Titan TV Interviews


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Jun 30, 2011
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Annapolis, MD
Titan TV interviews the new CEO, Brady Black.

Q: How do you explain Victor firing Xander and bringing you back as CEO?
A: Uncle Vic's made a lot of mistakes lately, but this move is right on target. I've always been the man for the job, not foolish, shaggy Philip; not crazy Ian McAllister, not blackmail prone, little boy Sonny; not piano-playing, weirdo Deimos, and certainly not the thuggish, baby-switching Xander.

Q: What are your plans for Titan now that you're back in charge?
A: Let's just say that people may be very surprised.

Q: There's a rumor going around that your business decisions will be based on a desire to get revenge on Mr. Kiriakis for his baby-switching plot.
A: No comment.

Q: Many Salemites questioned your relationship with Kristen DiMera because of her crime-filled personal history. Do you have any comments?
A: People just don't understand -- Kristen changed.

Q: Sami Brady always used to say that EJ DiMera had changed, but everyone knows that he never did. Could this be true about Kristen?
A: Sami is always wrong about everything. I, on the other hand, am a very good judge of character.

Q; But what about the fact that Kristen stuck a knife in Mr. Kiriakis's heart?
A: Sorry, no more questions. I've got to get busy ruining ... oops ... saving Titan from the mess that Xander left behind.
This week, Titan TV interviews former CEO Xander.

Q: How do you explain your ouster as CEO and the hiring of Brady Black?
A: Uncle Vic is getting up there and sometimes exhibits bad judgment. In fact, when it comes to Kristen's boyfriend, Brady, he's always had a screw loose.

Q: Some people said that you were unqualified to be CEO because of your "irregular" past and lack of qualifications. Care to comment?
A: Name me one CEO in Salem history who had the paper credentials to be a CEO? As for my past mistakes, when your family treats you like an outcast, a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do. Anyway, unlike that twit EJ and the monstrous Kristen, I really have changed.

Q: Many people have excoriated you for your role in the Rachel baby-switching affair. What about that?
A: Let's get something straight -- it was Uncle Vic's idea. I went along because we feared what Maggie's reaction to the news that she'd killed Adrienne Kiriakis and Baby Mickey would be. And we were right. As soon as Mags learned the awful truth, she tried to take her own life. Second, baby-switching isn't such a big deal in Salem. It happens more often than you'd think. Just ask my old baby-switching missus, Nicole.

Q: What are you future plans?
A: Just sit back, work on my muscular physique, and wait for Brady to implode. It won't take very long. Uncle Vic will soon be begging me to step in and save the company.

Q: Aren't you worried that Victor might rehire Sonny or Philip instead?
A: Surely you jest. Blackmail-prone little Sonny isn't fit to run the Salem Big Boy Burger and shaggy Phil is so traumatized by his last stay in Salem that he's afraid to leave Chicago.

Q: Have you sworn off the rough stuff permanently.
A. No comment. Now, I've gotta go. It's time to beg Sarah to take me back again.
This week, Titan TV interviews Victor himself.

Q: Many people are questioning you replacing the hardworking Xander with feckless, Kristen-loving Brady as CEO. What gives?
A: I had to placate Brady, and Xander is tough enough to handle the loss of the CEO position. Besides, I never want anyone in the job too long. I don't want any empire builders who think that they know better than I do.

Q; Does that mean Xander might be back in charge soon?
A: Never say never. My nephew is multi-talented and I just might call on him again when a strong head is needed at the Titan helm, and Brady, to be frank, is an imbecile.

Q; Would you ever consider making Sonny or Philip CEO again?
A: Maybe when pigs fly around the City Hall tower. Sonny had his chance, but kept hiring weirdos who blackmailed him, and prima donna Philip just couldn't handle me stepping in when wise guidance was needed. Besides, he's obsessed with that howling diva, former Goth girl Chloe Lane. That by itself would be enough to disqualify him.

Q: How does Titan stand up against the competition now?
A: What competition? DiMera Enterprises has been a hollow shell since the old man died. Chad is an unqualified little twerp who's married to a lunatic woman who sees visions. The kid should have gone to Wake Forest when he had the chance. He might have learned something and time away from the DiMera family would have done him some good. As for the others who could be CEO, they're a joke: EJ the mummy-like invalid, the undead Tony who's married to loudmouth Anna, and that batty sicko Kristen who's now a fugitive from the law.

Q: if DiMera folds, will you swoop in and pick up the pieces.?
A: Not a chance. That so-called company is radioactive. Its leading products are bionic spy eyes and deadly pacemakers. If I was going to invest in a company, it'd be the one that makes the lemon bars that Maggie serves me. In fact, I must take my leave -- I hear those tasty lemon bars calling my name.
This week, a brave Titan reporter interviews Sami.

Q: There are reports that your daughter, Allie, has turned up in Salem. Any comment?
A: Is that were the little fool has gone? Why wasn't I told sooner? If Lucas knew and didn't tell me, he'll regret it? I'm calling Mom ASAP.

Q: How is EJ doing?
A: Great! When he's wrapped in fresh Charmin, he looks truly radiant.

Q: What do you think about Will adopting another child with Sonny?
A: He is? Nobody tells me anything. In any case, Will already has a child on his hands -- twerpy, jobless Sonny. He doesn't need another one.

Q: What's your take on Eric planning to marry Nicole?
A: If the insipid Bad Twin had any sense, he'd run for his life. The babyswitching Sydnapper is bad news. She's turned into a total busybody and is a bad mother to her hapless child. Want proof? She once took the poor kid into creepy Kristen's exploding resurrection factory. Who does that?

Q: The word is that you've forgiven John Black for his long-ago table-top encounter with your mother. Is that true?
A: Who told you that? I'll never forgive that doodyheaded, coma-prone loser for ruining my life.

Q; Do you keep up with what's going on with DiMera Enterprises?
A; Why bother? The company is a shadow of its former self since the biggest losers took over. Besides, I'm living large on all the DiMera money that I stole ... oops ... earned. Anyway, I've gotta go. I've got to get to the bottom of the Allie situation and tell Will to find a new husband. Without me -- the best mother -- my children would be truly lost.
This week, Titan TV pays a visit to the Pub to interview Roman.

Q: What's your take on Sami invading the recent Eric-Nicole wedding?
A: Same old Sami. She just never grows up. She's the same person who tried to sell her baby sister, Belle, years ago.

Q: How do you feel about Eric marrying Nicole Walker, who has a questionable past.
A: Nicole's not perfect by a long shot, but I'm just glad that anyone would marry Eric. To be honest, he doesn't exactly have a sunny personality or a well-paying job.

Q: What's your view of the adoption sweepstakes for granddaughter Allie's baby?
A: I'm staying out of that one. Taking sides is a no-win proposition.

Q; Do you ever wish you could be police commissioner again?
A: I'd rather have open-heart surgery than go back to that thankless job.

Q: Any comment on mechanic Jake Lambert being another surprise son of Stefano DiMera?
A: Jake seems like a decent guy, but the last thing that Salem needs is another child of Stefano.

Q: Based on what we see on-screen, the Pub always seems pretty empty. What gives?
A: Don't be fooled. This place rocks during happy hour and on weekends. Anne Milbauer and her crowd can really put the drinks away. And the cops are always coming by for cold ones. The way things are going at the Salem P.D., they need it.

Q: The Pub has added some new items to its menu lately, such as garbage-can nachos and EJ chow. What's your favorite Pub special?
A: It has to be our old, traditional stand-by, the tasty chowder. And contrary to rumor, there are really clams in it.
This week Titan TV interviews Sarah.

Q: It's been reported that you regularly bad mouth Victor Kiriakis to your mother, who's married to him. Isn't that in bad taste?
A: Ordinarily, I'd agree with you, but this is Victor Kiriakis we're talking about, not some cuddly old granddad type.

Q: How do you like working at University Hospital?
A: It's not up to Chicago standards, but I can set my own hours.

Q: Some say that you hardly ever go to work?
A; How many people in this town report to work on a regular basis? And just how many patients does Marlena Evans see in a month? I'm just going with the flow.

Q: Some people were taken aback when you cheated on your husband, Rex, with his brother, Eric. Any comment?
A: If you'd ever met Rex you'd understand. Besides, what's the big deal? Cheating has always been a way of life in Salem. And I hear that Sami Brady once had twins with two different fathers. How trampy is that?

Q: Why did you kidnap Brady Black and Kristen DiMera's baby?
A: Hey, I thought the child was mine for over a year. And who wouldn't want to prevent an innocent child from falling into the clutches of the awful Kristen? Anyway, babyswitching and snatching for a good cause is no big deal in Salem. Nicole Walker isn't called the "Sydnapper" for nothing.

Q: Rumor has it that Xander Kiriakis still has a thing for you. Is there a chance that you might get back together with him.
A: That baby switch he pulled with Victor infuriated me, but Xander was the big hero at the church explosion, so I'd say "never say never."
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Hoping to one-up Philip and please Victor, Xander sends a Titan reporter to the Salem jail to interview Kristen, which is designed to make her look as bad as possible and ensure her conviction.

Q: Is your relationship with Brady Black the real thing?
A: Of course it is. Are you suggesting that I'm unlovable? I'm the most attractive woman in Salem hands down. Brady is addicted to my bod.

Q; What are your legal prospects?
A: Of course I'll get off. I'm a DiMera. Prison is for the little people. Besides, I only stabbed grouchy, really old Victor whom nobody likes and who did terrible things to me. Everyone should thank me for trying to get rid of this nasty relic.

Q: What about the death of Haley Chen?
A: Haley who? Oh yes, that nobody nurse. Nobody should blame me for that. I was angry and upset. Anyway, I've heard that she wasn't a very good nurse.

Q: Didn't you ruin Eric Brady's career as a priest with that sex tape?
A: Oh that. He should thank me. He's free of his vow of celibacy and is now married to his true love, that baby switcher Nicole Walker.

Q: How could you steal an embryo right out of the body of Jeannie Theresa Donovan?
A: Why shouldn't I? Didn't I have a right to be a mother too? Plus, everyone knows that that awful Jeannie creature is a bad mother. Brady and I will soon rescue poor little Tater Tot from her clutches.

Q: Is it true that you tried to toss Dr. Marlena Evans out of a high castle window?
A: Who told you that? Melinda Trask? Coma king John Black? Everyone knows that they're out to get me. It's so unfair.

Q: Have you any final words for the viewers?
A: Don't believe anything certain people say about me. It's fantasy fiction. I'll soon free and Brady and I will take our rightful place as Salem's golden couple.
This week, Titan sends a brave reporter to seek out and interview Ava.

Q: People thought you were dead. What gives?
A: To borrow a phrase from Dr. Rolf, "it didn't stick."

Q: What brings you back to Salem?
A: Let's just say that I've got a business opportunity that is way too good to pass up. I've got an edge and I'm going to push it for all it's worth.

Q: Do you have any interest in renewing your relationship with John Black?
A: No way. In his RoboJohn phase, he was quite something. Now he's just boring, coma-prone John again. Marlena Evans is welcome to him, the poor woman.

Q: Will you be looking up your true love, Patch Johnson?
A: I hadn't originally planned on it, but since Patch and I were always meant to be together, it's on my to-do list. Somebody has to save him from that nasty wife of his. She wants him to turn on his son, Tripp. Can you imagine that?

Q: Speaking of Tripp, what was it like to see him?
A: Better than I could ever have expected. How often does a loving mother get to save her boy from death or serious injury at the hands of a dazed and confused tramp? That little wench, Allie Horton, is nuttier than her mother ever was. Frankly, she belongs in Bayview.

Q: One final question: Do you have anything to say to those who believe that Tripp is a rapist?
A: They should start thinking of ways to abjectly apologize to my son. The truth will be out soon and all those morons who rushed to judgment will be eating healthy amounts of crow and humble pie. As for those who keep spouting the big lie about Tripp, I can't guarantee their safety
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This week, Titan TV interviews Philip.

Q: Years ago, you walked away from Titan. Now you're back. What gives?
A: Have you ever been in Chicago in the middle of January? Other than that, let's just say that I had my reasons.

Q: There are ugly rumors floating around that you're up to no good with Ava. Care to comment?
A: Who told you that? Xander? Ava is Patch Johnson's problem. We Kiriakises stay far away from any Vitalis. They are all bad news.

Q: How do you like working with Xander as co-CEO?
A: I'd rather have a root canal without anesthesia.

Q: OK, you don't like Xander. How about your intern, Charlie Dale?
A: He seems clean-cut and eager to work, but there's just something off about him. I simply can't put my finger on it.

Q: Chloe Lane is back in town. Any chance that you'll renew your relationship with her?
A: Never say never. We go back a long way.

Q: Finally, what are your plans for Titan?
A: I'm taking the company to places that it's never been before.
This week, the opportunistic, roving Titan TV reporter spots Ivan in the Town Square and manages to ask a few questions.

Q: Mr. Marais, what brings you back to Salem?
A: Let's just say that I'm taking care of Madame's business?

Q: Any hints about what that business might be?
A: Certainly not. Madame always insists on complete confidentiality.

Q: There have been reports that Ms. Alamain has lost it since being resurrected by Kristen DiMera.
A: Resurrected? That's just an ugly rumor. I can assure you that Madame is still at the height of her powers. She could induce Victor Kiriakis to leave that Horton woman and remarry her if it suited her purposes.

Q: Do those purposes include burying anyone alive or putting them in a sarcophagus?
A: Certainly not. Madame would never engage in such unseemly behavior. Anyone who says otherwise is a cheap vulgarian and total liar.

Q: Some people say that Ms. Alamain has cruelly abandoned Gus by doing nothing to get him out of prison.
A: Why should she? Augustine made the ultimate mistake -- he got caught.

Q: Finally, do you have any plans to return to Bollywood?
A: I go wherever Madame needs me, but let's just say never say never.
The roving Titan reporter spots Gwen in the Town Square and takes a big chance by trying to interview.

Q: Now that Jack Deveraux has admitted paternity, why are you still in Salem? Nobody likes you and you have no job.
A: I do so have a job. It's to make that awful Abigail suffer.

Q: Why? If you check the record, Abigail has had a lot of misery in her life: marital problems, visits to mental hospitals, living in Jenny's attic, and even being the object of Sami Brady's wrath.
A: That's not nearly enough. It's time for her to face the wrath of Gwen.

Q: Really? Have you ever seen screechy Sami Brady in action?
A: Whatever. That's in the past. Abigail must suffer NOW!

Q: That's really hard core. Do you ever worry that somebody in town might try to kidnap or murder you?
A: I'll take my chances. After a life of utter misery caused by that horrid Laura, I'm ready for anything.

Q: Speaking of Laura, what do you say to those who claim that you murdered her?
A: What I always say: The doddering old fool grabbed at my arm, fell, and hit her head. Old people with balance issues just shouldn't try to get physical with anyone.

Q: Do you have any final comments?
A: Yes, tell that idiot Jake that he and that ancient hag Kate deserve each other.
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Titan TV gets around to interviewing Rafe.

Q: Many people complain that the Salem P.D. never arrests anyone who's later convicted. Any comment?
A: We do OK with the little people. It's the in-crowd that always gets away with everything. They lead charmed lives.

Q: Some people say that Salem P.D. officers aren't very good. One even helped Kristen DiMera escape, but kept her job. What about it?
A: Unfortunately, the talent pool in this area is pretty thin, Heck, if Xander Kiriakis would start behaving himself, I'd offer him a job.

Q: There have been questions about your relationship with Ava Vitali, who's related to the famous crime family.
A: What can I say? Most of the eligible women in this town have a "past" if you know what I mean,

Q: On a personal note, what's your reaction to your ex-wife, Sami, cheating on EJ DiMera?
A: Good for her. If any husband in this town deserved to be cuckolded, it's EJ.
Titan TV has finally gotten around to interviewing Mayor Carver.

Q: Paulina Price is the one of the most hated women in town because of her plans to destroy the beloved Town Square. Won't marrying her hurt your political standing?
A: Gosh, I never thought about that.

Q: How can your daughter, Lani, still be on the police force after she helped the infamous career criminal, Kristen DiMera,, escape?
A: At least she hasn't tried to kill anyone, kidnapped Ciara Brady, or shot up the Pub.

Q: Do you ever regret not beginning a relationship with the best nurse in Salem history, Maxine?
A: Who's Maxine?

Q: People have noted that your grandchildren, Jules and Carver don't seem to have grown since their birth. What gives?
A; I've been wondering about that myself.

Q: Who will be your most dangerous opponent for reelection?
A: Rory. For some reason Salemites love cheerful stoners.
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Thanks to Victor's connections, Titan TV has been able to get a quick interview with Lucifer.

Q: What do you think of the Marlena possession story?
A: Awful. I wish the writers would do research before trying something like this.

Q: What's wrong with it?
A: Apart from being unrealistic, it's really boring.

Q: Would you ever possess a person like Marlena.
A: A psychiatrist at a third-rate hospital? You've got to be kidding.

Q; BTW, how is Stefano these days?
A: I haven't a clue. In a typical Stefano move, he pulled some strings and got into the other place.
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Titan TV has snagged an interview with the long-suffering Lucas.

Q: The word is that you rescued Sami Brady from kidnappers. Why would you do such a thing?
A: Give me a break. Sami is my ex-wife and the mother of my children.

Q: There's a rumor going around that you've slept with Sami since she's been back.
A; Why not? Sami may be a problem child, but she's great between the sheets. Just ask Rafael Hernandez.

Q: What's your take on your daughter, Allie, opening a bakery?
A: Good for her. I just wish that she had a more reliable partner -- one who doesn't skip off to Italy on very short notice.

Q: How do you feel about your mother, Kate, getting back with Roman Brady?
A: It's fine with me. Roman is a big step up from some of the lowlifes, Mom has been with over the years, like Ian McAllister and Clyde Weston. And if the relationship lasts, I'll be eating free at the Pub.

Q: You've had troubles with your mother in the past. How are things now.
A: Fine, and they'll stay that way as long as she doesn't try to steal my job or send people "special brownies."

Q: Finally, what's your take on Salem's big mystery of the moment, the disappearance of Philip Kiriakis?
A; I don't want to be unkind, but I care about Philip's welfare about as much as that of the useless lowlife, EJ DiMera.
Titan TV has managed to corner Ava and get an interview.

Q: What's your take on the arrest of Commissioner Hernandez?
A: If you do the crime, you do the time.

Q: Word is that you've been jealous of the Commissioner's relationship with old friend, Nicole Walker. Any comment?
A: Jealous of Nicole Walker, the one-time babyswitcher who actually once married that moron kidnapper, EJ DiMera? You must be kidding. She can't cook. Heck, she can't even boil water.

Q: Some people have suggested that you cut the head off Duke the Teddy Bear, which was jointly owned by Commissioner and Nicole.
A: Butcher a teddy bear? You've got to be kidding. What kind of idiot do you think I am?

Q: Some people have questioned the propriety of a former mob princess having a relationship with our police commissioner. What's your take?
A: Hey, I've changed, just like Ben Weston, Xander Kiriakis, and half of Salem.

Q: Any reaction to the apparent disappearance of Abigail Deveraux?
A: Abigail who?

Q: It's been reported that you're chummy with wanted psychopath Kristen DiMera. Is this true?
A: Enough already. Don't believe everything you hear in this town.