Victor's attitude

I feel bad for Xander too. It doesn't make sense why he dislikes him so much. Is it because of who his grandfather is? I hope the murderer isn't judging him for being a murderer (attempted murderer?). Xander seems like the one he should like the most since he has been off doing his own thing while Brady has to be saved from his own poor decisions all the time.

I have come to greatly dislike Victor. I don't like that his sexist comments are supposed to be funny and never challenged and his snark got old years ago. Maybe Xander and Theresa can join forces to give him a heart attack.

I hope Rafe gets a new job elsewhere soon

And Marlena finally did something right? How about you putting a hit out on someone that didn't die and your nephew had to suffer for it.
I agree with you. It's really lazy writing.

... Is it because of who his grandfather is? ...

Xander is the son of Titus, Victor's brother. Xander's grandfather would be Yurgos, Victor's father. So far, the only impression I've got is that Victor dislikes Xander because he's not as cool and wonderful as Daniel.
I don't recall mention of Xander's parentage in the past. I actually thought they were referring to another son of Justin and Adrienne when he was first coming into the current Salem. From the few references I have heard recently, it seems as though Xander had a rough childhood. If that is true, I would think other members of the family, say Victor, would be more concerned over Xander's wellbeing, rather than turning him into more of a bad guy.
They were cagey at first but Victor did say that Xander was the son of his brother Titus, to whom he was not close. Beyond the mention of the manslaughter/assault case when Xander/Daniel/Brady were teens/kids (let's not ask, ok? LOL), and the oblique mentions of Xander's doing dirty work for Victor, there has been no explanation as to why Victor dislikes Xander or treats him like pond scum.

This whole thing could be far more interesting if we knew WHY Victor disliked him so, or if he were actually the OTHER Alexander, aka Alex, son of Justin/Anjelica/Adrienne, or even a hitherto-unmentioned brother of Justin's, to increase the family connection.
Victor is treating Xander like dirt and the hired thug, which I think is the way the relationship has always been, Xander was and still is one of Victor's dirty work men, and was well paid for it it seems. Unlike before, Victor had kept Xander far away and doing the dirty work, he now has to have him close to "protect Brady" from Stefano.

I'm just waiting for Maggie to start liking Xander and Victor having to pretend to like him around. That should be good for a few laughs. I too did feel sorry for Xander when Victor was talking about having him around and Xander thought it was because he was family and it was just Victor wanting a "hired gun" that was not noticeable.
It has been indicated that Xander has done "favors" for Victor, plus included him in a few business ventures that were done with hands not quite clean.....which is why Vic doesn't want to hear "details".
Vic did not know Xander was coming to town, and was under the impression he was leaving as his "business" was nearly concluded. I am guessing Victor figured that an unknown hired bodyguard might be too noticable, whereas a family member might not be looked at too closely.
But it was hurtful for Xander the way Victor excluded him from "family".
Victor is becoming a "do I love him or do I hate him?" Until we know just what crap Victor had to bail Xander out of, I am sympathetic towards Xander. I think it's hypocritical for Victor to be holding a grudge on a family member but expects his dirty help when he needs it, especially when he has had to bail out his other family members as well.

Good grief, he had Brady kidnapped and thrown in rehab making it look like Chloe had offed him. And Victor is no saint himself. He's a known crime lord of the past and his criminal group is always bailing each other out of crap. In fact, I seriously doubt his hands are clean now, otherwise he would have no need of goons. This time he's choosing Xander to be his goon.

I can't stand the way he treats Nicole. If others can be redeemed and forgiven then so can she.

Then there's what I foresee will be a huge problem. I think the one person that will cause more trouble over the baby will be be Victor. I think Victor either knew about Christopher or was highly suspicious. He made a comment about Theresa and the baby when Brady and them were in Italy and I thought it was before Brady told him.
Victor had men tailing Brady and reporting back to him. Those men were noted by Kristen's men, and told her they had been "taken care of". So Victor MAY have known that they had reached kristen, who had a baby there. Plus Theresa. Victor DID use his connections to make sure they got out of Italy and on their way back.
Victor had that address already. So I think there's a distinct possibility that he knew Kristen was there with a baby and due to timing he may have wondered if that baby was Brady's. He may have been looking into it and just didn't have solid proof yet. Victor made a comment and I'd have to look at transcripts to see what he said but it had something to do with Theresa and the baby and I could swear it was before he was told who the baby actually is. Is there any site that has the transcripts?