Since dumping on Xander is a favorite indoor and outdoor sport in Salem, him taking up with Sarah could make for some interesting Salem-style confrontations. Imagine people like Brady, Eric, Victor, Eli, Hope, etc. badmouthing the X-man within earshot of big-mouth Sarah, and then getting an angry high-volume rebuttal from Maggie's daughter. E.g,: "Eric, you think Xander's so bad, what about you? He doesn't go after his brothers' significant others or dump a woman the minute something better shows up"; Eli, stop criticizing my Xander and get your police force in shape. It's a national laughingstock; "Brady, where do you get off criticizing Xander. Your chief accomplishments in life are overcoming addictions and hooking up with women like that awful Kristen"; Victor, shut your nasty mouth. How dare you say unkind things about Xander. Some of the things you've done in your life would make my mother's hair curl;" "Hey, Hope, shut-up about Xander. I've heard all about your late husband, Bo. He was one of the biggest felons in Salem history."