SPOILER !! Week Aug 30


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Dec 29, 2012
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Spoilers from Soap Opera Digest

Chad opens up to Jack.
Shawn gives Ben and Ciara a sentimental wedding gift.
Philip vents to Belle.
Chanel confides in Paulina.
Spoilers from https://www.tvguide.com/tvshows/days-of-our-lives/episodes-season-56/1000036136/

Mon, Aug 30, 2021
Allie is stunned to learn Chanel is dating Johnny.
Calista threatens to expose Bonnie.
Chad confides in Jack his fears that his marriage to Abigail is over.
Xander plays hardball with EJ.

Tue, Aug 31, 2021
Allie loses her cool over Johnny and Chanel's relationship.
Chloe and Brady are forced to share close quarters.
Belle tries to talk Philip off the ledge.
Ben and Ciara inform Shawn of their honeymoon plans.

Wed, Sep 1, 2021
Paulina offers Chanel romantic advice.
Nicole suggests Allie is jealous about her brother dating Chanel.
Ava's announcement takes Rafe by surprise.
Philip finds Chloe and Brady in bed together.

Thu, Sep 2, 2021
John gets recruited for a top-secret mission.
Anna informs Roman that Carrie's marriage is in trouble.
Paulina's breakfast plans with Lani, Eli, and Abe go awry.
Chad has a tense encounter with Gabi and Jake.

Fri, Sep 3, 2021
Calista pressures Bonnie to commit a crime.
Nicole balks at EJ's request.
Gwen comes clean with Jack.
Ben and Ciara enjoy their honeymoon.
Doesn't Roman already know that Carrie's marriage is in trouble? She did spend time with Rafe over the Pub the last time she was in town.
Allie loses her cool over Johnny and Chanel's relationship.
because????? sister is overly protective of brother?? certainly not the other way or she'd never have all those great London Party Memories.....
John gets recruited for a top-secret mission.
Well, this is going to end well..... John heading into a coma in 3, 2 .........
Calista pressures Bonnie to commit a crime.
What is Bonnie 5? How can you pressure someone into committing a crime..... oh ya.... cruddy writing...... works every time.....
I thought it was sounding like they were setting it up for the Beyond Salem series...but I wonder, will all these people that are in the spin off series be off the show that whole week?? Not that we see them that often on the regular show, anyway.
hECK, WITH THE way the show "rests" chracters for weeks, they were probably filming both shows at same time, If Ciara & Ben go on a honeymoon on regular show, then show up in New Orleans in the BeYond......well, one can tell. Someone said marlena was wearing same clothes in some scenes from both shows??? Who knows.
Mon, Aug 30, 2021
Xander plays hardball with EJ. [Hopefully, the mighty X-Man will crush EJ like the cockroach that he is.]

Wed, Sep 1, 2021
Philip finds Chloe and Brady in bed together. [More bad news for feckless Philly K. What's next -- Victor dumps him as Titan CEO and brings back Xander?]

Thu, Sep 2, 2021
John gets recruited for a top-secret mission. [Marlena better stage an intervention ASAP. There's no way that this ends well.]
Anna informs Roman that Carrie's marriage is in trouble. [There's no surprise here. Austin never was exactly exciting. How long will it be before she's back in Salem once again panting with lust for Rafe?]

Fri, Sep 3, 2021
Nicole balks at EJ's request. [Nicole shouldn't even be talking to this creep.]
Gwen comes clean with Jack. [Jack should now immediately ask Xander to return to the Deveraux home and give him a better place to sleep than the sofa.]
Gwen coming clean with Jack is good news. I never understood how this last bit of confession about her tumble down the stairs was such a big deal that it got her wrapped up in a death and dragged Xander into police trouble. And based on the spoilers for next week, it seems like X-Man's not going to have trouble finding a place to sleep in that house as long as Gwen has a bed there. :)
Wed, Sep 1, 2021
Philip finds Chloe and Brady in bed together. [More bad news for feckless Philly K. What's next -- Victor dumps him as Titan CEO and brings back Xander?]
Ciara’s back from the dead with her memory intact, she’s gonna need a job, Maybe she should
Get a turn at being CEO of Titan, we know business skills don’t matter
Surprised she is back this long.......but since Ben & Ciara go on honeymoon.........guessing they will be off for a while, then she will disappear, or get injured & be in hosp. or something.........