Theresa's flashback??


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2012
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Why did Theresa flashback to JJ and Paige kissing? Why did she follow JJ to the park and watch him kiss Paige? Do you think she has feelings for him, and that Corday, giving his pro-JJ & Theresa comments, is setting them up to be together?
Perhaps, Corday thinks Casey Moss (JJ) and Jen Lilley (Theresa) make a good pair, but he ought to start watching the show through the eyes of regular Days viewers. As mentioned in another thread, for viewers, the JJ and Theresa characters as a couple makes little sense. A gold-digger like Theresa would hang onto wealthy, hunky Brady like grim death, and if he ditched her, she'd do her best to find another sugar daddy. The idea that she'd prefer a younger, penniless high school kid to a wealthy man is almost as ridiculous as Hope's current inane investigation of the Tricky Nicky murder.
Theresa is a troublemaker, loves it. She probably still is resentful that JJ managed to turn the tables on her with the blackmail (catching her stealing money from the hospital again). Which made her video of him smoking some weed, absolutely useless. Theresa is all about payback.
I just think Theresa has it out for anyone that gets one over on her. JJ did, so he is still on her list.

Where it goes from there, who knows, but it does seem that it's that perfect storm for the start of a relationship at some point down the road.
She has said repeatedly that Shane was never around and Kimberly was a stressed out single parent (for the most part). Guess Theresa didn't get the attention she needed.

Oldest, dumbest, stupidest, lamest excuse in the book IMO. There was also no reason for them to write Shane as being an absentee dad, and that was definitely not in character for him.

I can't tell if Jeannie Theresa is romantically interested in JJ, or just wants to bust up his happiness because she's a jerk. But I really hate the writing on this show for the women, especially on today's show (5/27).

Oh and I'll politely disagree with you sirramix on the "perfect storm" angle. Now, however, the Days writers think it would be, so you will probably be right - but I for one am sick of the "you're my enemy! I hate you!! I will destroy you!! Now do me!!" arc of storytelling.
I just think Theresa has it out for anyone that gets one over on her. JJ did, so he is still on her list.

Where it goes from there, who knows, but it does seem that it's that perfect storm for the start of a relationship at some point down the road.

Rejection hurts; she would like to punish JJ in some way. Theresa is what we used to call a "princess;" not happy until every man in the building has hit on her. JJ is a challenge.
I know Days just loves rewriting history, or perhaps ignoring previous story. But Shane & Kimberly were DIVORCED when she moved out to L.A. with that movie director or producer. I thought she married him, but not sure about that.
Kayla moved to L.A. after Patch's "death", and after a very brief "testing of the waters" with Shane, which everyone hated, so she left. Shane eventually did, too.
Shane returned with Rafe from South America, after an adventure, short as it was. No mention was made of Kim or his family. The next time we saw Kim & Shane was for Alice Horton's funeral. And this is where they made up, reunited, and left together for L.A.

Now Theresa, saying her Dad was not around..probably was correct, being her parents were divorced, tho nothing is said about that. If Kim was a counselor, she was at work while kids were in school, so I won't buy that. Supposedly, the kids had a step father, but maybe that relationship fizzled, too, no idea since never mentioned.
Theresa's problems are Theresa's problems. She refuses all help, lies to bypass whatever she promises to do, and they all know it. So does Theresa. And, in my opinion, she seemingly "divorced" herself from her family by refusing to use her first name, Jeannie.
Theresa is a classic case of a person with a troubled past who arrived in Salem and then proceeded to go completely off the rails. JJ was selling drugs at boarding school, but after taking up residence in Salem, he expanded his repertoire by starting his private war against the Love Doctor, running amok in the Town Square, and narrowly escaping prison at the hands of hanging judge Goldberg. Tricky Nicky seemed ready for parole, but after being in Salem a while, he morphed into the most diabolical Salem monster since Stefano's salad days. As for Theresa, no sooner did she get to Salem then she signed on as Anne Milbauer's little helper in her war against darling Jenny, and it's been all downhill from there. The fact that she now seems to prefer staring at a high-school kid's online yearbook picture rather than engage in fun and games with Salem's wealthiest hunk just shows how far gone the brat girl really is.
I know Days just loves rewriting history, or perhaps ignoring previous story. But Shane & Kimberly were DIVORCED when she moved out to L.A. with that movie director or producer. I thought she married him, but not sure about that.
Kayla moved to L.A. after Patch's "death", and after a very brief "testing of the waters" with Shane, which everyone hated, so she left. Shane eventually did, too.
Shane returned with Rafe from South America, after an adventure, short as it was. No mention was made of Kim or his family. The next time we saw Kim & Shane was for Alice Horton's funeral. And this is where they made up, reunited, and left together for L.A.

Now Theresa, saying her Dad was not around..probably was correct, being her parents were divorced, tho nothing is said about that. If Kim was a counselor, she was at work while kids were in school, so I won't buy that. Supposedly, the kids had a step father, but maybe that relationship fizzled, too, no idea since never mentioned.
Theresa's problems are Theresa's problems. She refuses all help, lies to bypass whatever she promises to do, and they all know it. So does Theresa. And, in my opinion, she seemingly "divorced" herself from her family by refusing to use her first name, Jeannie.

I agree with your big point but Shane was in prison with Rafe and they made it out and went to Alice's funeral right after. Kim and Shane were icy at best when they left Salem that time. (And let's all forget that hideous 2012 misadventure in the not-so-safe house.)

And Divorced or not, I find it HIGHLY difficult to believe that Shane was not available for his kids. It's just stupid, convenient, CHEAP soap writing. BOO!!
Why did Theresa flashback to JJ and Paige kissing? Why did she follow JJ to the park and watch him kiss Paige?

I don't usually post my storyline guesses, and this is just a total guess (not a sneak peek or anything), but just a guess from what we've been seeing on screen...with talk of Paige's mother becoming more frequent. Does anyone think that Paige could be Eve's daughter? I forget, has Paige ever seen Theresa yet (and has JJ ever mentioned Theresa's last name to Paige)? Or has Theresa only seen Paige? If so, then that could still be in play. Abe told JJ that he knew Paige's family (and he does know Eve). And Eve is returning to the show in a few weeks, so could the surprise reveal be Paige is Eve's daughter (and Theresa's step-sister). Perhaps Theresa is looking at them kissing and their yearbook photos not because she has feelings for JJ, but because she is jealous of her niece having a happier life than she has had.
I wish Theresa would "flash back" to California.......and stay there. She has been nothing but a drugged up ,drunk trouble maker since she returned to Salem. I, for one, do not enjoy watching someone get drunk or high and having a romp in the sack with Brady. Her antics with Jennifer and Daniel went way overboard. Dumb, dumb, dumb!!