Those blue hospital blinds!

Mr. Continuity

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2012
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Okay, I know Days has a budget and they use the same room for all the hospital rooms, offices, etc. Can't they at least change the window treatments. Maybe they could fool us. Even Jordan's office has those blue blinds. They don't even match anything. Just a little rant here.:sarcasm:
You know, maybe the hospitals in which I have been a patient or a visitor are just not up to snuff........but none have had windows INTO the room. Not one. Nor has any ever had another entrance/exit door besides the one. Sure, there is a bathroom, and a door to it...but no exit from there, either.
And.........never saw blinds either. LOLOL
I think the blinds are plausible in an ICU setting but not in a regular hospital room. And yes changing walls, window treatments, room configurations would be nice.

Beyond sick and tired of that office set with the 2 doors!!!!!!!
Our hospitals have nice big windows but only on the higher floors (3+). On the first and second floors, mostly reception, etc., and ICU, imaging offices, etc., with no windows obviously. But Salem just has the one all-purpose hospital room for births, arm surgeries, and of course the quarterly coma. :)
Oh yes!!! I get your meaning now - LOL, our ICU department actually does have windows to the hallway, but not outside, and of course nothing like what we see in Salem!! And on the upper floors, no windows "in" to the rooms - that is just odd!! "Only in Salem...!!"

Our honchos from big corporations have their own offices though!! No matter how often I wander around our public parks I never see CEOs having high-powered meetings. :wink:
Jason, you aren't walking in the correct part of the park. Look for benchie, that's where the action is.

A few years back I had the "honor" of spending time in a Mayo hospital. I had a beautiful view of the mountains. Truly a great view as I was in bed, but no clue what was going on outside my room in the hallway.

Really, how difficult or expensive is it to hang curtains? Put them on a rod once and then change them out as the office changes. Hope's desk and bookcase, beige drapes. Daniel's desk and pictures, orangeish tie-dye drapes. Marlena's office, desk and mint green drapes, or whatever can be found at the clearance aisle at Target.
Nor has any ever had another entrance/exit door besides the one. Sure, there is a bathroom, and a door to it...but no exit from there, either....
That second door to University Hospital's premiere room has never made sense. However it has served "da plot." If memory serves, Nathan was able to sneak in the side door to deliver the life-saving antidote for Chloe. (Kate probably still holds that against him.) In contrast, the "real killer" of Mayor Marino used the room's front door and was promptly gunned down by Bo Brady, but not before Hope accidently shot Kayla. (Since he was apparently a DiMera employee, it would make sense that the "real killer" was too dense to realize that skulking out the infamous side door might have been a better option.)
What ever happened to that one weird-looking hospital room (I liked the set, though) where Nathan and Melanie were being treated by Carly for that strange virus, back in November 2010?