We can get past this.... Seriously?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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Oh boy is Jenn delusional or what? "We can get past this" is a phrase that could be used in certain situations. But not in this one. Jenn hasn't wavered in her belief she had to tell Eric because she believes that Daniel would not have. She believes that Daniel is so weak and gullible that Nicole could manipulate him into doing whatever she wants. You can get past things like not being a good cook or being a neat freak. You can't get past having the one you love see you as a weak, easily manipulated and someone who will lie to get what you want even when it hurts others.

Jenn has shown in the last few years that she feels she is always right, never wrong and the only one that gets to decide what is a deal breaker in a relationship. She only chose Jack because Daniel told her that her inability to chose was a deal breaker for him. That wasn't even choosing. It was taking the booby prize because that boob was ok with playing jester to the princess.
Boy did Jen ever drive me nuts today. Daniel has told her three or four times he needs space, so give him some space!!! I really disliked how she was trying to use JJ to manipulate Daniel into getting back together with her "But JJ wants us together. But JJ wants you to come to his graduation." Grr.

Let Daniel maintain his friendship with JJ without Jen getting in the middle. I think it would be good for JJ to learn that his mother's relationships are between her and her relationship partner. JJ wanting them together is as irrelevant to whether they should be as JJ wanting them apart at this time last year.

If JJ's friendship with Daniel manages to survive despite Daniel not wanting to be with Jen anymore, I could see Jen getting jealous. I'd love to see Daniel try to continue to be a mentor for JJ yet try not to undermine Jen. That would be so much more interesting than round 200000 of Daniel/Jen.
I couldn't agree more! I found Daniel actually tolerable as he bonded with JJ in the last few months, and Jenn has to continue to be insecure, possessive, and judgmental. Grow up, shrew!!

I too would like to see Daniel & JJ maintain the friendship and I hope Dan & Jen NEVER get back together. NEVER EVER.
Honestly, the whole thing is stupid. I think the writers could have come up with a better Daniel and Jen angst. It just seems a little forced. Jen is always saying how Daniel is this great person and Daniel seems like he gave up a little quick...I suppose I don't care, most of the times I ff their scenes anyways. LOL. In the old days I used to love Jen, now I roll my eyes every time she is in a scene. How did that happen?
While someone or two of the "suits" seemed to like the pairing of Daniel & Jen, the viewers did not. The writers just have not been able to come up with story that makes their coupleship (yeah, not a word I bet) plausible. Daniel is a very intelligent, gifted doctor, a very good friend to others, a guy who will go out of his way to right what he feels an injustice...but Jennifer wants to do all his thinking for him. She has chased him repeatedly, followed him, made decisions for him. She is right, he is wrong. And Daniel may love Jen, but finds it difficult to accept her interference in his decisions.

This last straw (Jennifer eavesdropped on a conversation, and rushed off to tell Eric) was it for Daniel. I think now it amounts to trust. Jennifer doesn't trust Daniel, and he can no longer trust her not to interfere.
I think Dan and Jen had a fan base when they first got together when Jack was still around. The problem is they have been subject to awful writing. The constant forced make up/break up is not the right way to create angst. They have so many other possibilities as a couple that would make them more interesting and realistic to the audience. But TPTB don't get it.

I do think there is still a fan base for them and I think when you compare them to the golden couple, they are the lesser of 2 evils.

Hopefully if a new writing team comes in, some of this can be rectified.
I actually like this issue they have because it isn't yet another person trying to mess things up for them, but their own personalities and character flaws that are causing problems. Daniel is very willing to give Nicole multiple chances, very willing to hope/believe she'll do the right thing and yes, Nicole took advantage of that. Jennifer recognizes this, but foists the blame off on "Nicole's manipulations" and villainizes Nicole and makes it sound like Daniel is "too good" for his own good. She acts like she has to protect Daniel from his own choices because he's some naive little boy or something instead of the world-traveling, surfer super-doctor/surgeron that the show touts him to be. He already has a meddling mother in Maggie, he doesn't need Jennifer to do that as well. Jennifer's judgmentalness and lack of understanding of why this is a big deal are annoying. She thinks Daniel should get past it and that she has no part in "getting past this".
I'd like to see Jen and Eric try to discuss something important. They'd both be constantly interrupting and jumping to conclusions--would either one of them actually get a word in edgewise?
This would be quite a sight. Salemites love to eavesdrop, but overhearing even a few seconds of an Eric-Jenny conversation would send them fleeing, with their hands over their ears.
While someone or two of the "suits" seemed to like the pairing of Daniel & Jen, the viewers did not. The writers just have not been able to come up with story that makes their coupleship (yeah, not a word I bet) plausible....
Agree. The idea that a handsome, virile, miracle surgeon and surfer dude would be seriously attracted to a prissy, judgmental, self-righteous woman who's given to public rants when she's displeased about something makes little sense. Move along Daniel. Even in the narrow little hothouse world of Salem you can do far better than Ms. Sleeveless.