Things in Salem you're thankful for

I'm thankful that the other person's side of a conversation with Roman can almost always help me decipher what he's trying to say. I'm also thankful that for a while now Sami's managed to avoid bringing up Marlena's affair 5 times a day. :clap:
I'm thankful Maggie doesn't have a whole basket full of egg-babies to gush over.

I'm thankful for Benchie, who hears all of Salem's secrets. I'm thankful for Ciara's backpack, for giving some of those secrets a place to hide. I'm thankful for Harold and Mary; without them, Sami's children would starve and never have clean clothes. I'm thankful for Kate's blue streak, as it's always there to look at when her clothes are terrible. I'm also thankful for Jennifer's hairdresser, who probably lives up the Horton stairs. I'm also thankful for Daniel's necklace, because I'm pretty sure that if he ever lost it, he would also lose his superpowers and Salem's ill and wounded would have long recovery times and visible scars.
I'm thankful that all the attorneys are good looking; yes, I'm talking about you Justin, even if we don't see much of you anymore. That childcare is so readily available whenever needed.

That while all residents claim to work hard, they have an unending supply of cash, clean clothes and time off and never have car trouble; and all they do is drink; very little food consumption.

That Caroline has a safe place to stay and work even with her Alzheimer's; it's a special little town.
I'm thankful they haven't solved Parker's speech problem by having him turn into an angry 15-year-old on his way back from Chloe's.

I'm also thankful that TPTB chose Casey Moss to play JJ and that JJ has not un-transformed since he decided to turn his life around. And I'm thankful that we still have Daniel/JJ scenes now that Daniel and Jen are not together. (And thankful that a more likeable version of Jen has been around lately.)

I'm thankful for every Nicole scene, no matter what I think about what Nicole is doing.