Will and bad behavior


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2006
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Will's bad behavior has been childish in all respects. Even Granny Marlena, couldn't make headway with him. Seems Will can blame everyone but himself and has become so immature. If he keeps this behavior up, there will be no repairing this marriage. Grow-Up, Will. :fan: ShaSha
Will thinks he is the all powerful wizard. Can do no wrong, everyone bow and do as he says. He screwed up big time, is not only blaming everyone else, but thinks HIS ideas to force others to do as he says will magically make everything back to normal.
He was tempted, gave in, and refuses to accept that fact. Instead, he wants to make others miserable, wield his powerful pen, banish those who displease him, etc.
Exactry, Poirot, if Will spent half as much time taking responsibility for how he hurt Sonny and letting Sonny see that he is sorry, is hurting too, and how much he loves Sonny, they could be working through this and building trust back but instead he blames Paul for still being in town and being the obstacle. WILL is the only obstacle in working through this and until he truly realizes this, Sonny won't be taking him back.
Please let this stop! The character of Will is so offensive to me that I don't know if I will ever get past it. The characters/relationship of Will and Sonny was so heartfelt before they got married and is now a train wreck. Sonny is still one of my favorite characters and Will is now my least favorite. And WARDROBE, PLEASE LOSE THE CARDIGANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will does blame himself, but his low self-esteem keeps getting in the way. Sonny truly still loves him and Will just thinks Sonny will want Paul instead, especially if Paul hangs around & tries to get Sonny back. He doesn't trust Sonny enough. If he would just stop pushing Paul, him & Sonny would have a chance to repair their marriage.
@sportzgirl - Why should others suffer because of his "low self-esteem"? An attractive, rich, celebrity/baseball star found him desirable. Wow, what a blow to his self-esteem. Sonny has repeatedly professed his love for him, took on the role as 3rd parent to his daughter, was willing to move his life to New York and start completely over for him, and proposed to him. What's there to be insecure about regarding their relationship? He still has a great job with Sonix (despite that horrendous kindergarten level first article of his). Why so low on himself? Will's insecurity/low self worth is just an excuse to white wash his mistakes!
Will at this point is just as much of a child as Melanie!
This might be a trifle unfair to toddler Mel. Sure she has imitating a three-year-old down to a fine art and is a sorry excuse for a nurse (quick, Mel, what is plasma?), but she doesn't run around Salem blaming everyone else for her problems, throw tantrums, wallow in her insecurities, and attempt to blackmail hapless, defenseless women. Will has raised the Salem bar on immaturity so high that even Melanie can't reach it.
I officially hate Will. They have ruined one of the best characters on the show. I can't believe he's talking about running with some half-baked story about Paul's paternity based on that one picture. He's an idiot.
@sportzgirl - Why should others suffer because of his "low self-esteem"? An attractive, rich, celebrity/baseball star found him desirable. Wow, what a blow to his self-esteem. Sonny has repeatedly professed his love for him, took on the role as 3rd parent to his daughter, was willing to move his life to New York and start completely over for him, and proposed to him. What's there to be insecure about regarding their relationship? He still has a great job with Sonix (despite that horrendous kindergarten level first article of his). Why so low on himself? Will's insecurity/low self worth is just an excuse to white wash his mistakes!

They shouldn't but Will only sees his suffering. This is so selfish of him. He just can't seem to get past this to see that this relationship could be saved. Instead he will be making it worse. He is lucky Sonny loves him and a shame he can't see that.

It is easy to have low self-esteem even though a person wouldn't seem to have it in their life. It is equally hard to overcome it even though you can see your success. I suffer from it my whole life, growing up with a sister that everyone fussed & raved over and I felt like a lousy leftover. Even though I have a very good life, I still suffer from it a bit.
@sportzgirl, I can certainly sympathize with the hardship you've struggled to overcome!

The difference with Will though is his insecurity issues conveniently pop up to explain away his mistakes. He slept with Gabi because he didn't think Sonny wanted him. He gave up the rights to his child because he didn't want to lose Sonny. He is blackmailing Paul's mom because he's afraid Paul's going to steal Sonny. Why can't he be afraid that he's not a good enough father because of how he grew up? Why isn't he afraid that he'll fail as a husband because his parents couldn't make it work? Why didn't his failure as a writer in California give him insecurities about his chosen profession that led to him exploring other career options? Why is low self-esteem/insecurity only an option to explain his moronic decisions?
If Will spent half as much time with his daughter as he does obsessing over Paul & Sonny he might actually be a decent father. Its amazing to me how little time he spends with his own daughter. He is so quick to throw her off to the sitter, or to leave her with whatever family member or friend is visiting at the moment so he can go chase Paul around town or threaten Tori.
At this point I don't really care if it's low self-esteem or he's just a childish immature brat. There was NO excuse for cheating on Sonny with Paul just like there's NO excuse for what he's been doing the past few weeks tossing threats around to Paul and Tori to get out of town. Until and unless he takes ownership of what HE did to Sonny and their marriage and seek some marriage counseling (both separately and together) he will never be able to fully reconcile with Sonny.

I'm glad that John talked to Marlena about his run-in with Tori and Will and she was able to put two and two together because otherwise it was looking like Will was perfectly fine with not telling his step-grandfather that he had a possible son out there. I surely hope Marlena doesn't consider keeping it from John. I realize they have no definitive proof at this point but it's safe to say as a viewer this is where the story is headed (John being Paul's father). Perhaps Will needs some more slapping around...oh, Adrienne, if you can pull yourself away from Will's father for a moment, please come smack the stupid out of Will. :)