Days, NEW Digital Series!? (Sami in Milan)


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Who cares about that floozy Abby and her stoopid husband, Chad, and their life in that yucky, baby-stealing city, Paris?

I know Days fans would much rather watch my amazing adventures in Milan as the world's best mother and most devotedest wife!


(And now let's sit back and enjoy Sami in Milan)
Episode 1: Sami berates EJ's personal caregiver, Nurse Lynn, after she re-wraps her charge in single-ply toilet paper. Sami also learns that EJ's doctor, the leggy Valentina Di Cenzo, had an affair with dastardly Italian Senator Giovanni Proetti, right before getting pregnant with her now-2-year-old son, and is having a paternity test done.

Episode 2: Sami poses as a man named Stan in order to infiltrate a meeting of EJ's numerous consulting specialists, who have grown weary of her shrieking. Sami also meets Dr Di Cenzo's stalwart husband, Questura (Police Commissioner) Lorenzo Russo, who loves his 2-year-old son deeply.

Episode 3: Sami blackmails Dr Di Cenzo, with the information that little Matteo was fathered by Proietti, not Russo, in order to convince the doctor to try a dangerous experimental medication that could make EJ walk and talk again.

Episode 4: After finding 10 empty booze bottles in Allie's backpack, Sami dons her Madame DeWitt disguise to attend a high-rollers casino party in Monte Carlo, where she encounters special guest star Melanie Leyton/Jonas who helps her win big so she can buy EJ an actual silver spoon.

Episode 5: In the exciting cliffhanger, Nurse Lynn reveals Sami's deception to Dr Di Cenzo, who pre-switched the paternity tests (unaware that Lynn also switched them), foiling Sami's plot. Sami has obtained the drug anyway and injects EJ with it, hoping her "smoochy moochy" will, once again, change.
Meanwhile, unknown to any of the hospital denizens, a mysterious-black-gloved figure has a flashback of pre-pre-pre-switching the paternity tests! Who is this person, and who employs them?
Thanks for the cheers gang. Inspiration hit me and I just ran with it. (Of course, as usual, I took it more seriously than I should have/intended to, but....)

As to the thread "tricking" people, I hoped it would a little, but tried to make it obvious it wasn't fully legit. I thought it would add to the impact. (And it would be in character for Sami to demand her own show! LOL)
My smoochy-moochy's brother and his stoopid wife got 16 episodes, and I only get five?

No way!


(And now let's enjoy Sami In Milan, Part II.)
Episode 6: Furious that the experimental drug did not revive the well-wrapped EJ, Sami berates Dr Di Cenzo and Nurse Lynn, threatening to move EJ to another facility. The black glove is watching later as Nurse Lynn and a team of orderlies make preparations for Sami to carry out her threat, and EJ's fingers appear to move.

Episode 7: On the night of Allie's performance in Salome for her liceo artistico (arts high school), Sami follows Senator Proetti as he meets with Swiss prostitute Helga Quinault, with a plan to take incriminating photos of him. Meanwhile the black glove meets with Nurse Lynn and gives her ten thousand euros.

Episode 8: Sami meets with the administrator of Evergreen Home, a casa di riposi (nursing home/care facility), Cristiano Gioberti, and threatens to expose his personal life if he won't accept EJ into the home. Gioberti, whose family land was stolen by the DiMeras 50 years ago, tries to stand strong with the support of his personal secretary, Quieta Bianchi.

Episode 9: After Gioberti fails to fold to her whims, Sami's threats are met with a recording of her attempt to extort Gioberti made as part of routine security and care by Quieta. Sami bullies Lucas into helping her retrieve the tape. Back at Sami's home, the nanny and the butler are interrupted in a steamy encounter when Cook tells them that the children haven't had any meals for 2 days, and their beds are empty.

Episode 10: While the black glove watches, the well-wrapped pre-corpse of EJ is able to move his arms and legs. Meanwhile Sami micromanages Lucas's date with Quieta in her scheme to get the tape recording and access to the computer hard drive where the master copy is stored. Nurse Lynn is surprised by a visitor to EJ's room.

Episode 11: The black glove is angry that EJ is moving about his room. Meanwhile, Sami has acquired her tape and deleted the incriminating footage, while failing to thank Lucas (who calls Maggie and admits to feeling his sobriety slipping from dealing with Sami) and falling into a new scheme to steal a seat on the board of Baglioni, S.p.A., which owns property partially under Evergreen Home.

Episode 12: Sami is upset after her scheme to take over Baglioni fails, and she is forced to keep EJ at Di Cenzo's facility. She laments this to EJ, who appears paralyzed when she is around. After Sami leaves, EJ walks to the garden and meets with Nurse Lynn, who plans to bring him to Johnny. The black glove watches with delight as Sami returns to find EJ's room abandoned and cleaned completely.
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Back at Sami's home, the nanny and the butler are interrupted in a steamy encounter when Cook tells them that the children haven't had any meals for 2 days, and their beds are empty.
This literally made me laugh out loud. Sami wouldn't even notice the kids hadn't eaten and their beds were empty.
I haven't even finished my series yet, and now my doodyhead sister Belle (child of that life-ruiner John Black!!) gets to be in a series, too? She's Salem's worst mother - just look at how poorly Claire turned out!


(And now let's enjoy Sami in Milan, Part 3...)
Episode 13: Sami hunts for EJ with the help of a sexy orderly, Lazaro Ricci, Nurse Lynn's ex-lover. The black glove plays with Sami's bank accounts while the butler learns Lucas has moved Allie to Hong Kong.

Episode 14: Sami flies to the Peruvian desert to berate special guest star Gabi DiMera for information about a secret bank account that has EJ's name on it while the nanny searches an old vineyard 40 kilometers from Sami's villa for Johnny and Sydney.

Episode 15: Sami and Lazaro get carried away during an overnight trip tracking down some spending from EJ's mystery account in Monaco. The maid receives a call from Sydney, who is ready to come home.

Episode 16: Back in Milan, Sami and Lazaro have a long, long talk about EJ (the only man she's ever loved & the most important thing in her life). Later, the nanny informs Sami that Sydney overheard this statement and fled the villa.

Episode 17: Lazaro tells Sami he knows where EJ is, and tricks her into a balloon where he professes his love for her. Sami gets angry and punches him. Later, she wakes up next to his dead body as the balloon is landing.

Episode 18: Questura (Commissioner) Russo arrests Sami for Lazaro's murder. After the butler posts her bail, she tries to flee with a local 5-year-old boy (Sabin Crispi) whom she mistakes for Johnny.

Episode 19: Sami tries to convince Russo of her mistake, but has no photos of Johnny to prove he looks like Sabin. Sabin's father Zaccheo is a well-connected member of Parliament who pressures Russo to make Sami vanish.

Episode 20: Russo turns the tables on Zaccheo by proving he's made other defendants disappear, protecting Sami. However, she is unable to prove she didn't kill Lazaro and is told she will be tried and likely imprisoned. The black glove meets with EJ (who hides his scarred face) and they make hand gestures that indicate a successful plan.

(Coming soon - the thrilling 5-part conclusion to Sami's tales of adventure and parenting in Milan!)
Are you as bored as I am by the exploits of my floozy sister, her forgettable classmates, and their predictable plotlines in New York City? Then get ready for some original exploits from yours truly (and PS - I'm Salem's biggest star ever, so I deserve the most episodes!


(And now, the Part IV of Sami in Milan...the final chapter...)
Episode 21, Part 1: An imprisoned Sami is confident that EJ will rescue her. Lucas and Allie return from Hong Kong and he takes custody of the twins, also learning that the Villa is in danger of being repossessed. In prison, Sami talks with each of her non-imprisoned kids about how great a father EJ was (while they have flashbacks of a contradictory nature).

Episode 21, Part 2: Sami's trial includes character testimony by Nurse Lynn, Valentina Di Cenzo, Senator Proetti, Cristiano Gioberti, Quieta Bianchi, special guest Brandon Walker, and special guest Vivian Alamain. Lucas buys Sami's villa to keep the kids sheltered during the trial. The black gloved-figure and EJ share a passionate kiss!

Episode 22, Part 1: Sami's trial has been resolved quickly, and the prosecutor exploits a loophole in order to execute her via the electric chair, shocking Lucas and the kids. A reporter, Giulia Michelozzo, does a retrospective (replete with flashbacks and a re-enactment of the witnessing the Titan romp and the hate boink) on Sami's tumultuous life and tries to drum up public support to stop her execution.

Episode 22, Part 2: After Giulia's special airs, many Italians agree that while not usually justified (or even legal in Italy), Sami's execution is necessary. Giulia is berated by Sami, who thinks the reporter set the whole thing up. As Sami prepares for execution, she refuses John's offer of help, confident EJ will return save her. Lucas saves Sami at the last minute, claiming to have killed Lazaro, delaying the matter long enough for official intervention.

Episode 23, Part 1: Lucas and Sami have flashbacks of their lives together as Lucas prepares for a life with Sami and their kids. They Skype with Special Guest Star Will Horton and then prepare a small wedding in the Villa's backyard. As they are preparing to say, "I Do," the Black Glove emerges from a bush and shoots Sami. As she lay apparently dying, she begs for EJ to save her, horrifying her family.

(The story will the last half of this chapter.)
Episode 23, Part 2: Sami is saved by Dr Di Cenzo, the leading Italian specialist on soap injuries. Sami attempts to win Lucas back while pining for EJ, but Lucas and the kids have sold the villa and are leaving Italy. Sami refuses to leave until she knows what happened to EJ, upsetting Johnny. Johnny meets with Nurse Lynn; EJ ditched the nurse en route to meeting with Johnny.

Episode 24, Part 1: Sami is released from Di Cenzo's all-purpose care and ruffles with the new owners of the Villa, the Nieddu family (parents Paulu & Dominiga and their kids, Carule and Sabina) over a treasure in a secret room Lucas didn't know about. She enlists thugs Alfreck Fischer and Pablo Beninni to help her break in while the family's sleeping.

Episode 24, Part 2: As Sami, Alfreck, and Pablo carry out their scheme at the Villa, Lucas and the kids wait in the airport. Allie and Sydney are confident Sami will not show up to join them, although Johnny has faith that she will realise EJ doesn't want them and will join them (and has purchased a ticket for her). A startling announcement catches the kids' attention.

Episode 25, Part 1: Alfreck and Pablo are dispatched by Carule and Dominiga, respectively, in their attempts to gain access to Sami's treasure room. At the airport, Lucas, Sydney, Allie, and Johnny watch shocking news footage of EJ (seen only from behind or past the shoulder) marrying Kate Roberts (who is wearing the black gloves) after being elected mayor of a small town in a suspicious landslide.

Episode 25, Part 2: Paulu holds Sami at bay, and she convinces him she was Alfreck's pawn and she needs the treasure to save the love of her life, who is Italian by ancestry. The family lets her access the room, which they also didn't know about, and which is completely empty. Realising her error, Sami makes a last-ditch effort to get to Lucas and the kids before the plane takes off. She is too late.

(We all know that it's never really over for Sami...and we still don't know who killed Lazaro, who Matteo's father is, or why the Black Glove was interested in his paternity...was Kate working with someone? And what will Sami's next chapter bring?)

The kids are imagined to be portrayed by:
Allie.jpg Allie (Sadie Calvano) johnny.jpg Johnny (Kevin Quinn) sydney.png Sydney (Lauren Boles (ex-Ciara))
Jason, Do you have a phone directory from Milan.........good job on all those many, many, Italian names. My best friend's parents are from Italy, I was raised in an Italian neighborhood, but you have more names than my friend's huge far reaching family, or the neighbors of my childhood. LOLOL :clap: