Will's article: The Final Out

What is really interesting...is that he spent hours and hours, days and nights doing the interview. One would expect the article to have been 2 or 3 pages. Am thinking that is what Sonny expected as well.
Exactly, it was a once-over-lightly puff piece. An article by an experienced sports writer would have been far more probing and in depth. It also glosses over what would be a major issue in the baseball world -- Paul snuck off to a small-city hospital for arm surgery in an effort to keep baseball teams in the dark about the condition of his arm. This simply isn't done. Pitchers always put their valuable arms in the hands of experienced specialists at well-known hospitals. In fact, a candid article about Paul would probably be questioning his ethics and common sense.
Boy, that was poorly written. If Will had been my student, I would have given him a C on it.

Information was poorly ordered. The revelation that Paul is gay was left hanging when the story suddenly shifted back to baseball. Instead it should have been after the part about dating famous models.

How many times in adjacent sentences does the word "story" have to be repeated.

Now I understand why some of the dialogue on Days is repetitive and crappy.
It's leaps and bounds better than the EJ/Sami article, but the EJ/Sami article was so incredibly poorly written that anything would be leaps and bounds better. I like how the show has gone that extra step to give us these articles and provide a bit more viewer connection to the show, but the article is such a half-(bleeped) attempt at writing that the extra effort the show went to to do this is almost for naught.

I understand we don't have much backstory on Paul, so some leeway on glossing over things is acceptable (although more detail about his career wouldn't hurt because I doubt we'll ever hear much more about baseball after the fallout from this article), but too many other things were glossed over that could have fleshed out the article. Will is in no way an "investigative" journalist and these articles prove he has no real depth as a writer or journalist.
Just curious, well not actually, but, who was the photographer?? Are those photos on Will's phone?? And who does an article about a big-time baseball player who took his team (San Francisco Giants) to the World Series last year and doesn't include pictures of the person in uniform? Even a generic baseball uniform or at least holding a glove or a ball? Or have quotes from teammates on what a good guy he was.

Ciara would have done this so much better.
The picture of Paul and Will at the lead of the article is (in my opinion) suggestive to anyone who knows Will is gay.
It's leaps and bounds better than the EJ/Sami article, but the EJ/Sami article was so incredibly poorly written that anything would be leaps and bounds better. I like how the show has gone that extra step to give us these articles and provide a bit more viewer connection to the show, but the article is such a half-(bleeped) attempt at writing that the extra effort the show went to to do this is almost for naught....

AGREED - like when the show took the time to post the family trees, but then left off half the characters, had odd pictures for some, and included Daniel Jonas in the Horton Family tree. :angry:
Boy, that was poorly written. If Will had been my student, I would have given him a C on it. Information was poorly ordered. The revelation that Paul is gay was left hanging when the story suddenly shifted back to baseball. Instead it should have been after the part about dating famous models. How many times in adjacent sentences does the word "story" have to be repeated. Now I understand why some of the dialogue on Days is repetitive and crappy.
And this piece of badly-written drivel was the cover story. Imagine the ungrammatical, misspelled rubbish that makes up the rest of the issue. Salemites would do better reading a St. Luke's Academy newsletter consisting of articles written by Ciara and her classmates. E.g., Salem P.D. Stupidities: The Inside Story by Ciara Brady and My Daddy's Dumbest Clients by Chase Jennings.