

Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2013
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Wherever I am
Did anyone believe Victor today when he told Clyde he "gave up"? I don't believe Victor has given up at all. He's just setting the hillbilly up and will "take care of him" another time. I'm still hoping Victor will get proof that Clyde had EJ killed, turn the info over to Stefano, and they will go after Clyde together.
Foxy old Victor's statements to Clyde today were likely part of a tactical retreat. As much as viewers might like Victor and Stefano to team up to destroy Clyde, it's doubtful that the writers will go there. Instead, Victor might have Rafe do some investigating and get enough evidence so that the Salem P.D. could actually make an arrest that sticks. After all, it has demonstrated an ability to do this when a case is dropped in their lap. Just ask Gus and Ian McAllister. Hopefully, Rafe's detecting skills didn't seriously diminish while he was immersed in the culture of incompetence that permeates Roman's hapless police force.
I believe it; although I think everyone is right about having Rafe look into it. Victor may be a great crime-lord, but family has always come first with him. If he thinks the attack on Sonny was in retaliation for the attack on Clyde, and when Clyde started mentioning family members by name, I think Victor remembered what was most important (and what Maggie would do to him if anything happened to Ciara because of his dealings).
"Age and guile is always better than youth and speed." I've paraphrased someone's quote. Would give credit, but have no idea who said it. Clyde is sadly mistaken if he underestimates Victor. I'm looking forward to seeing him destroyed.... slowly will work, but I'd prefer quickly and completely!!!
In the movie, Fried Green Tomatoes, a woman is waiting to pull into a parking place, when 2 young girls in a convertible zip into the spot, beating her. She yells, hey, I was waiting to pull in. The girls laugh, we're younger and faster, then walk off. Kathy Bates (the woman) backs up her car, and begins to ram the rear of the convertible. The girls come running back, "what the heck are you doing". kathy spits out.....I'm older, and have more insurance, before she drives off to another spot. Really funny scene.

Rafe supposedly has been out of town, as his mother has been ill. Since his name is mentioned a few times on Wed., am guessing he is to be back soon.
Ciara is not related by blood to Maggie, but she IS Victor's granddaughter, plus being Mickey's great-niece.
I understand that; but I can only imagine Maggie's horror if something happened to a child, any child, because of something Victor did.
krw627 said:
...but family has always come first with [Victor].
While it's true that Victor can be a witty, lovable, old codger at times, he still has a ruthless streak. Having Damon shoot Clyde is just an example. Just by being crooked, both Stefano and Victor continually put their family in harm's way. Unlike Stefano, Victor hasn't done the things to his family that Stefano has, but he did have Claire kidnapped that time. There is evil behind Victor's handsome face and sharp wit.