4/27/24 - Donuts and Clouds


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It's cloudy this afternoon. The sun kept peeking out this morning. There's a chance of rain this afternoon.
I walked after my morning errands since I probably won't get out tomorrow because of rain.

I bought some flowers this morning. I have a one area in the flowerbed that I can plant flowers. I'm going to
stay in this afternoon and do inside things. I plan to be outside Mon and Tues afternoons.

Wishing everyone a good day and stay safe with the stormy weather.
Rain here,too, off and on.....very cloudy as well. Don't hear any rumbling, or see any flashes so far, think we might be on the edge of whatever the system is, and wherever it is headed.

Took everything out of the freezer and cleaned it, then put it all back more neatly, so one knows what the heck is there, and will be able to find things more easily. A gal who had come at my son's request to cook somethings (which were then put in freezer) really went overboard. My son was trying to make things a bit easier for when I came home from hospital, good intentions. but tis 5 ,mos now, and there are still items in little plastic bags, lots of taco & spaghetti sauces. LOL. But things were buried behind or under ice cream containers, pizza boxes, etc. etc. Anyway, hopefully, it will work better.Hey, am just one person. Ha. Next will be the frig part, but not much in it, so should be a quick clean up.
Wow, you are lucky you can do that now. When I lived in the Chicagoland area, we had in ground pool, ........over winter it would freeze (We only took it down about a third) and the kids would be able to ice skate. But it would be mid-May before it all melted enough, and then came drawing water down even more, scrubbing down the walls and floor of the pool, filling it back up, and letting the sun warm up the water, cuz it sure was still pretty cold.
Don't blame you Brisby.......holding off til you can stick even a toe in is the way to go.
Sexon, I hope none of the bad weather makes it down your way with the rain.

Poirot.....food..... the never ending challenge for those of us who live alone. I always thought it would be so much fun to have a swimming pool and be in a place where it would freeze for skating in the winter. Of course we never had either when I was growing up. But we did have harsher winters then than now and occasionally we had spells of temperatures below freezing for long enough to freeze the tanks (ponds) over thick enough for us to "skate" on them. Nobody here had ice skates but still it was lots of fun to go out on the ice and slide around.

Brisbydog, I don't know how far south you are but so far it hasn't been consistently hot enough this year here in north Texas for swimming. Glad to see you posting here.

Robin, I hope you and Kat both will be spared the severe storms that are threatening so many places right now.

One of those places includes here where I am. My weatherman has been in a pretty sober mood about this all day. His viewing area covers southern Oklahoma as well as this part of north Texas. For the moment, OK seems to be the main target but he keeps saying there's more to come. Tornadoes seem to be a bigger concern than usual this time around. I went ahead and cooked something I could eat for supper, in case we lose power. Also took a shower and tamed my hair, to get finished with water and electricity before the lightning arrives. Also have some laundry washing. The sky looks eerie but nothing here yet. I'm going to go wash up the few dishes/pans I haven't done already, then take a few things into my inner closet, just in case I need to go there later.

Be safe, everyone!
The keeper of the safe room. :) That looks like a very nice safe room! Glad your T. watch has been lifted.

Mine hasn't been but the line of storms may be weakening a little. There was strong rotation in them all evening but so far, they've stayed a bit shy of here, though they are moving more east so may yet arrive. Should be all gone by around 2:00 a.m.