Why the Phoenix is helping Chad?


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2011
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boynton beach, fl
He (Stefano, the great conniver) seems to be so happy to help Chad get what he wants (as he said) "especially since it's Abigail that Chad wants". I wonder if that's because EJ wanted her?? I know I have some weird ideas, but it just hit me while watching a video of today's show and their phone conversation at the start of the show.
This entire storyline makes no sense to me so I am also inclined to believe that EJ has something to do with it. What that it exactly, I haven't figured it out. I think there is still an off chance Abigail was pregnant last year and Stefano stole the embryo.
I don't think Stefano is trying to help Chad at all. He has an ulterior motive.

All of a sudden, Florida Law wants info on Kevin Reynolds aka Ben Rogers? And calls Club TBD? Ex-employee? Ben works at Victor's club now.

I am only guessing.....but said this elsewhere.....Clyde is the target. Victor helped Stefano get to be CEO again......(which was amazing since he no longer had a seat on the board.....but then, Salem's corporations definitely are run differently than corporations in other cities, lol) And Stefano "owes" Vic. And being Stefano, he knows all about Clyde, courtesy of Kate's involvement; And he knows how Clyde took over the drug trade in Salem, along with Victor's legitimate trucking clients. Ahhh, Stefano behind the scenes. LOL
I don't care who he's scheming against, I just wish he was on screen so we could watch as he does. This off-screen stuff is getting tiresome & I'd much rather watch Stefano conducting opera than pretty much anything else they've had on for the past few weeks.
I think it has something to do with maybe him not liking Ben due to him being Clyde's son...maybe Clyde is the target? lol
Good possibility. Also, maybe Stefano is so happy that for a change one of his sons isn't interested in somebody named Sami Brady that he's willing to help.
I like all these theories but to me it doesn't explain why Stefano is trying to hurt Abigail. He can easily just have someone go after Ben if he wanted to.

And I agree about Stefano and the phone calls. Enough is enough. IT IS NOT WORKING! Either bring him back to Salem or write him off permanently.

It really is a shame that TIIC had Kristen rape Eric. They could have signed the actress to a long term contract before the other soap did and then have her be the lead villain in Salem. It would keep the Dimera family going and also minimize Stefano's absence on screen.
I don't get what's going on in this story at all. If Chad wants to be with Abby he should just put on his big boy panties and tell her how he feels. It's pretty obvious she wants him. If he is trying to punish her for sleeping with his brother he needs to book the quickest flight out of Salem because that happened over a year ago and its something he needs to just get over? But if that's not an option he can still just tell her he loves her, she can play conflicted until Ben walks away and then Chad can walk away too leaving her heart broken.

They really should have just killed Stefano off when they killed EJ. It's painful to watch him trying to help the kiddie pool. Maybe him and Eve can hook up and find some adults to play with.
Chad and Abby, just a replay of EJ and Sami. Doesn't make sense, but apparently this now gone writing team figured the only way to bring the ratings up would be to have another Golden/Lock Stock and Barrel couple.

This line of thinking is not based on any spoilers or hidden notes in elephants.