Un-Fun Facts


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
When creating the "new characters" thread a few weeks ago, I stumbled on some un-fun facts from the show's history.

Bill and Laura weren't the only rapist/victim the show tried to portray as a happy couple - Susan Hunter Martin Banning (Julie's friend turned enemy; they fought over David Martin, the biological grandfather of Eli Grant) left town with her rapist instead of marrying his brother, whom she had actually loved.

Kate Roberts isn't the only woman who's bedded men from several generations - Linda Patterson Anderson, who slept with Mickey, also slept with Mike Horton, and later pretended to have slept with her daughter Melissa's boyfriend, Pete Jannings. She was also not above manipulating her relationship with her child to get rich, like Kate herself. (Current title holder is Nicole, for bedding Victor, Xander, and Brady - three generations on the Kiriakis tree.)

Marie Horton, in addition to her ill-fated romance with amnesiac/surgically altered brother Tommy, was engaged to Tony Merritt, but later married his father Craig.

What from the show's distant history (pre-1995) gives you pause when you remember it/when you learned about it?
Someone keep her from Tate after her relationship with EJ implodes and Eric scowls at her the wrong way.
They'd never have an older woman boink a teenager. Oh, wait.


This was when Jennifer walked in and saw Eve and JJ playing mattress polo.
I just realized that Liz Chandler was Nick Fallon's aunt.

Liz's mother was Sunny Chisholm. Sunny was married to Kellam Chandler and had Liz and her brother Todd. She committed suicide when Liz and Todd were young (but not small children).

Joshua Fallon came to Salem and it turned out Sunny Chisholm was his biological mother. Not sure if he was born before Liz and Todd, or after. But I believe he was given up for adoption as an infant. He came to Salem looking for answers about his past, and discovered Kellam Chandler (who was a monster) drove Sunny to committing suicide years earlier.

So Joshua Fallon was Liz and Todd's half brother, which makes Darling Nicky the nephew of Liz. This also means Nick Fallon and Noel Curtis were cousins.

Edited to add: it appears Liz and Todd Chandler were half-siblings (different mothers), so Liz and Joshua weren't biologically related, so she's not Nick's aunt.
Especially since he raped Marlena. Joshua, who had become friendly with Marlena (they went on a few dates, but realized they were better as friends), found out Kellam raped her. He went after Kellam and held a gun on him. During this exchange, it came out that Kellam drove Sunny to suicide. Todd was nearby and overheard. He confronted Kellam and I think he managed to get the gun from Joshua. He and Kellam fought over it, and Kellam was killed. Joshua asked Marlena to intervene in Todd being charged with Kellam's death. She did and Todd was eventually cleared after some time in a mental hospital.
OK, wait, need to revise this. Apparently Liz and Todd were half-siblings and Liz was born to Kellam's unnamed first wife. Seems there's no info about this woman, whether she died or they divorced. He then married Sunny Chisholm, who appears to have had Joshua Fallon and given him up for adoption, before she married Kellam and had Todd.

So, Todd Chandler was Tricky Nicky's uncle. Liz and Noel weren't related to Nick Fallon.