Tori vs Jordan

Mr. Continuity

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2012
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It's interesting that it was hard to care about Jordan as much as we do about Tori. I think that it's because we love it when a new character turns out to be related to a veteran. Especially when it is Stefano, or John Black. Am I right with this? It seems to me that characters do better when there is a link to Days' past. They also got this one going faster. Lesson learned I hope. Jordan didn't have a chance.:cry:
I agree that characters that are somehow connected to canvass gets better reception than complete newbies despite people constantly complaining how everyone shouldn't be related to everyone else. Very interesting dynamics from fandom. I think it has to do with the show handling these newbies with connection better then complete newbies. There is a hook already.
In my opinion, Jordan was given no story, nothing interesting to say or do. When she arrived, she was tied to a comatose Rafe, and after a long period of time, was finally given a couple scenes a week of "therapy". She said or did nothing that held interest, and did not interact with any other characters. She interacted mostly with Rafe, and even when her brother arrived in town, barely interacted with him. Even when Clyde arrived, her past was talked about in vague terms. There was no way for the audience to get to know her at all.
Tori has, in my opinion, no connection to any VET in town. She has only talked to Paul, and had 2 short conversations with Will. She has had no interaction with anyone else, and doesn't seem to want to, hiding, leaving, etc. She has NO story yet, other than she is Paul's mother, and he certainly does not qualify as a vet......though he certainly has had more story in his few months in Salem than Jordan ever did.
I would compare Paul more with Jordan and Serena specially the later than Tori. Tori is just support character to Paul. He and Serena seem to have the same backstory. Both had past relationship without current character. I think Paul/Sonny was handled better then Serena/Eric though. Paul has been received well compare to the other two. I think Paul was received better before the whole speculation about who the daddy came to be. I think the viewers can be accepting of complete newbies if their story starts right away instead of taking forever like Jordan/Serena and if they are being played by good charismatic actor/actress but having some kind of tie to the canvass gives them that extra hook.

I remember reading a lot of people wanting Serena to be Sarah Horton.
I think being involved with vets has something to do with it. But I also think it has to do with her being the mother of an interesting newbie (which is a rarity on this soap in these days). Paul has been pretty-well integrated into the show, and Tori, so far, is building (or has secret) connections. On the other hand, Jordan seemed like a nice girl, but she was very bland and boring. Nothing to make us like OR dislike her either way, which is terrible on a soap opera.