Way to go, Kate


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2010
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Upstate, NY
I cannot believe Kate would jeopardize Jordan (Tammy-Sue) and Ben's (Ollie?) lives by giving a clue to their whereabouts to what appears, at first blush, to be an abusive father. Really, Kate? You didn't get the bad, danger Will Robinson vibe this guys was putting out?

Since she is an abuse survivor, you would think she would think twice - instead of being so consumed with hatred and revenge. Revenge for what? What exactly did Jordan (I'm using that name as I'm hoping she doesn't revert to Tammy-Sue!) do to you? You hired her and brought her to town to rehabilitate Rafe - which she did.
Totally agree. Given Kate's history with domestic violence, controlling husbands, she of all people should've had red flags going up all over the place. It would've been nice to see Kate see that something wasn't quite right, which at times it seemed that she was hesitating in giving information, but eventually did so anyways. Perhaps Kate will start thinking of what could've made Jordan run and take her little brother. Kate should be thinking and be reminded of what Billie and Austin went through at the hands of Curtis Reed and putting Jordan on notice as to what she may have done.
I'd much rather have seen Kate kept quiet about Tammy-Sue and Ollie's whereabouts, and Clyde find them himself, unbeknownst to Kate. I think it would have made a better story for her that way rather than always being a jealous witch. Especially considering what Kate and her kids have been through with abusive men.
Kate really doesn't know anything tangible about Jordan's past. We don't even know what the issues were. Should she be digging around? No. But Jordan could have told someone whether it be Rafe or her friend that has since left town that she left home because of an abusive parent and left it at that. We are just guessing at what Clyde did as Kate is as well. But I really think cares more about what may happen to Rafe than any mess that Jordan brings to the table. She's just not thinking that any problems Jordan gets into will end up involving Rafe as well.
I was just sick as Kate was dishing out all that info. And when Clyde asked just WHY she was asking questions...that lame line about not wanting her friend to be hurt.
Kate has been hoping that Jordan is a jailbird, or a hooker, or something really nasty. It bugged her so badly she broke into Jordan's room, and found those fake I.D.s. Thus, all the more determined.
I really and truly hope that Kate gets what is coming to her for this latest stunt. Shame on her.
I can't agree more with everything said in this, I've been taking to twitter and here to complain about these very points. Her radar should have been going off left, right, and northeast that this guy was a level-12 skeezo, and she should have run for the hills. Then Clyde follows her, she realises what a stupid, pointless quest she was on, and she and Jordan have to team up to defeat Clyde, sans Rafe.

There really has been no point to Kate's hatred of Jordan, other than to occupy herself without Stefano. STUPID, bad storytelling and changing a character to fit DA PLOT. BIG FAT BOO.
TylerJax, I learned a long time ago not to be surprised by anything Kate does.

...Jordan could have told someone ... that she left home because of an abusive parent and left it at that.
Poor Tammy Sue/Jordan probably didn't know until a couple of months ago why she left home. The writers seem to be making this one up as they go along.

Jason, I don't think the character of Kate has been changed. She's just being the way she's always been.
Jason, I don't think the character of Kate has been changed. She's just being the way she's always been.
She's being the way this Kate has always been, yes. But even this Kate had limits at one point. And I can't remember her ever being so petty - she and Rafe broke up in SPRING 2013 and she's just convinced Jordan is a nasty girl, and gives up info like that to a creep? At least when she was plotting to kill Victor with that Moroni guy, she had second thoughts once or twice, and Victor had given her ample cause.
Poor Tammy Sue/Jordan probably didn't know until a couple of months ago why she left home. The writers seem to be making this one up as they go along.
This explains why the actresses portrayal of Jordan has been either flat or whiny. She might as well have left home to become a finger nail polish model and failed at that.
Kate really doesn't know anything tangible about Jordan's past. We don't even know what the issues were.
Correct. None of us (viewers) know much about Jordan other than she is afraid and is hiding something and that she has used fake identities. That said, judging by the comments here, Kate should have gotten the same red flags that we did as viewers and never given away Jordan's location.

edited to enlarge font....JS