Random Thoughts of Salemites, Part 6

Xander: Sarah now seems to think that I’m a better guy because Susan miraculously survived. It makes no sense, but I’ll take it.

Belle: Shawn cheated on me, Shawn cheated on me, Shawn cheated on me ….

Sloan: Eric has his shorts in a knot because I’m representing Xander? It must be because he’s unfamiliar with the concept of earning a living.

Brady: Rachel’s a brat and now Tater Tot’s a feckless loser. I should have raised both of those kid all by myself.

Susan: OMG, Edmund Crumb turned out to be a real crumb. It makes me really appreciate Roger.

Talia: Whatever made me think that coming to Salem was a good idea?

Harris: Forget Batman. I’m the real action hero. Yay me!

Maggie: Maybe I’m getting suspicious, but I can’t help wondering if this Konstantin is an old grifter who knew my Victor back in the day.

Edmund: Perhaps, it’s better that Susan escaped. I really don’t have any more room in the back garden to bury my murder victims.
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EJ: I’d hate to think that Holly isn’t as angelic as I thought.

Eric: Sloan always act so nervous around the baby. What gives?

Sloan: Why did I ever listen to Melinda? The stress of the baby thing is killing me.

Steve: Are we losing our touch? By now that creep Konstantin should have fled town, but he’s still here.

Trippy: Maybe China wouldn’t be so bad. I hear you can get Wanchai Ferry dumplings there.

Tater Tot: Why didn’t I behave in boarding school? I had a good deal there.

Leo: I hope Dimitri will be able to read my Whistleblower columns in prison. They will keep up his morale.

Maggie: Why are Steve and John so down on Konstantin? He seems so charming.

Harris: People won’t think I’m dull after I break up Salem’s drug ring.

Everett: I bet that foolish lover boy, Alex, never imagined that I’d win the battle for Stephanie’s affections.

Drug Dealer Holtzenkamp: Why would anyone think I’d turn on Clyde? It would be suicide.
Xander: Should I cut off Konstantin’s head with my cool Scottish broadsword or simply break his neck?

Ava: OMG, why did I use my good wine to get drunk with Stefan?

Eric: My soul is probably doomed. I’ve committed so many depraved sins with Sloan that divine forgiveness seems unlikely.

Everett: Wow, I’ve bedded Stephanie! Was it my charm or the power of my handsome beard?

Harris: I want a raise. How many Salem cops have ever pulled off a successful drug raid?

Lucas: Listening to preachy Mom and bossy Harris is almost as bad as being in prison with Clyde and his thugs.

Konstantin: is John even worth having as a pawn?

Chad: I wonder if other people find me as boring as I find myself?
Stephanie: Everett’s beard is so scratchy. Should I suggest he shave?

Salem fireman: The Horton house is on fire? Rats. Just when I was about to win a good poker hand.

Everett: Thank God for my beard. Otherwise, I’d look just like Nick Fallon.

EJ: Thank God for my beard. At last I look like a serious person, just like Father.

Clyde: Why don’t those pesky Salemites just let me sell my drugs?

Ben: I wonder what my awful father is up to now?

Zero: I’m so sick of people telling me how much they love “my” Liberty Mutual commercials.

LiMu emu: I’m so tired of people asking what it’s like to work with a DiMera.

Harris: OMG, I’ve been shot. Now I’ll have to do those boring scenes where I lie in a hospital bed with a tube up my nose.
Reply from Substitute Doug: Poor “Doog,” he can’t face the fact that he’s not as handsome as I am or that Biboo likes me better. By the way, people like Wendy, Chanel, and Ava all prefer me to their mundane boyfriends. Unfortunately for them, I like Biboo bettter than any Salem woman.
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Jude: I like Uncle Leo much better than stupid Mommy Sloan. She can go kick rocks.

Holly: Should I come clean about the drugs? Nahhhh, what's the worst that can happen?

Julie: I should probably check on Julie's Place. Do I even still own it?

Sami: So my stoopid bad twin is back to photography? Hmmmm, I bet that kid of his could take better pictures with a Fisher Price Click-o-matic.
Sloan: Parenthood is vastly overrated. And I don’t think that kid even likes me.

Tate: All my problems are caused by stupid EJ’s rush to judgment. Stefano really did have dumb children.

Paulina: People in the hospital are always praising somebody named Maxine. If Abraham regains his memory, will he dump me for her?

Rafe: I need to speak to the personnel department about hiring practices. instead of catching criminals, Jada just rants about Bobby/Everett and now Goldman has run off with fugitive Clyde. We must be more careful with our hires.

Stefan: OMG, if Harris talks I might be going down for attempted murder! Nah, can’t happen. We DiMeras always avoid prison one way or another.

Gus: Wow, Clyde’s been broken out of here. Why can’t madame use her money and influence to get me out too?
Xander: I’m so glad that I wear cheap exercise pants,

Jada: If I ever find the clerk who didn’t record my divorce, I’ll wring his neck.

Ava: I hate to admit it, but being with Harris isn’t nearly as exciting as being with Parch.

Trippy: Is it my imagination or do people find Wendy and I to be a dull couple.

Everett: OMG, I’m still married to Jada. I wonder if she’d like to give our marriage a second chance.

Steve: Being near Konstantin makes feel as though I have lice.

EJ: What rotten luck. I really wanted to send annoying Brady’s kid to reform school.

Johnny: I wouldn’t tell Chanel, but I find baking messy and mind numbing.

Nicole: I had an awful father and wretched husbands, and now have a problem daughter. Maybe, I should have stuck to dogs.
Stephanie: I'm not sure which was worse, the terror of Owen Kent or the terror of Everett’s beard.

Tate: Everyone is against me and Holly, but they don't understand that she has changed!! Nobody's ever said or heard that before, I bet!

Goldman: Clyde gives the best smooches. I'm sure I'll never be on the wrong end of his wrath.

Kayla: There! I've finally completed all the paperwork to hire a new doctor who will deal solely with Paulina Price. She's the best patient in the world and has more maladies per minute than our measly 1½ full-time physicians can handle.
EJ: I am the great almighty DA Elvis. He who crosses me is doomed.

Smith Island plow driver: What made that idiot mayor think she could drive a plow. She could have killed herself and anyone else in the vicinity.

Everett: If I keep stonewalling Jada, maybe she’ll just go away.

Smith Island raccoons: Those foolish invaders weren’t attacked only because they were stuck in OUR cabin by a snowstorm.

Thomas: I never should have given that old grouch the card.

Xander: Mags agreed to marry the creep? I’d better call Doc Evans about an intervention.

Jack: That Paulina is a pretty poor mayor. It’s time for me to gloriously return and save the city. Should I repeat my falling-into-a-cake stunt?

John: Oh the guilt, the guilt. How can I cope?

Tater Tot: I know that Holly is a head case, but she’s the only girl in town who’s my age.

Alex: Sleep with Granny Kristen? What a horrid thought — or maybe not.

Doll-in-Blanket: What is this utter nonsense that they're replacing me with a sound effect these days?? What a bunch of b/s. I am NOT happy about this.
Reply from Folded Blanket: Hey DIB, I’d love to give your job back. Playing Baby Jude or some other noisy infant is a real comedown from my proper roles — an extra in steamy sex scenes or keeping Salemites warm on cold winter nights. My present plight is akin to having John, Steve, or Xander wash dishes in the Pub.
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Leo: I want my Dimitri back.

EJ: I really enjoyed venting my righteous anger. “I must do it more often.

Sloan: I have an awful feeling that things are slipsliding away.

Raccoons: Those two lovebirds who invaded our cabin had one awful time. They won’t be back.

Paulina: Why is everyone down on me because of my radioactive snowplow adventure? Don’t they know by now that I just can’t help myself?

Eric: What gives? Sloan has been propping up Leo, but she never spends a dime on me.

Clyde: Nobody will ever find my black book that’s so cleverly stashed inside a special bottle. I’m so smart.

Lucas: Why am I still stuck in a monastery? Enough is enough.

Konstantin: Whee. Look at me. I’m a Pawnmaster. I’m so clever.

Xander: The only thing I enjoy more than time with little Victoria is imagining myself bouncing Konstantin all over the Town Square.
Alex: I don’t know why people have their shorts in a knot over my affair with Kristen. Hey, it’s just sex.

Leo: I want my Dimitri back, I want my Dimitri back.

Ghost Shawn: How could Roman have given that Ava a job? If John Wilkes Booth had lived, would Mary Todd Lincoln have hired him as the family butler?

Everett: The more I hear bout Nick Fallon, the more I admire him.

Konstantin: Could Steve and John be on to my brilliant scheme to get the Kiriakis fortune? Nah, no way.

EJ: How could that fool of a mayor have fired me, me?

Maggie: Alex is terrible at leading Titan. If only Victor had given the job to my fine son-in-law, Xander.

Gwennie T.: Alex does truly love me, doesn’t he?

Holly: I hate Mom for not letting me go to the prom. Maybe Aunt Taylor could intervene for me.

Sloan: I really need another stiff drink.