Theresa's past

Theresa's recent statements about herself and her past...

  • are complete BS meant to make her look good while she keeps causing trouble

    Votes: 10 41.7%
  • are partially true but are extremely embellished

    Votes: 13 54.2%
  • are the absolute truth for once and explain why she acts out all the time

    Votes: 1 4.2%

  • Total voters

Heroic Muse

Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2014
Reaction score
Baldwin, New York
In the last couple weeks since Eve arrived, Theresa seems to be on a mission to prove she's not as bad as her sister and has made several statements about her past. I personally don't trust a word that comes out of her mouth and tend to think everything she's said is either embellished or made up altogether in order to paint her in a better light, but these particular statements could also be an attempt to give her the backstory that has been missing since she came to Salem.

I'm curious... do you think there's any truth to Theresa's claims that she was always told she was worse than Eve, that she doesn't mean to hurt people, just wants to take care of herself because she feels abandoned, etc? Has what she's said given you any insight into her character or changed your opinion of her at all?
My guess is that Shane was gone all the time, out fighting the bad guys for the ISA. Kimberly was a stressed-out single parent, trying to raise two children and little Jeannie felt neglected by her mommy and abandoned by her daddy, so in her mind, it gives her a free pass to act the way she does. It's the old "I grew up in a bad home and that's why I act like this" routine. The same way Sami drags out her moldy-oldie of "you ruined my life when you had sex with John on the Titan conference room table" whenever Marlena tries to make her see the light on something.
For all her brat girl ways, Theresa, unlike some Salemites with bad intentions, can be quite shrewd. She's probably smart enough to realize that total fabrications will be found out and then totally discredit her. Instead, she takes actual events and embellishes them, adds spin, and then poses as poor little Theresa, the victim of bad parents. This line would go over especially well in Salem, where bad parents are the rule rather than the exception. (Sorry, Sami, but the bad parents group includes you.)
The thing is.....when Kim left Salem with Jeannie & Andrew, she was with that movie producer, was divorced from Shane.
So Daddy not being around was not a factor. Shane did not live with Kim at all. And Kimberly was not a single struggling parent for ALL of those years. She got money from Shane, and was being supported by the producer, though eventually that ended I guess.
Kim & Shane did not reunite until Alice's funeral a couple of years ago.

:OT: when I was a kid, growing up, I knew a lot of kids being raised by just their mothers, fathers' deceased. Mothers worked during the day, kids are in school. I know at first I used to think I was the only kid in school without a father, (divorced) then realized that was the case with a lot of my friends. Anyway, all those kids grew up great, and no troubles during the teen years, etc. :back:
So, to me, just because Shane was not around as much, is just not the case. Theresa is a fabulous and believable liar. She probably would be in a tie with EJ. She has enjoyed having fun, partying, having no responsibilities. She doesn't care at all about working, doing a good job. And the only reason she has one is because Anne likes having an ally for the Hate Jennifer train ride.
I don't think Kim was with Phillip Collier for very long. She left Salem in the early 90s I think and came back for a visit a few years later single.

I didn't vote but I also don't buy her excuse of having an absent parent as an excuse for her behavior. Her brother Andrew is probably a saint.
You know, it drives me nuts that just about EVERY kid in Salem has an absent father, and that's the excuse for all sorts of troublemaking. JJ used to act out because Jack died, Ciara acts out because Bo is absent, Theresa may be acting out because Shane was absent, Brady claims John being absent was the source of his problems. Even Paige's father walked out, though somehow Paige managed to avoid the bad behavior that everyone else blames on their lack of a father. Here's a novel idea: How about some of the people who have been through and survived the loss of their fathers act as mentors to those who are currently fatherless instead of acting out themselves? And here's another one: how about the writers come up with some story that doesn't involve an absent father???

Back to the original topic, I also think Theresa is embellishing things. I have no doubt she feels unloved for reasons that are not being made clear, but I doubt that Shane and Kim were quite what she claims they were, and we still don't know what her relationship was or is with Andrew (except for one offhand comment by Kayla about how five-year-old Jeannie once hurt herself and said Andrew did it.) or what her relationship with Eve was really like prior to Eve's return to Salem. She seems to have a good relationship with Caroline, and that's about the only positive thing about her character. I wish we had seen Shane and Kim accompany her to Salem when she first came and got an inkling into her relationship with them instead of her just suddenly appearing there to cause trouble.
My biggest complaint about Theresa is the fact that we the audience have never been given a compelling reason why she acts the way that she does. I don't believe that Shane and Kimberly treated Theresa badly, this is Theresa's way of acting out to blame her parents. However, as far as being a villainess, I don't think Theresa is the worst. I feel that Sami was a whole lot worse and caused a lot more havoc when she first came to Salem (played by Alison Sweeney) when she kidnapped Belle, raped Austin, and told everyone Austin was Will's father. But yet, at least we were given reasons as to why Sami was acting out (seeing John and Marlena on the conference table, being raped by Alan). We have nothing on Theresa to have us understand her behavior.

I mentioned in another thread the other day that the writers have failed in developing both Theresa and Jordan's characters. We know very little about both of them even though they have both been on the air for about a year now. At least they are now starting to develop Jordan's backstory. It's time they focus on telling us more about why Theresa behaves the way she does.
She acts the way she does because very much like Sami is a little spoiled brat, who probably has "daddy abandonment issues":rolleyes: Much like Sami, its no wonder she idolizes her cousin lol

deleted spoiler info in non-spoiler forum....JS
We have nothing on Theresa to have us understand her behavior.
This is my problem with Theresa as well. I'm finding Eve is much more watchable because I know Eve's history and why she acts as she does. No matter how annoyed I am with her, I don't find her to be a waste of air time. Theresa and her mystery problem, however, just aggravate me no end.
A junkie who thinks she's going to get lots of funky new clothes and jewelry with all the money she thinks she will get. lol I think though that based on Victor's annoyance with Brady in how irresponsible he is that he is likely to be cut off by grandpa Vic. I will lol when that happens its only a matter of time.
You know, it drives me nuts that just about EVERY kid in Salem has an absent father, and that's the excuse for all sorts of troublemaking. JJ used to act out because Jack died, Ciara acts out because Bo is absent, Theresa may be acting out because Shane was absent, Brady claims John being absent was the source of his problems. Even Paige's father walked out, though somehow Paige managed to avoid the bad behavior that everyone else blames on their lack of a father. Here's a novel idea: How about some of the people who have been through and survived the loss of their fathers act as mentors to those who are currently fatherless instead of acting out themselves? And here's another one: how about the writers come up with some story that doesn't involve an absent father???

Back to the original topic, I also think Theresa is embellishing things. I have no doubt she feels unloved for reasons that are not being made clear, but I doubt that Shane and Kim were quite what she claims they were, and we still don't know what her relationship was or is with Andrew (except for one offhand comment by Kayla about how five-year-old Jeannie once hurt herself and said Andrew did it.) or what her relationship with Eve was really like prior to Eve's return to Salem. She seems to have a good relationship with Caroline, and that's about the only positive thing about her character. I wish we had seen Shane and Kim accompany her to Salem when she first came and got an inkling into her relationship with them instead of her just suddenly appearing there to cause trouble.
I couldn't blame Paige's father, could you imagine living with Eve? Other than the drugs, Theresa is just like Eve.