Your thoughts on Days for 2024

The first six months were pretty dire. Between Radioactive Paulina, Harris on every day, Wendy and Tripp's endless beer vat fantasies, and that I just did not care about the Jude story, I was literally watching for Xander and Sarah's bi weekly appearances. So I enjoyed them getting slowly back together and their scenes when he was accused of shooting Harris. And their engagement episode was wonderful.

Things picked up in June. My favorite story was Xander's parental mess, from shooting Konstantin, to Fiona revealing the truth, and then the rather fabulous hit and run umbrella story which was really well crafted from start to finish.

Worst story was obviously Body and Soul. Awful. Far too much Leo. Terrible performers in Bonnie and Hattie. And I'm embarrassed for Abe.

Favorite guest: Fiona. She was fabulous and I want her back. Worst: Konstantin. Stayed far too long.

I'm actually ok with all stories now except Leo. They've finally done something to make the teens compelling, I'm mildly interested in where things go with Cat and Chad, Arnold will shake up boring Rafe and Jada, and I'm looking forward to Xander vs Philip. And very much into EJ and Belle.
There is so much to dislike from Days 2024

Bringing attention to women's health and thyroid, the entire Paulina glowing was annoying.

Tripp and Wendy - two charming characters, but as exciting as paint drying when paired together.

Harris - like the company with the same name that laid me off, best ignored.

Body and Soul - cute when Abe had amnesia, sort of. But quickly got old and now is a huge time suck. Terrible, just terrible.

Dougie the turd - leave now.

A "surprise" teen pregnancy that every single person in the world saw coming.

Burning of the Horton house? Why??? Termites would have moved everyone to Maggie's.

Konstantin and his found family - they can all follow Dougie out of town.

Xander and his mum were a pleasant surprise. Yes, she is still rotten, but it added layers to Xander and helped explain things.

Chanel needs to drop Johnny and take Sweet Bits internationally, then make her mom its brand ambassador and send her on a world tour.

Doug's episodes - besides airing around Thanksgiving, were great. I enjoyed seeing so many faces.

I'm ever hopeful that 2025 will bring better stories, or at least better telling of stories.
Dougie the turd
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I was beyond thrilled to have Steven Olson return, especially as played by Stephen Schnetzer, and also his very brief mention of Spencer (his son).

While I loved hearing Dougie LeClair and Robert LeClair mentioned, this whole Little Dougie III storyline stinks so far.

Really hating that we're getting a return of Fake Rafe if it means he's going to rape Jada.
I agree with Brisbydog that the crash story was the best, Fiona the best guest, and Konstantin the worst. Though Sophia's mom may give him a run if she appears before Wednesday.

I would have excised the "I'll give you Titan" story point but other than that it was thought out beginning to end, which is so rare for this show.

The worst story was Tate/Holly/coma/EJ tied with the hideous Jude story. I don't even count B&S as a story - more like a string of bad puns.

I'm cautious about the new year.
Honestly, it seems I cannot praise anything.......Days was undergoing lots of behind the scenes problems, and it showed. I hated Patch & Kayla shoved to the back burner, same for Jack & Jen. With all the writer problems, I hope they will be able to finally find one who knows how to write for a soap, and pays attention to the history and back stories.

I was intrigued at first by the auto crash, but that faded away quickly I did like Fiona.......but again, as much as I think she'd be a good permanent addition to the cast.....I feel she'd get put aside like others

I used to be such a faithful viewer, NEVER missed an episode........and this year that changed. I truly hate, hate, HATE that the show is now streaming. I do NOT like watching on my little computer., thus now miss episodes. I miss seeing the show on the TV screen, just wish they would return to being shown on the local NBC TV station.