Like or appreciate?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
Whidbey Island, WA
From time to time someone posts something that I want to "appreciate", but somehow "like" doesn't feel right. I just noticed that a few people have "appreciated" hearing about Squirrel. But when I clicked the "appreciate" button it changed to "like". So I hit the "unlike' button and the others' again registered as "appreciate". What is the trick? Did I miss an instruction some where along the line?
No, the "appreciate" button is the same as "liking" something (as you you'd do on Facebook). When the board was first changed over to this format, the button actually said "like", but then a few days later the word was changed to "appreciate". Same thing; six of one, half-dozen of another.
Nope. Wayne thought "appreciate" was a better word to use than "like" which is used on Facebook. So he changed it. However, he did not realize that it would appear later as "likes" when noted below the post. I don't think he can change that.
It means the same thing; there is no difference. Every post should have an "appreciate" button and a "reply" button.

Once you hit the "appreciate" button, the person is notified that someone "liked" their post.
But the button means the same thing, as in you appreciate that Barb told you. Not sure why yours shows up as "like" when every single post has only buttons that say "appreciate" (with a tiny red heart before the word "appreciate") and "reply".
On one of the posts, two people had "appreciated" it. When I hit the button, the wording changed to all three of us "liking" it. When I then "unliked" it, the wording for the other two changed back to "appreciate".
Yes, that's normal; just the way it's set up in the system. While the button to click changed to say "appreciate", the notifications people receive and the notices under the appreciated posts still say "like" (if you've "appreciated" a post).

If you didn't "appreciate" a post (but others have), it shows as it was "appreciated" by various people.
No, you're still not getting what I'm trying to say.
Under a post, when we have clicked the "appreciate" button, it usually says so-and-so "likes" this. I get that.
But under a couple of the posts in yesterday's donut thread, it said so-and-so "appreciates" this post. I had never seen that before and I preferred that wording. BUT when I then hit the "appreciate" button, the wording under the post changed to all of us "likeing" ---NOT "appreciating". So, I unliked it and the wording [under the post] for the others who had hit the "appreciate" button changed back to appreciate. I want to know how they did that.
OK, if YOU "appreciate" a post, by clicking the "appreciate" button, then it'll say (under that post) "Lil0 likes this".

But if YOU did not click the "appreciate" button under a post (but others did), then the post will say "Just Samantha, Poirot, Sparkster appreciate this".

It only shows as "like" if YOU personally clicked on the "appreciate" button on a particular post. Otherwise, it shows the various posters who "appreciated" the post, by showing the word "appreciate".

But the bottom line is, there is no difference, it's the same thing.
So, if I "like" it -- it only says "like" on my screen??? And on everyone else's screen it still says "appreciate"?
Yes, but only if that poster did not "appreciate" it.

If they also "appreciated" the same post (that you did), then it'll say "like" for them, too.

But again, there is no difference; it means the same thing. There is no way to pick one or the other; it's just the way it's set up.
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