Top 10 John storylines


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2013
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Our old friend John Black has taken the proverbial knock on the noggin so here are the top 10 storylines when he wakes up.
10. Amnesia.
9. 6 mo. Of grueling rehab with the lovely Jordan.
8. Thinks he is married to Hope again and they live at the pub.
7. Thinks EJ and JJ are brothers because they have the same last nickname.
6. Thinks he is a rodeo clown.
5. Thinks his name is Adam and he is married to Eve.
4. Thinks his name is John White.
3. Can't figure out who is watching the kids with EJ in jail and Sami on her revenge tour.
2. Thinks he is a homeless man and sleeps on the bench and eats out of the garbage cans in the square.
1. Drum roll please! Thinks Sonny and Will are Sonny and Cher and keeps asking them to sing I Got You Babe!
They key word in many of these scenarios is "thinks." John thinks...

What usually happens is if someone in Salem awakes from a coma and thinks something inaccurate, everyone pretends that the thought is correct so as not to further traumatize his brain, etc. So, Eve could pretend to be his wife. JJ could visit and say "Hi, bro!" Hope could take him to their home (wherever that is!) for lengthy rehab with Jordan while none of the truths are ever mentioned.
These probably won't make anyone's top ten or even top twenty, but here goes:
Reverts to his RoboJohn persona and starts telling Salemites the unvarnished truth (Hey, Sami, why don't you ever take care of your children?).
Reverts to being the Pawn and contacts Stefano about a new assignment.
Forgets how to speak English and only uses whatever Spanish he learned in the Argentine orphanage.
Thinks it's 2007 and moves into the DiMansion, much to the horror of Sami.
Thinks he's still an ISA agent and announces a big new initiative to "bring down" Stefano.
Decides to ditch sordid Salem society and moves into the Horton cabin where he chills with the mice and raccoons.
Awakens in a remarkably clear-headed state, rushes to a computer and immediately finds documentary evidence that proves EJ looted the Basic Black pension funds
Reverts to his RoboJohn persona and starts telling Salemites the unvarnished truth (Hey, Sami, why don't you ever take care of your children?).
Ding Ding Ding that's what I would pick as the winner if I was doing the picking. It is just that his character at times was so darn funny than. But like I said in another post that was with different writers. Just kind of seems a shame that he gets bought back for this.

edited to fix quote....JS
All of these are hilarious!! Would be really funny if he did wake up and think he was Roman Brady and as susala said, no one corrects him, as not cause him any brain-strain. Then Daniel, Marlena, Hope, etc., convince Roman that he should just say he's his old buddy, Chris Kosichek, to really make John think he's Roman and hanging out with his old bud again.
I would like John to be NuJohn (what I called him and not RoboJohn)
I loved his offbeat humor and he called Marlena Blondie.

Or John could wake up and forgot the past few years and only remember the
good times he had with Marlena. He'll think Belle and Brady are still kids.