Days of our Lives - Monday, April 15, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
35 minutes of nothing. A big ol' nothing burger. But also no Konstantin.

Shot of a river, a cabin that is snow covered. Johnny and Chanel awake on the couch. Johnny wants Chanel to guess what day it is, besides tax day. It’s National Take a Wild Guess Day. More cute banter. It’s also get Naked in the Cabin Day, and Julie walks in on that day.

Nicole is sipping coffee as EJ comes in and wishes her a good morning. Nicole went for a run, came home and changed in to clothing not good for anything. She is bored with grieving and worrying; she wants to do something. It’s not a snow day. It’s the first day back at school. Holly wrote her apology letters to Tate and family.

Brady and Tate are eating breakfast as Theresa comes in with wishful thoughts on what EJ might say. Tate wants to know who else might be at the press conference?

Police station: Sloan is chatting with Stefan and wants to know why he worked out a deal with the DA and THEN hired her?

Julie is heading out, but alas the bridge is closed and the ferry isn’t running. Julie isn’t thrilled.

Brady, Theresa and Tate talk about important things, Tate rolls his eyes. They ban him from seeing or talking to Holly. We’ve heard this conversation a gazillion times before.

EJ, Nicole and Holly talk of the speech EJ has to give. Holly is upset that she’s on her 3rd stepfather, and her current stepfather has a last name that comes with a lot of baggage. EJ gets a call, he has to go but won’t be late for the press conference. He talks to himself saying he's going to double-cross Stefan. Try to pick yourself off the floor with this shocking news.

Sloan wants to discuss her retainer. Stefan’s funds are in flux, he will pay her handsomely, he promises. Stefan promises to help Sloan’s practice. No payment up front, but double payment on the backend. Stefan knows that EJ will double-cross him.

Julie and kids talk of still having power and the entire island has wifi because the entire island put in wifi just the other year ago. So, while they don’t have TV they have the internet. Julie suggests frolicking in the snow, but they don’t have clothes for snow. Julie has that covered.

More boring Tate, Brady and Theresa conversation about Holly. Brady wants to talk about something else, making good choices. Tate wants to start working at the Pub again. Both parents shoot him down, but Uncle Roman needs help. The evil Holly enters the pub with her mom.

EJ shows up at the all-purpose interrogation room. EJ and Stefan discuss the hearing. EJ is surprised to find out Stefan has hired an attorney. He and Stefan discuss how and why they got to this point. EJ laughs at the idea of Stefan coming home. Stefan smiles and says if I don’t come home, you’ll pay.

Holly and Nicole go to leave the pub. But Holly wants to give them the letters she wrote. She explains that she wrote each of them a letter and would like to give out the letters.

Julie has found some really heavy outside wear. Johnny thinks Julie thinks they are 5 years old. Eventually they head outside.

Judge's office: EJ puts his case forward, the weakest case possible. The judge asks if EJ is joking? She points out Stefan is his brother and that this plea is the epitome of nepotism. She is appalled at the District Attorney. Get over it honey, he’s a DiMera, did you actually think you’d get something worthwhile?

Julie asks how the outside trip went? The honeymooners had fun with playing in the snow, and they regale Julie with their snow angel prowess. It’s not all that interesting.

Tate reads Holly’s letter. We hear Holly’s voice as he “reads” it. Tate flashes back to yesterday when he loaned her his sweatshirt. Sadly, we don’t know what she wrote to Brady and Theresa. Theresa tells Holly that just because she wrote these letters, Holly is still banned from seeing her son.

The judge claims the deal does not begin to come close to meet the lowest bar of running drugs. Sloan brings up Gabi and how bad Clyde Weston is. She tries to convince the judge that time served is an appropriate sentence. The judge has listened and will take the information under advisement. The officer outside will return Stefan to his cell. Sloan rushes off, leaving the DiMera boys to argue. Each strongly supports his own side of the who’s the better blackmailer.

The cabin group are now playing charades. The fire is getting low so Johnny goes out to get more firewood. Julie grills Chanel on how Paulina is doing. Julie talks about how many memories the cabin holds for them. She remembers the time capsule. Chanel goes out to help Johnny, saying many hands will bring more fire wood.

Nicole and Holly talk about passing out the letters. Holly apologizes again for causing her mom pain.

Tate gets a nasty text saying today’s the day the pill-pushing dirtbag comes back to school. Bets on when he slips HJ (Holly Jonas) some more dance fever and she OD's "again”. Dance fever is slang for opioids, per Brady. Theresa is going all mama bear. Brady says once the press conference starts this will go away. Holly comes over and tells them that they overheard. Hard not to as Theresa was quite loud. Holly will tell everyone the truth. Both little family groups head out for the press conference. I get the feeling Holly texted this message to Tate, but I can’t prove she did.

The press conference, instead of being held at some office building, is being held outside, in Horton Town Square that had to have had its roof shut as no snow is in the square and folks are not wearing hats, coats, gloves or boots. We join in progress as EJ is blathering on about how it’s his job to follow the evidence. Brady is shocked they missed the press conference.

Julie is sitting and doing a crossword puzzle, when she realizes it’s been a while. The fire is dying and the kids are missing. She leaves the cabin door open and shouts outside for Chanel and Johnny.

The press conference started before the press even arrived. EJ is very dismissive. Nicole tries to cover for EJ. She apologizes to Brady and Theresa who don’t really care.

Julie is going to head out. The wood outback was wet, so Johnny went to the shoreline to find dry wood. Because wood by a lake is always dry. So where is Chanel? Oh NO, Johnny hasn’t seen her.
aaaahh, thank you, Robin, you caught it all, and loved the personal comments, here and there. Don't know how you were able to stand all that intrigue and excitement, & then be able to get it all down. Wonderful!

(The first line of the summary is genius! lolol)
Julie was treating Johnny and Chanel like they were kids. Charades? Really??

Even if her interruption was unintentional, even though she ends up be stuck with them, she should stay in the bedroom and leave them alone. She should also make this up to them by sending them on an all expenses covered honeymoon cruise.

Chanel missing: (my opinions, not spoilers)

*lost in the snow - a hypothermia victim

*Creepy Clyde has her because he is hiding on the island. He could end up holding them all hostage in the cabin. Are there any other house on the island? I know the cabin belongs to the Hortons. Do they own the entire island?

*Chanel has fallen and is hurt

Bring in a chopper with search and rescue to find her. How big is the island and what is the terrain like?
Nice, Robin!

With reference to wardrobe, Sloan was actually conservative today with a nice jacket and long skirt.

Theresa's dress was way too short, though she wore it well. She must be catching quite a breeze.

Holly's top was not appropriate for school at all.

Julie should have knocked before entering the "living room" of the cabin; it was nice of Johnny and Chanel to stay on the couch, though.

The clothes Julie keeps at the cabin are quite old fashioned/old to start with, but kept Johnny and Chanel warm, which was the intent.

I think Chanel just got caught in the storm and was blinded by the snow, I don't think there was any foul play. But who knows at this point? We shouldn't be surprised by a raccoon or bear incident. But if a bear builds a snowman and nobody sees it, does it really exist?

How awful Tate received such a text. He is going to have a hard time adjusting back to school.

EJ did the bare minimum and should have mentioned Tate specifically to officially clear him in front of Salemites and anyone else watching. He really did not do what he should have done.
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I have a question. Wouldn't the DiMeras have a whole law firm at their beck and call? They have to hire Sloan? Seems weird to me.

The current storylines could be exciting, or at least interesting, if the writers were better. I think we watch in hopes something will happen, if we just hang in there. I'm beginning to wonder.
So Holly writes her apology letters to Tate & his family, puts them in envelopes, then tells her parents that since they don't want her to see Tate, how is she supposed to deliver them.

Guess both she & they never heard of the U.S. Post Office!

I actually yelled at the computer (only way I can watch streaming) MAIL THEM, you jerks. But Nicole just sighs, & nods.....Holly can go to their home and deliver in person!
So Holly writes her apology letters to Tate & his family, puts them in envelopes, then tells her parents that since they don't want her to see Tate, how is she supposed to deliver them.

Guess both she & they never heard of the U.S. Post Office!

I actually yelled at the computer (only way I can watch streaming) MAIL THEM, you jerks. But Nicole just sighs, & nods.....Holly can go to their home and deliver in person!
To be fair, look what happened to Don Craig when he went to mail a letter. He was never seen again.

Maybe Holly's heard of the "Don Craig Mail Curse" and doesn't want to disappear. :rotfl:
In real life, someone as rich as the DiMeras would have a whole slew of lawyers on retainer. But for da' plot, we have Stefan hiring Sloan.
Back in Stefano’s glory days, the DiMeras also had bought-and-paid-for judges. (Remember Judge Karen Fitzpatrick?). The idea of a judge daring to come down on a family member is a real embarrassment.

Speaking of embarrassments, attendance at EJ’s press conference was pathetic. NY Sen. Chuck Schumer is fond of holding impromptu press conferences at various locations, speaking from behind his portable podium. The size of his audiences would make EJ green with envy.

Another sign of how things have gone downhill was the fact that some Salem High punk dared to badmouth Tater Tot. During Victor’s lifetime some Xanderlike muscle might have been sent to teach the nasty brat the error of his ways.

Kudos to Chanel for somehow getting lost on what’s always been assumed to be a small island with other cabins. Yellowstone Park it’s not.

Finally, Salem weather continues to amaze. All winter, the locals have been wearing light clothing, but now in mid-April a snowstorm buries Smith Island, but misses downtown. It’s another Salem miracle.
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Thanks, robin.

Interesting the judge for Stefan's case didn't just accept the offer EJ made. She might be the only judge
in Salem that's honest.

Holly said today they live in a small town and she would bump into Tate. Is there a north Salem and
a south Salem? One Salem has big buildings and the other one is small.

Should we be surprised EJ didn't do an apology like he said he would? It's the DiMera way.

What a goofy thing for Johnny to say, that he had to go down to the shoreline to get dry wood. Maybe
he took some boats apart? :)

So, Chanel is lost in the snow. Will the bears or raccoons find her first?
To be fair, look what happened to Don Craig when he went to mail a letter. He was never seen again.
Also to be fair, this is something today's teens and twentysomethings really don't know a lot about. This is frequently discussed on social media, usually by their parents who didn't teach them and are somehow mad at the kids about it. So, I'll score one for the writers.

And especially in Salem's universe, where you'll run into everyone you know in the Square if you wait ~11 hours, who would need a postal service? They need that like they need a phone book!
I was once in a post office and a young man (he looked to be in his late teens/early 20's) bought an envelope and stamp, because he was told to. Then he didn't know what to do with either of them. The lady behind the desk was trying to explain to him how to address the envelope and he just didn't understand. Eventually one of the other customers walked him over to a table and helped him write out the envelope and mail the form he had.