Theresa and Kate


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2007
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I have seen numerous posts suggesting the redemption of Theresa...if only she sinks to rock bottom, pays for her crimes, and works herself back up. These suggestions remind me of Kate, at her lowest, cutting fish on a boat and working in a diner. She worked herself back "up" but has never really stopped her scheming, manipulating, poisoning and harmful ways.

Kate has, like Theresa, on occasion shown herself to be vulnerable and have a heart. If that vulnerability conflicts with her self interest, the self wins every time, even at the expense of harming and crushing others. She tried to change for the better when she married Roman, but clearly that didn't stick.
While I'm not one of Kate's strongest backers, when she was Theresa's age she was doing things not of her free will, if I remember her backstory. (which at this point may not be her backstory anymore) But one of abuse and forced work in jobs not all that legal.

Theresa's caused all of her own problems with her own dreadful decision making skills. There might have been a time when Jeannie T was a likable person, but I don't think we've been privy to those days. I don't envy the writers who wish to turn this character into one that is one you could root to overcome obstacles.

I also want to add that I think both women are doing fantastic jobs making me watch in wonder at their dreadful choices.
Kate was married, with 2 children, and yes, her husband, Curtis, was abusive, and Kate had an affair with Bill Horton, got pregnant. Curtis threw her out, Marlena befriended her, until she had her baby. Then Kate moved to New York with the infant. Curtis told her that her 2 older children were killed in an auto accident.

In NY, Kate met up with Stefano, became a hooker, he befriended her big time, she put Lucas in military school, and went into the corporate world, eventually coming to Salem. She was older than Theresa when she had her affair and gave birth, going to NY. And has had quite the colorful and adventurous life since arriving in Salem.