and forth a bit with snarky remarks, Leo says this secret is going to cost you, but you're going to want to pay because the secret that he has is a doozy!
Thank you so much DaysLady for taking today for me. This whatever I have has really knocked me down.

If I'm going to hide a book I need to get to over and over again, I'd put in the upholstered furniture, where someone with a Princess and a Pea bottom could complain how uncomfortable this chair is. Clever place to hide the book, shouldn't have taken Ava so long to find it.

Sorry Days, the time when I was a rooting Eric and Nicole fan is over. You've crushed those thoughts with the continual judgment of Eric over every mistake Nicole made, while never looking at how awful Eric is.

Can we keep Rita for a lot longer? Please?
I cannot believe that no one has come up behind Leo and Sloan ever talking about the baby stuff. Never. I really do like Leo. He's very entertaining.

Rita is a hoot! Geez, if she actually worked for Stefano, how come we haven't seen her before?

I am so glad Ava finally told Stefan why they are at the Bistro. I thought she should. He would understand and he did. Dang, they are smart when they put their heads together. Clyde needs to be gone though. He gets away with way too much. Hopefully comes for black book and gets arrested again. Of course he can tell who broke him out and get a deal. Ugh.

I thought Eric and Nicole would decide not to work together. Come on, they both know their spouses are not going to like it. Loved Sloan seeing Nicole & Eric with Jude. She was seething.
I like Rita, she is a riot. I look forward to her scenes.

Nicole and Eric working together should generate tons of conflict and drama. Wondering if Nicole and Ejerk signed a prenuptial agreement? If not, I want her to take him to the cleaners

The storylines seem to be picking up the pace. They had been moving along like a thundering herd of turtles.

Now if they will speed up the exposure of Krummy Kreepy Konstantin and get him out of Days of Our Lives permanently.
Eric makes that weird face we all love to comment on.
:rotfl: :rotfl: I can see it!!
Stefan says EJ values his marriage to Nicole more than power.
Uh-oh, EJ clone alert!!
Sorry Days, the time when I was a rooting Eric and Nicole fan is over.
:clap::clap: Hear, hear! And knowing what we know about behind the scenes stuff (which is responsible for most of their terror), this seems silly.

These are definitely not solely scab writers’ episodes. The show's still glacial, but it's more like a glacier going down a slope rather than a steppe.
Fie on the powers that be for not bringing back Peter Porte as Dimitri, or if that wasn’t possible, a handsome recast. A happy Leo is more entertaining than one who’s working on his sixth double martini.

Stefan Zero and Kritter are fools. EJ may not seem that slick, but he’s Stefano-trained and has been around the Salem block more than a few times. The two biggest losers will never get the better of him, especially with Rita around.

Could the roof be about to fall in on those two tiresome criminals, Clyde and Sloan? It’s about time for the shyster baby thief to take a fall and for the Poplar Bluff pill pusher to land in Leavenworth.
Thanks, DaysLady.

The Bistro must be in a different state/time zone? Ava told Harris the Bistro doesn't open until 4 and they
had time to look before staff came in. Other parts of Salem people are working late and having dinner.

Interesting place to hide a black book, in a fake wine bottle.

Nice to see Rita again. She knows a lot of secrets.

How long before EJ falls on his face with running DiMera, being DA and now going after Titan? We all know
the bigger they are the harder they fall. How big a splat will EJ make? :)

What is wrong with Roman? He hired Ava to work at the pub. I'm not surprised. After he put up the help
wanted sign I wondered if she would get it.

Will Gabi ever have a trial? She's been in prison without one.