The sweet side of Theresa

Mr. Continuity

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2012
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The other day Anne makes Theresa look like Saint Theresa. Is she mellowing? This actor can pull off making us sympathetic to her. Can she and Brady both reform and have chemistry?
Theresa also showed her vulnerable side with Caroline. I just wish that tptb didn't have Theresa whack John because I do like the actress. She's shown alot of talent and I hate it when they write characters played by good actors into such a corner that they can't be fixed.
I do agree that Theresa has a vulnerable side, and it does come out occasionally. Most of the time, it has been with the kids or Caroline, but I also saw a caring side when JJ was having problems with Jennifer and was out on the streets for a few days. She gave him all the money she had at the time so he could find a place to stay.

I also feel that lately she has actually started to fall for Brady in a serious way and not just for his money. I agree with Sarahbeth that it was too bad they had her hit John over the head. I think the writers find a way to destroy every character on canvas eventually.
I love her interactions with Caroline and the kids. To me, that is the only time she is "good". LOL. And lately with Brady, I guess. You can tell she is really starting to fall in love withhim. Unfortunately, it is too late and the poo will hit the fan when he realizes she really was just a golddigging tramp who wanted to booze and drug him up, and hit his dad and blamed it on her own hubby that she claims to "care about". And he was too dumb and blind to see it...weird, especially since the same thing happened TWICE with Kristen. You would think he would be experienced by now.

I just can't get behind the character or her pairing with Brady. It is exactly like his relationship with Kristen. Yawn for us viewers. Plus, they believed they were cousins at some point...that is just nasty! Did they have those kind of impure thoughts when they believed they were related? GROSS!!!

I do think the actress is pretty and very talented.
Plus, they believed they were cousins at some point...that is just nasty! Did they have those kind of impure thoughts when they believed they were related?
Brady and Theresa never interacted with one another when they were believed to have been cousins.

It's not like they grew up as bosom buddies.
And actually they were 2nd cousins. OK, sorry, I hate being technical about stuff, but that's a giant distinction. More to the point though, they never interacted during any of the time they were supposedly related (as JS stated). Also, these writers paired Brady with his near-stepmother who held him as a baby. There really is no line.

I LOVE Jen Lilley and think she is doing a fantastic job as Jeannie Theresa. I want them to come up with some way out of this boondoggle, because she is too good an actress to lose. Heck, if EJ can do what he's done and walk around free, I'm sure they'll find a way to keep Jeannie T around. And I look forward to Jen Lilley playing it.