Who in the world...

I suggest Bill Horton. He's in Africa (somewhere), and probably wants to get revenge on Daniel for a few things. Like stealing his son's wife. And being the town's go-to wonder doc instead of his other son. So he planted a chip in the elephant to compel whoever bought it to take it to Salem and give it to Daniel, so that it can explode. :wink:
For fun - Ivan and Vivian want the elephant back for a Bollywood production they're working on.

Maybe it's Stefano; his absence is currently the "elephant in the room".
Another vote for Stefano. My grandma convinced me about it last night when we talked about the episode yesterday. :rotfl:

Besides, we know he has an obsession with foreign artwork. Remember that 2012 Russian Anastasia egg storyline with Gina and the Pawn? Granted, it was boring, stupid, and ridiculous, but still, it shows he might have some weird interest in this.

Or maybe it's Dr. Jonas, since he's involved with every storyline all the time.
Oh, am guessing Stefano.....maybe he is coming to Salem at last??

However, in the spirit of the "who in the world" I am gonna say WALDO......OH, wait, that is WHERE in the World......hmmm.

I do like the idea of Ernesto...but probably is Dario......after all, with his sister away, Rafe has to get into something other than that dumb nightclub. LOL
I'm going with Stefano too as some sort of revenge plot against Marlena and John. Because everything always ties back to Marlena. Maybe he is doing it to get back at her for Kristen.