The Salem brain reappears...

After dragging all of this out forever, it was GREAT to have the character jump across the chasm. I honestly cannot begin to figure out how/why Will would have realized so quickly. i.e. Suppose she worked for anyone, came to Salem on business. John met her, they dated a few times, maybe had a picnic or something near that lake. Took a walk one day. ??? She returned to her job, leaving Salem, and John never saw her again.
But Will jumps immediately to the conclusion that John is the daddy. (not saying that it was not feasible, just surprising that Will reached that conclusion so quickly. Same for Marlena, but she has tons more brains, smarts, and definitely more experience than will.
Am just glad that Tori's secret, if it is one, is coming out at last.
I didn't find it that big of a leap. The date on the picture, Tori's panic to flee Salem, proximity to DiMeras, Paul's father dying "before he was born," coupled with John's embrace of Tori, led Will down the path.

Marlena knew everything Will knew except the embrace, then found out John was involved with Tori during the timeframe (and again I state they could be more up-front with this, as it could work with the established timeline). She knows when she and John were together and would have known the date on the pic corresponded to one of their "off" periods (per my speculation around the time between Izzy B and Rebecca, although at that time there were no DiMeras in Salem yet, and Kristen was just about to come to town).

It would have been nice if the writers had had Will ask, "Grandma, you were in Salem at that time, do you remember her? No--what about John? Oh, you and John weren't together yet? Etc." But that would have required actual planning and forethought.
John claimed to Marlena he knew the woman before he & Marlena were ever together. Not an "off perior" but before they ever were together. Am glad Drake H. (John) mentioned in his interview, the timeline won't fit, but to ignore it.

P.S. Can't say I remember John and "Rebecca".....Only Isabella & Diana Colville. Must have been wayyyy before when I began watching. :)
I had to think about that one too Poirot but I think Rebecca was a transient character before the Marlena/Kristen era began. Not really a great love story.

I actually thought John said they had been taking a break?

I was wondering if Marlena maybe already knew about Paul, just answer on her looks during the episode. It seemed like she knew more than she was letting on.
John's exact words were, "We were in different places in our lives back then." Marlena wanted to know if she knew her, so obviously she knew John, and John was John, not Roman, at the time. I took this to mean that it was during the time when they were NOT together, but knew each other.

Okay, I know I'm violating the shows #1 rule by thinking about something. But I again state that this irks me because it actually does fit with what's been shown on-screen, and they're telling us not to think about it.

I guess you could say it was "before" they were together in that they hadn't been together as John & Marlena, but as Roman & Marlena, LOL.

Rebecca Morrison was another executive who worked with John. He was officially dating her when he & Marlena had their affair while she was married to Roman. She figured out the score (re: John being in love with Doc) and skipped town, shortly before John & Kristen began interacting.
He was officially dating her when he & Marlena had their affair while she was married to Roman. She figured out the score (re: John being in love with Doc) and skipped town, shortly before John & Kristen began interacting.
Somewhere, Sami is having a flashback of the Titan conference room table romp! I think I hear her screaming "I HATE YOU, JASON!" :rotfl:
In his interview, Drake Hogestyn said "the time line doesn't fit" so you have to ignore it. There is story/scenes coming we have not seen, which may throw light on that statement, but for now, we just have to roll with whatever is being shown to us.