Time for Clyde to fly


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2008
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Upstate NY
I may have missed a thread, or am I the only one who thinks they need to lose this whole "Clyde" story line? This character annoys me to no end. Nothing about him makes any sense. If I were Jordan or Ben and this idiot showed up, I would waste no time in alerting the police.

Despite the fact Clyde is holding something over Jordan's head, I'm guessing whatever she did was in self defense anyway. It is also totally unbelievable that the writers would actually have Kate giving him the time of day, let alone EJ!

Every time he walks in with that hilljack accent and his thinly veiled threats, I wish someone like "Patch" were still around to straighten him out. They can't lose this story fast enough.
I wish someone like "Patch" were still around to straighten him out.

Right now, I have no interest in Clyde, except maybe to see him take down EJ. But there may be potential, so I'm not ready to see him go. However, what you said about Patch (Steve) just had me dreaming ! :love: Oh, if only... Bring back Steve, Bo, Jack (why not ?), use Nicole, Kayla, Hope, John and Marlena, along with Lucas and we've got a show, people ! Sigh...
I like the actor as he is fun eye candy however, I can't stand the character of Clyde. And I'm already over the secretive business and his past with Jordan. We still do not know much more about Jordan and Ben's past than we did before he arrived on the scene.

And I'm sorry but I'm not buying that suddenly Clyde is going to be the key to EJ's downfall. Between Sami, Kate, Stefano and Rafe, there are more than enough existing characters in Salem who can take care of that without a new character being involved.

He needs to hop on the Salem Express out of town and take Jordan, Eve, Paige, Kate, Daniel, Mary Beth, and Jeannie Theresa with him permanently.
I actually like Clyde. Do I think he is a good person? Of course not! But he is an interesting villain that the show desperately needs. Kristen doesn't do much evil these days--and she is probably not going to be around forever. EJ and Victor have both been wimped down (especially EJ), Theresa is just a troublemaker, Sami is a twit bed hopper, and Kate is an overprotective mama-bear type, as is Eve. Clyde is the only character who is a true villain. I also like the chemistry he has with Kate, and am interested in seeing where that goes as well as his plan to bring down EJ.

What I do NOT like is that his backstory and 'job', while seemingly obvious, hasn't been explained in detail, leaving a great number of viewers--such as myself and many here--to not really care. I think it would be better if Jordan left the soap and he stayed.
I think Clyde could be a great villain. The way he goes from Southern charm to sinister and threatening, his obsession w Kate (which is understated just enough to be creepy rather than irritating and his willingness to go to any lengths to get what he wants show promise as a villain. He needs a real motivation though.

It seems to me that Kristen, Eve and Theresa have become kind of interchangeable, which is sad. In contrast, Clyde is more of a distinctive character in my opinion, so I much prefer him to the ladies in the villain department.
Agree. Clyde could really be an interesting replacement for the fading Stefano and the vanishing EJ. TBTB could dust off the old Cheatin' Heart set and have Clyde run the place as a front for his other enterprises: meth labs in the many cabins that seem to surround Salem, stealing cars, loansharking, prostitution, crooked backroom card games, selling beer and liquor to underage Salemites (this means you, Rory), and masterminding bank and armored car robberies in nearby communities. A bonus would be more screen time for Roman as he brainstorms with Rafe over ways to "bring down" Clyde (and maybe getting nostalgic about when he only had to deal with the DiMeras).
I still believe that Clyde is the only (at this time) villain to take over the part completely when Stefano leaves town permanently. (retires) And, I realize that the writers think that because he's from the South and because he's from the hills, he has to move slowly...that's not why he does it...it's just so dramatic...and smooth as silk. It's a very attractive thing to meet a man who is smooth.

Just because Jordan took Ben over state lines when he was underage is what Clyde is holding over Jordan's head which is nothing.. a mere slap on the wrist ..and with Aidan as her lawyer she will get away scott free so I don't understand why Jordan is so scared.. maybe if they would move this stupid story along more than have it drag out for the past year we would understand more. we still have no idea what all this mystery money that Clyde stole and then Jordan stole from him is about and frankly I'm too bored to even care!
I wouldn't mind if he stuck around if they gave me a reason to like him. A hobby, a backstory, SOMETHING...ANYTHING. So far all I know is that he's sleazier than an undone leisure suit and he's dealing dirty with the DiMeras. NOT a way to make me care about him or his violent shirtless spawn & Sominex-esque step-spawn.

But as he's been written, I'd say "Poplar Bluff needs Clyde Weston."