Young Ciara

Lauren Boles was the best and, in my opinion, left the cast too soon. And Ben should watch out. If Stefan Zero gives him a big bonus and/or a hefty raise for helping to save the DiMansion and Chloe from homicidal Noodlites, Ciara might just start dropping hints about a celebratory trip to Barron's jewelry counter. And she just might start pestering Hope to return all the earrings that Sami was blackmailed into buying for her, but that Hope took away, saying that she was then too young for them.
Roman is an idiot. The man went decades without a kiss, yet Giselle Van Hopper was "warm for his form" and he had to be manipulated into going out with her.
Thanks for the shout-out for Giselle van Hopper, the queen of Salem society and the leader of Salem's "best" people. If Roman had reciprocated her attentions, he wouldn't be a love-starved, kissless wonder whose main function is to listen to the woes of sourpuss Eric or to dish out advice to his dysfunctional friends and family.
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Too bad they don't bring her back. With all the weird things that happen to Salem's citizens, Dr. Rolf could easily have harvested an egg from Hope, like he did from Kate. If Tripp could have been raised by another family, as well as Stefan, then why not? Kristen could have been in on it. LOL
Well, while Ciara may be the bad girl, Claire is definitely no angel. I think either Bayview or Statesville is in her future.
Claire had a triple-whammy chance of inheriting a mental illness gene. Her Great Aunt Samantha was a few sandwiches shy of a picnic. Her Great Grandma Maude Robicheaux was clearly not in her right mind when she tried to poison her own son, John. Then there was Great Granddaddy Yo Ling, who most definitely had bats in his belfry.
Is Claire related to Kimberly? Her mom is Belle (grandparents John and Marlena) and her dad is Shawn Douglas not-actually-a-Brady (grandparents Hope and Bo... great-grandfather Victor).
Yes, Shawn-D's dad is Bo. Bo and Kimberly are half-siblings, since they have the same mother, Caroline. So Kimberly is Claire's great-aunt. Kayla is also her great-aunt and Roman is her great-uncle. Frankie and Max are also her great-uncles since Caroline and Shawn legally adopted them.