Will and Sami today (Fri., 8/15)


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Feb 12, 2009
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Will is completely full of crap. When referring to their blow up at the mansion he had the audacity to say to Sami that he tried to get her to talk about her feelings. The hell he did.

He found out that Abby had been screwing his mother's fiance and his mother told her off in a huge way so he went to the mansion to defend Abby because he was worried about what Sami would do to Abby next.

That is what he did. He defended Abby, told Sami to back off of her and threw Sami's past in her face. Will did not once show any concern or interest in how Sami was feeling. He certainly didn't try to get her to talk about how she was feeling.

That was when Sami had to spell out how she had been hurt by the betrayal from someone she considered a friend and how that friend cozied up to her young children while screwing her fiance.

Even after Sami spelled it out Will still didn't care or show any interest in what she was going through. His only interest in that confrontation was to defend Abby.
Agreed. The single stupidest thing anyone can do to an upset person is to brush them off and invalidate them. The hurt person typically responds by trying to make people understand and proving their emotions have validity. It's like telling a person having a panic attack to just calm down. Completely counter-productive.
I can't remember the last time I agreed with 3 statements in a row!:clap:Toward the end...Sami actually kept it pretty calm (for Sami) with Will...and now he's going to have a little unintended consequence of Sami making sure Little Miss Cupcake goes down with the ship!
I will not comment on Will being wrong or not, as I hate the character of Sami so much it probably clouds my judgment. I do respect everyone's opinion, though. :) But, and perhaps that has nothing to do with this thread, if so, I apologize, I think the whole article thing is just stupid, period.

Who is this "cover story" for ? It seems to me like an article written for a yellow tabloid, or trashy magazine if you prefer. Sensationalism, where all that counts is the dirty laundry of everyone and anyone. So really, Will is not doing himself a favor if he wants to be taken seriously with his career as a writer/journalist.

Between him and Nicole's one question interviews (I still can't get over the stupidity of her interview of Eric a while back, which had to be edited !!!!), the news reporting is somewhat pitiful in Salem. Like many other things...
It always has sounded yellow journalism request for the article Will was asked to write. Admittedly, I have not seen the show today, but Will did not get upset with his mom until she went to the hospital to get Abby fired. That is when he thought she had gone too far, plus, she was promising more revenge on Abby. Cannot wait to watich.
I guess I'm kinda neutral on all this. I can see both sides. From Sami's point of view, she was hurt by the man she loved and the woman whom she thought was her friend. She feels very betrayed and understandably would like some sympathy from her family and friends. Unfortunately, with the extent that she has taken her revenge (not to mention her past cheating) she's sort of lost a lot of credibility with people. I think that is what people are trying to point out to her except that it's coming across as if they are supporting Abigail. I do agree that Will seemed to favor Abigail from the beginning. He certainly didn't seem too mad at her for what she did to his mom. Sami definitely took things too far with her revenge on Abigail and goes around on some high horse. She has every right to her hurt and anger but she can't seem to see her own hypocrisy. I'm actually kinda mad that Nicole apparently does not know about all this stuff with EJ/Abigail because I so wanted her to call Sami out the other day when they were arguing in the square. But of course that had to be about Eric and Sami had to call Nicole a baby stealer for the millionth time. But I digress. I think Sami was a bit over the top with telling Will this article was a slap in the face to all the sacrifices she ever made for him. Is it just me or is Lucas glaringly absent from this storyline?!
I could never do that to my mom, no matter what awful things she has done. BUT, just think of all the times she has embarrassed Will with her stupidity. I used to really like Sami and defended her, but this is way too much.
I think in Will's mind this article is supposed to teach Sami a lesson or something but in reality all he's doing is stooping to her level of nastiness. And in the end, it appears as though Sami will get the last laugh, so to speak, since she apparently made sure Zoe included Abigail's name in the article.
I think Sami deserved it. She keeps spreading falseties-nobody said what Abigail did was right. But Sami, along with EJ, have made people's lives a living hell in this town. Sami even threatened to take away money from the KIDS ward at the hospital where her little boy got saved from cancer if her aunt Kayla did not have Abigal resign.

The fact that Will went to talk to her warn her to stay out of it for his siblings' sake, and hers, spoke volumes. He even started listening to Sonny about not doing the article. But Sami kept going too far, and especially has now that she gave the mistress' name to the editor. She isn't thinking of Will and how that could affect his relationship with his half-cousin (but of course the truth will be revealed).

If Sami wasn't a judgmental hypocrite, selfish, didn't trash Rafe and Lucas and didn't know what kind of man EJ was, maybe I would feel sorry for her. And yet, I don't. She knew EJ was a cheater and did many other horrible things to her and the people she cares about. She romped with him anyways. The stupid twit should have known he would betray her again. This is a woman who stayed with her fiance even though he KNEW his sister raped the so-called "love of his life's" brother. And did nothing about it.

So I am totally Team Will in this scenario. Could I have done it to my mom? Probably not, but my mom (thank the Lord) is not an evil and disgusting person like Samantha. She NEVER was there for Will. She used him as a pawn in her schemes throughout his childhood and ruined it. Then when he finally had at happy family life with Rafe, she ruined that too.

And at his most vulnerable moment when he came out to her, she walked out the door and could only think about herself. When she eventually came back, she was STILL only thinking about herself and how Will went to her mother instead of her for guidance. Sami is one of those people who needs "tough love" to open her eyes.
DaysD :clap::clap: As to what Sami needs......
I agree with TheWriter and DaysD. If the facts were as they were laid out by SarahBeth, I would agree with her; but Sami was lying her rump off and forced the "friendship" on Abigail (doubling down after she learned about the affair).

Like the old saying goes, when you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. Maybe Will could have listened to Sami's falsified sob story. But it wouldn't have changed his mind.