University Hospital


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2007
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Funny what happens at University Hospital. No more than 2 nurses working at any given time, no patient call lights going off, no messes to clean up, charts at the ready whenever the doctor needs them. Every hospital that I know of is computerized, thus no more physical charts, staff allowed to openly kiss their significant other passionately no matter who may be around, knock down drag out brawls at the nurse's station, constant harassment from the head of HR and every patient room seems to have two doors to exit from.

Staff takes "breaks" in the middle of the day (just long enough for that afternoon "quickie") and those "projects" that were never a big deal before but now suddenly are and what really puzzled me was when they first introduced us to Jordan.

Jordan had the nerdy glasses and wore her hair up and the all of a sudden blossomed into a stylish model upon meeting Rafe. What exactly was the point? She turned from a wall flower into a self assured opinionated woman in record time! Maybe if this was allowed at the hospital where I work, it just might be more interesting to work there.:)
I've never seen a hospital where HR and other Admin staff are using computers at the nurses station.

Nor have I seen one where a physical therapist has a large single office and also never wears scrubs.

And to Jason's favorite point, what hospital orders coffee and paper goods from a local nightclub? I could understand maybe catering a Board meeting but not everyday stuff.
LOL, definitely, all valid points. Please that Ben no longer works at the club, there is no more coffee being delivered. LOL.
And....Jordan wore scrubs when she first came, and even when Rafe was in therapy with her. But once they both got outside the hospital, the glasses disappeared, the hair came down, and the sexy clothes were donned. Even when she was supposed to be working. Da plot, da plot.

There is really NO reason for HR (meaning Anne & Theresa) or PR (meaning Jennifer & Abby) to be using computers or going thru files in the nurses' station.
I understand them cutting corners because of budget concerns, but truly, the hospital setting and goings on is a travesty. And I am sure, in any other hospital, people would have been fired by now.

Oh, by the way, do board members REALLY wander around the hospital, visit lounges, hang around the nurses' station? Really?
I'm on several Boards and yes it is plausible that a Board member may have a meeting with a staff member outside of a regular Board meeting but nothing like what we've seen here.

I think TPTB really screwed up by not having anyone in the 20 something generation go into the medical field. We have Melanie who is a nurse, Maxine, Daniel and Kayla. I know Marlena is a doctor too but she doesn't really treat the medical cases. And besides that's still not enough medical personnel in the younger generation. Think of the storyline possibilities. Everyone is either in Admin or some type of corporate role. For a soap, there are way too many non-medical personnel at the hospital on a daily basis, especially considering most days, the Salem hospital bed is empty.
Which is a reason they should've kept Nathan on, in my opinion. If anyone would've had potential to become the new Tom & Alice, I think it might have been him and Melanie.
Just my opinion, but Melanie "stumbles" upon things, cannot even form a complete sentence without a lot of stumbling (um,yah,but ah, ya but..) and even my husband who, professes that he never watches Days, cannot help but comment whenever Melanie speaks. I'm not trying to pick on this actress at all but it is painful to watch her at times. If this is part of who Melanie is, she is doing a great job!

edited to write out text-speak phrase - JS
Melanie as Alice Horton? ...
no no no.gif

And Nathan annoyed me from Day 1, when he was future Johnny the Jerk DiMera. Bringing him on as Melissa's spontaneously generated son was a good idea, that the writers failed to develop. And don't get me started on the Philip/Melanie/Nathan/Stephanie mess.

I too would like to see some of the younger characters involved in the nursing/medical fields. Although frankly, I'd rather we see a change from the constant hospital storylines.

I'm sure we'll see more coffee deliveries as soon as it serves DA PLOT. You know, the next time a patient needs to wander over to the delivery boy and french him. :sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick:

...I think TPTB really screwed up by not having anyone in the 20 something generation go into the medical field....

Oh, how quickly we forget!! The most interesting and fascinating character ever created, Paige Larson, is going to be a doctor next year!! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I think TPTB really screwed up by not having anyone in the 20 something generation go into the medical field.
This failure is particularly mystifying considering how easy it is to become a doctor and a nurse in Salem. After only a few weeks in Salem University Medical School's quickie curriculum, hothead Ben could be removing gall bladders. He could be joined by Dr. Sonny, which would result in brat boy Will fretting over whether his husband will leave him for a young, handsome male patient. Presiding over this crack team of young physicians would be Dr. T, whose brilliant, innovative surgeries have has-been Dr. McScruffy drooling with envy. Rory could join in on the fun as an orderly, which would give him the opportunity to puff on pot in storage closets with newly-minted Nurse Bev.
Funny what happens at University Hospital. No more than 2 nurses working at any given time, no patient call lights going off, no messes to clean up, charts at the ready whenever the doctor needs them. Every hospital that I know of is computerized, thus no more physical charts, staff allowed to openly kiss their significant other passionately no matter who may be around, knock down drag out brawls at the nurse's station, constant harassment from the head of HR and every patient room seems to have two doors to exit from. :)

The entire nurses' station thing drives me over the edge. None of that would ever be allowed at any hospital. I also was going to comment about the "two doors in every room" thing. Seriously? I've had five surgeries and I have never once seen a patient's room that has that 2nd "exit door" to sneak in or out of. I'd love to know where they came up with that one. :confused: