What the heck is wrong with Sonny?


Active Member
Jul 26, 2013
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I'm losing respect for him. Is very uncomfortable to witness his devotion and "love" for Will and to this marriage no matter what Will does. Is not admiring at this point. Is not commendable. Is very pathetic. I also can't stand the hack writers making him such a fool. You have to be a fool to be fooled by an idiot like Will all the time. They let Will manipulate him so easily is hard to watch. He goes from not trusting a word Will says understandably to trusting him today. Days is succeeding making me not care for him anymore and because of it I quit on the show much sooner than expected. Is hard to love a fool and as long as Sonny is cursed to be in this "great love" the writers think he should have for Will, I can't fully embrace the character again. I have no hope the new writers will free him from this situation and repair the character. He has no agency. You win Days. :(

All the contrivances in this story (all the stories really) has been mind boggling.
I am also frustrated, but you have to take a step back and look at why he's doing this. His parents' marriage is going badly. HE made some mistakes in his marriage with lies (not saying that excuses Will's cheating). And they live in Salem, where no couple, married or otherwise, seems to last. They have a daughter who's mom is in jail. He wants to believe that his husband, who he loves, just made a mistake, and that they can move on from this. He doesn't want his marriage to end poorly like everyone else's has. He's also young and somewhat naive. But while it does look pathetic from the outside, it's also commendable how he's trying to forgive and keep his family together.
I agree. Sometimes they really write Sonny as too weak. Although, to his credit I think he really does want to make his marriage work and wants to trust Will but he's falling for Will's baloney too easily. I guess I can understand though, given what he walked in on today (Paul having knocked Will out) made him distrusting of Paul and wanting to believe every lie that fell out of Will's mouth. I hate that he gave in to Will's sexual advances today too. I actually felt really bad for Paul today. Will is so paranoid about Paul and just goes straight into Sami mode level obnoxious.
To say I was disappointed in Sonny, even though he attempted to evade Will's advances, I am looking at it like this.......perhaps, in the moment, Sonny figures that keeping his distance is not helping them to heal, nor helping Will to forgive himself. He knows and can see Will is very insecure, (about paul) and so is trying to assure Will that Paul is not a consideration here.

I think Sonny is going to be hurt big time, because he is going to find out Will's deception in some manner.
I was thinking "What the heck is wrong with Sonny just leaving Arianna with Paul?" Yeah they may have used to been tight but obviously that was not a smart move out of respect for his marriage.

I am not saying Will is not dead wrong in his actions but the situation would never have occurred if Sonny had thought that situation through a bit. He could have even had Paul bring Arianna to him or whoever if the babysitter was so unable to drop Arianna off somewhere before her emergency.

Another question I have been wanting to ask is "What the heck was wrong with Sonny for not telling Will about Paul in the first place?" So yeah, Will is wrong, but is Sonny not culpable too?
I thought the excuse for the babysitter having to leave was really flimsy. She said she had to leave for an emergency because her sister broke her arm and was at the hospital and they wouldn't see her until she gave her insurance info that the babysitter had (or something like that). Gimme a break (no pun intended). If someone has a broken arm they're not just going to make you sit in the waiting room and not treat you because you don't have immediate access to your insurance card. :rolleyes: Not to mention a broken arm is not a life threatening thing. I'm glad they at least showed Paul and the babysitter getting a hold of Sonny to verify it was ok to leave Ari with Paul because at first it seemed like she was just going to hand her off to Paul with no questions at all! I can see Will being upset at returning home to see Paul alone with Ari.
Of course not, Poirot! Will has a one track mind. He even said to Sonny he couldn't have imagined what he would have walked into had Sonny already been home when Will got there. Will is completely insecure and paranoid. His only response to that is to go on the attack with Paul and then manipulate Sonny. He is his mother's son.

But this thread is about Sonny....I do feel for the guy. I think he's really stuck between the proverbial rock and a hard place. He wants to believe in his marriage but I think his gut is telling him something else. I just hope he believes Paul if and when he gets the chance to explain what really happened.
but he immediately went on offensive....did not want explanation, nor try checking. Attack first.

Again acting as if Paul slept with someone other than HIM. From the start, it's what's upset me and irritated me most about Will - he's acted as if Sonny and Paul cheated on him and thus validate his delusions about and behavior towards Paul. I'm more upset with Sonny however. Though I can understand him wanting to save his marriage, not once has he looked Will in the face and asked him WHY he slept with Paul. How can he feel secure that this won't happen again if he doesn't know why it happened the first time.
Heck, Will already has blamed Paul. It just happened, he doesn't know why, was in the moment, Paul is so charming, so charasmatic, big flirt, yada, yada, yada. The fact is, and Sonny said this to Will. Sonny never cheated on Will, would not have even considered it. But Will took off his wedding ring and never even mentioned being in a relationship with someone else, let alone married. Sonny knows that, Will tries to ignore it, only referring to it as a mistake.
He wuvs his sweet Will. The way Will was carrying on and blubbering all over everything in yesterday's show, I wanted to run to the Salem Spectator store, and purchase one of our Barf Bags. That was disgusting to watch, and I am sure they will see through him soon. Sonny PLEASE... Come to, Snap out of it.
I'm losing respect for him. Is very uncomfortable to witness his devotion and "love" for Will and to this marriage no matter what Will does. Is not admiring at this point. Is not commendable. Is very pathetic. I also can't stand the hack writers making him such a fool. You have to be a fool to be fooled by an idiot like Will all the time. They let Will manipulate him so easily is hard to watch. He goes from not trusting a word Will says understandably to trusting him today. Days is succeeding making me not care for him anymore and because of it I quit on the show much sooner than expected. Is hard to love a fool and as long as Sonny is cursed to be in this "great love" the writers think he should have for Will, I can't fully embrace the character again. I have no hope the new writers will free him from this situation and repair the character. He has no agency. You win Days. :(

All the contrivances in this story (all the stories really) has been mind boggling.

I sadly agree with you. The twisted turns in characterisation (Sonny's past/club failure/Will's trip/etc), Sonny's goldfish-esque memory where Will is concerned, and his hangdog look around that washed-up pitcher have taken me off "Team Sonny" and onto "Team Is It August Yet?". :( :cry:
I think today made me agree with you, JasonD and Jkiriakis. Sonny should've been confronting Will about his lies today, instead of kissing up to him and sweet-talking his conniving, cheating hubby. Maybe he'll argue with him later about it, but Will has lied SO many times in just a matter of a few months, so I really don't get why Sonny is going so soft on him. In this storyline, I think I'm just Team Paul. I like Sonny, but he is becoming even more of a wimp. Bad writing for a Kiriakis, even if he is "the good one".
Sonny is caught in a vacuum right now. He loves Will. He probably still loves Paul, but he's trying to do the right thing by his marriage vows and he's in that horrible phase of hope...hopeful that Will isn't really as deceitful and conniving as his gut is telling him. It's hard to watch, but I do believe that the epiphany will strike, and it's going to be really ugly. For Sonny. And it breaks my heart. :cry:
I think today made me agree with you, JasonD and Jkiriakis. Sonny should've been confronting Will about his lies today, instead of kissing up to him and sweet-talking his conniving, cheating hubby. Maybe he'll argue with him later about it, but Will has lied SO many times in just a matter of a few months, so I really don't get why Sonny is going so soft on him. In this storyline, I think I'm just Team Paul. I like Sonny, but he is becoming even more of a wimp. Bad writing for a Kiriakis, even if he is "the good one".

I really wish Victor would just kidnap him and put him through Kiriakis boot camp.